Dan   Illinois, United States
I am a vintage computer and video game console enthusiast, and I play classic video games competitively. I also can't help buying just about any game that has anime catgirls or foxgirls in it. Nobody's perfect! ;)

I am currently a member of several vintage computer user groups, mainly in the Chicago area:

* Suburban Chicago Atarians [www.scatarians.org] (Atari Home Computers)
* Glenside Color Computer Club [www.glensideccc.com] (Tandy/RadioShack Home Computers)
* Chicago TI Users Group [chicagotiug.sdf.org] (Texas Instruments TI-994A and its derivatives)
* Chicago Classic Computing [chiclassiccomp.org]
* DECUServe [eisner.decus.org] (OpenVMS Hobbyist Chapter)
Currently Offline
Hoagiebot's Video Game Tournament Wins
Every year I compete in classic video game tournaments, mostly at the Video Game Summit (VGS), [videogamesummit.net] a Chicago-area classic video game convention.

Video Game Tournament Wins!
* Pong, Atari 2600, VGS 2019 Atari Mania "King of Pong" Tournament
* Mappy, Atari 2600, VGS 2019 Harmony Games Tournament
* Ghosts 'n Goblins, Arcade, Round 1 of the Ponyville Ciderfest 2019 "Gaming is Magic" Tournament
* Donkey Kong VCS, Atari 2600, VGS 2017 Harmony Games Tournament
* Combat, Atari 2600, VGS 2017 Atari Mania Tournament
* Princess Rescue, Atari 2600, VGS 2016 Harmony Games Tournament
* "Video Game Shmup - Fastest Gun in the (Mid) West" Tournament (I got the best average score across the games R-Type, Detana Twin Bee, Darius Twin, Bio-Hazard Battle, Space Harrier 2, Ironclad, and Sky Kid ). VGS 2012
* Missile Command, Atari 2600, VGS 2011

*Almost* Video Game Tournament Wins! ;)
* Elevator Agent, Atari 2600, 2nd Place, VGS 2023 Atari Homebrew High Score Tournament
* Yar's Revenge, Atari 2600, 2nd Place, VGS 2021 Atari Mania Tournament
* Zoo Keeper, Atari 2600, 3rd Place, VGS 2021 Harmony Games Tournament
* "Arcade Throwback" Tournament, 2nd Place for average score across the arcade versions of Streets of Rage 2, Contra, Street Fighter, and Asteroids Deluxe. Ponyville Ciderfest 2019
* Strip-Off, Atari 2600, 2nd Place, VGS 2018 Harmony Games Tournament
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Completionist Showcase