Szczecin, Poland
╠►◙ [»] Nick : accE/unK
╔►◙ [»] Ulubiony Gracz : Neo,LUq,Markeloff
╠►◙ [»] Staz : steam 2k10
╠►◙ [»] Mysz : steelseries
╠►◙ [»] Sluchawki : steelseries 5h
╠►◙ [»] Celownik : Large/med green and black
╠►◙ [»] Bron : AKA,M4,DEAGLE,AWP,USP
╠►◙ [»] Ulubiona Mapa :de_dust2 , de_inferno , de_mirage , de_nuke , de_tuscan ,
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