just as autumn leaves descend from the trees.

moved on from ACC to iRacing
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bossishotngl 21 Sep, 2024 @ 9:45pm 
I once asked Darren why you collect so many traffic infractions, he replied calmly: I always look forward, never back. Very profound 11/10 individual. Lawrence Wong respectfully step aside, we alr got our new Prime Minister right here
Private Cock 2 Nov, 2022 @ 9:04am 
Hello, trump supporter.
I've searched through your account history and see that you agreed with trump once back in 2017. As an individual on the internet, and a good human, i have disliked and flagged every post and comment on your account as far back as december 7th, 2013, on 5 different alternate accounts. I have reported every single post you have ever made. I hacked into steam's serverbase and found out your IP address, real home address, and have publicly posted it on the deep web. I await your end, nazi.
dlwlrma 1 Sep, 2021 @ 7:42am 
mah ♥♥♥ smol
fighter not a quitter 16 Jul, 2021 @ 5:59pm 
I concur Darren is a threat to society at large. I'm not often an advocate for escalation but I believe counter-measures should be taken to keep him in check.
Darren How from RioVista Unit 34 11 Apr, 2021 @ 2:32am 
Agreed; Darren is enabling degenerates like Adithya Bhaskar that spread misery and woe throughout the Continent. Tread lightly dude, Pepperidge Farm remembers.
boss is hot ngl 18 Dec, 2020 @ 1:28am 
Darren is very very nasty. Everybody knows how nasty he is. He is an antifa terrorist trying to destroy our beautiful country and commit mass election fraud on the American people. When the looting starts, the shooting starts!