Location: Currently Michigan, USA. Like Australia. Have traveled a lot and lived in places in the world.

Grew up gaming on *sniff* macs...yeah... (tumble weed blowing in wind). Fortunately, now I'm double-booting (on my rig/home - computer is my home; may post specs shortly) and loving steam gaming primarily on windows.

Owned a PS2 for two years (enjoyed Prince of Persia two thrones and MK Deception) but sold it and have owned zero other consoles ever (I think I had a gameboy for 4-5 months). Xbox doesn't interest me because most xobox titles are on PC and I have an xbox controller for pc. PS3 interests me (but again, I can almsot 100% contenteldy game on pc with PS3 and/or xbox controller! ). But with full-fledged awesome games on steam for $5 and console titles 10-times as much, consoles seem too expensive possibly.

If I like (or loathe) a game I usually steam-review it, accordingly.
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Philleas 5 Jun, 2012 @ 1:50am 
specs de moi rig (aka my home!) adding details soon; finally built it after 16 years and 8-11 months of intensive research and investing and saving...tons of saving!