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About me :
Name : David
Age : 20
Languages : Hun, Eng, Sk.
My discord : davon210

Things about me : Cartoons < Beginner artist. Electrical engineering. Feel free to add me.

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Note: I am not accepting if the offer is ridiculous, and when I cant even send a counter offer because of private inventory

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Review Showcase
1,874 Hours played
So basically this game is trash and good. I spend a lot of time on this game, I have so many memories. I opened many cases and got nothing, I remember when I played with global when I was silver in my first matches, I remember the toxic players the custom maps the gambling addiction I got from trading skins and gambling and if someone asks this is my second account.
I remember to my investments in the game to the sadness when I sold a case and after some weeks it was 5x price.

There are bugs in the game which are not going to be fixed and that is alright.

I have so many friends from CSGO.

After all this game is legendary. I recommend this to everyone. (dont open cases)
Recent Activity
117 hrs on record
last played on 26 Dec
149 hrs on record
last played on 26 Dec
0.7 hrs on record
last played on 25 Dec
Skinr 26 Nov @ 6:17am 
Rep Can i be ur pookie plz :3
Davon210 21 Aug @ 3:19pm 
Nem tudtam hogy a magyarok utálják a magyarokat, de akkor legyen így mr.trianongamer2006:)
XAERON 21 Aug @ 2:41pm 
kiindulva abbol hogy milyen szoveget fogalmaztal meg a cs reviewban amit senki nem nez es foleg senkit nem erdekel te mi a lofaszt irsz oda de ebbol fixen kiderul hogy egy baratod sincs te kutya geci
XAERON 21 Aug @ 2:38pm 
remelem anyad felakasztja magat te szlovak inas geci ezert utal titeket felvideki szutykokat mindenki magyarorszagon mert osotba semmirekello szolga kutyak vagytok
Luthenium 12 Jun @ 6:03am 
Jebäckmester 6 May @ 12:24pm 
tell your friend to be less toxic thx <3