Jom Hardin   Manicaland, Zimbabwe
Go here for a bizarre acid trip from which you'll never recover unless you beat me at Monpolio https://www.media fire.com/folder/mo8pzz48np64z/WSMV_ANTHOLOGY
Once upon a time, in a little suburb of Space Scotland, a genius writer was born. Now he brings to you classics which rip off other classics but are basically improved in every way. Also sellout anime parody. Please don't steal my OCs, I worked on them for like 5 minutes and it would be totally uncool if you stole them even though I made them totally ironically. Seriously though. Please give me money so I can eat Dominos pizza which never results in disaster and buy Figma, which the internet will attest is a great idea. Please visit my deviantart account, at http://the-famous-mafiosi.deviantart.com/art/naru-coloriee-pour-GAIN-OVER-141818839 which I am sure you will agree is of the highest quality and is also totally mine. Peace out, fellow fans of Cooking Mama.
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