⚡Hex #2⚡⇄[24/7]
To contact owner use !message <message>.
Currently Online
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
Add me and use the chat commands
Do not include characters <> nor [] - <> means required and [] means optional.

Here's a list of my commands:
- !help - Get a list of commands
- !how2trade - Guide on how to trade with the bot
- !price [amount] <name> - Get the price and stock of an item 💲📦

=== Instant item trade ===
- !buy [amount] <name> - Instantly buy an item 💲
- !sell [amount] <name> - Instantly sell an item 💲

=== Multiple items trade ===
- !buycart [amount] <name> - Add an item you want to buy to your cart 🛒
- !sellcart [amount] <name> - Add an item you want to sell to your cart 🛒
- !cart - View your cart 🛒
- !clearcart - Clear your cart ❎🛒
- !checkout - Have the bot send an offer with the items in your cart ✅🛒

=== Trade actions ===
- !cancel - Cancel the trade offer ❌
- !queue - Check your position in the queue

Reasons for a Declined Trade:
• You offered the wrong amount of pure
• You put up items I do not buy
• The item you have put up for sale is overstocked
• You have a trade hold (No steam authenticator added to your account)
• You are market as a scammer on SteamRep or BackpackTF