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Rebus Forever
Review Showcase
*A video version of this review is available here. If you check it out, lemme know you are from Steam in the comments so I can work out how useful writing reviews for Steam is.

*If anyone is intending to re upload this review elsewhere, please get in touch via my Youtube contact emails and provide links when you re-post- Thanks!!

Hey there, your friendly neighbourhood goth here, let’s get miserable.

So eh, welcome to my review for Vermintide’s unofficial prequel - with more rats hunting you at night than Charlie Day has in his nightmares.
So if you like your Walnut Whips 6 ft tall and made of killer plague rats, more orphaned flavoured tragedy than watching every version of of a Christmas Carol back to back, and a late game aesthetic that had papa Nurgle calling his copyright lawyer, then hold on to your sling because this might be the loss and despair simulator for you.

Plague Tale sees you tasked with dodging the inquisition as 5 go mad in medieval France, surrounded by rabid Catholics and child bothering rats- though sadly, that sentence works both ways around.
Set in a lovingly re-created, beautiful looking (‘til the rats turn up) slice of France, on a coming of age adventure that will have you: solving puzzles, sneaking past guards -or pummeling their heads in with stones depending on how you roll- and making friends!
Set within a dual narrative based on the both the personal aspect of finding a cure for your little brother (who has a fairly serious case of the sniffles), and the larger more epic scale aspect of solving the mystery of the rat infestation and plague that has blighted the world in general- and the lives specifically of the main cast of little tikes.

This game is exceptional, whereas the Blair Witch left me disappointed with its attempts at spooky, this game’s excesses please me- despite the slightly too whimsical Ratmagneto phase- however the emotional stuff is all spot on with the writing and voice acting being a cut above.

Plague Tale does somewhat depart from historic adventure into historic fantasy- so if you like your history served without a mixer this might not be as historically accurate as you would prefer.
The game itself is a fairly linear mix of stealth, puzzle solving, emotions and combat with many areas being approachable with a range of methods- depending on personal preference, or the extent to which you desire to turn the small children you play as into mass murderers.

All in all, one of the best games I have played for narrative and balance of gameplay elements with stealth games often frustrating me, while in this case I find the stealth both challenging and rewarding. All this despite Plague Tale not being Dune 2 or Warhammer related- at least not directly.

If you enjoy good narrative, don’t break out in plague hives in contact with a linear focused story, crave ambitious games that make the most of an almost accurate, relatively underused, historic setting, this game provides that with bountiful bubonic brilliance.
Even the characters behave like humans with depth and consistency rather than fantasy or sci-fi wizard-elves fighting for some epic excessive and almost intangible aim while often lacking any sort of relatable core.
If any of this resonates with you, then this 'Please God don’t let my kid brother get eaten by packs of eyed..... priests I mean rats!’ -simulator, is the game for you.

Rebus out,

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rebus_forever 25 Mar, 2023 @ 4:08am 
If anyone knows/knew the steam user formerly known as Curon, let them know I'd be into them sending me a friend request.
If you know them, don't send me a pm, unless they consent to any passed on details, just let them know they are missed.
I dont want them to feel pressured or nothing.
If nothing else, at least pass on my well wishes.
rebus_forever 18 Mar, 2023 @ 1:47pm 
Steam chat is just not working for me, im getting notifications but i cant answer them coz i cant see them. Discord might be required.
StormBaron 6 Mar, 2023 @ 9:26pm 
Sounds like a great plan! Lmk when you're feeling well enough to give it a go and I hope the total warring has been going well - seeing your playtime it looks like it has haha
rebus_forever 18 Feb, 2023 @ 8:31am 
Its going to take me a lil while to get my capture hardware and editing software up to date, then remember how I had things setup, and then actually remember how to use anything, Collaborations whilst i sort out calibration, and the like, would be something id be really interested in.
Further specifics would probably require discord, but yeah, i am into the idea. Once im certain all ocular factors are stable, I will face discord.
ty very much for the well wishes and such, so far so good, half way through a total war campaign with no complications so far.
StormBaron 17 Feb, 2023 @ 10:56pm 
I've got 3k subs on youtube and would love to make a video with you sometime, despite never making a gaming video before :)

Hope all your eye problems are being managed well!! Sending my best regards
D'Ducktape 15 Feb, 2023 @ 8:49pm 
rebus_forever and ever is back !!