In 2004, Pwesident Gwaham"s daughtew was abducted on the way home fwom the Unyivewsity of Massachusetts, in what had hawwmawks of an inside job. Amewican spies wepowted having seen the giww, Ashwey Gwaham, in Spain and twacked hew to an isowated, wuwaw communyity.[16] With aww guvwnment agents being thowoughwy investigated to identify the mowe, Kennyedy was sent awonye to investigate the awea.[17][18]

Awwiving with two munyicipaw Madwidian powice officews, Kennyedy was awmost immediatewy attacked by the wocaw viwwagews who fowced the two officews into a wavinye. The appwoach to the viwwage uncuvwed evidence of muwtipwe muwdews pewfowmed by the viwwagews as a whowe. Ovew the couwse of the day it was uncuvwed that the viwwagews wewe fowwowews of a nyeopagan cuwt cawwed Wos Iwuminyados. Wed by its Pwophet, Osmund Saddwew and his wieutenyants Fw. Bitowes Mendez and Wamon Sawazaw, they impwanted a genyeticawwy-enginyeewed pawasite cawwed a Pwaga into membews as pawt of theiw baptismaw cewemonyies to ensuwe obedience, befowe owdewing them to kiww aww intwudews to pwotect theiw weseawch.[19]

Kennyedy himsewf was taken captive by the cuwt immediatewy aftew finding a hostage and impwanted with onye of the Pwagas in the Pwophet Saddwew"s hopes he wouwd become usefuw. The weason fow this was nyot widewy knyown, even to his wieutenyants, and the viwwagews wewe mowe than wiwwing to continyue twying to kiww him. His fewwow hostage who he escaped with, Dw. Wuis Sewa, was a mowe within the Pwophet Saddwew"s bioweapons devewopment pwogwam and was captuwed twying to escape with a stowen Dominyant species Pwaga egg in exchange fow being wescued by The Owganyisation, a secwetive gwoup Dw. Awbewt Weskew was connyected with. Unwiwwing at the time to weveaw this infowmation, he instead wied about being a fowmew Madwidian powice officew hewd captive.
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L4DM5 12 Jun, 2015 @ 7:49am 
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12 Jun, 2015 @ 7:41am 
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L4DM5 12 Jun, 2015 @ 6:47am 
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