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BibblyDarling|TTV 21 Jan, 2023 @ 9:11pm 
Some moderators think they are some big ass employees, but in reality they are a bunch of Text controllers, why they act so important? Huh, each time I see an announcement like “iNtrOducInG oUr nEw m0deratOrs” I cringe so hard, like dude no one cares about you, your just a side character everyone is here for the owners or the youtubers not you. This is not the cringest stuff though. The most cringest once are the forms you have to do to be a mod like one of the questions was “wHy sHouLd wE hIrE y0u aS a m0d” like DUDE WTF your acting like your hiring people to work as real employees for jobs like McDonald’s, but in reality Your just hiring a bunch of text controllers on a social media. Your nothing Special alright.
BibblyDarling|TTV 21 Jan, 2023 @ 9:09pm 
First <3