William How   Plaines Wilhems, Mauritius

you will be blocked if I don't know you
Currently In-Game
Counter-Strike 2
Artwork Showcase
When the sniper kills u
CPU: I have Intel core. It says so on computer

Motherboard: Well yesterday I slept with your mother. Hahahahahaah

GPU: I don't think so. I heard they give you virusesss

RAM: So far I've downloaded 500 GB so I have enough

Computer case: I don't have one because I usually don't carry my compute around

Hard drive: I have two! I have a C hard drive and a D hard drive

Power supply: It has a steam engine and runs on coal

Microphone: I use the one that came with the laptop

Review Showcase
914 Hours played
Trickstab for life
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Favorite Guide
Created by - Nagato Komado
177 ratings
a comprehensive guide on how to get female companions
Recent Activity
3,825 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
3.5 hrs on record
last played on 12 Dec
4,248 hrs on record
last played on 12 Dec
Opirdred 3 Dec @ 10:48am 
Saberpick 3 Dec @ 7:39am 
a true game influencer
Grilak 1 Dec @ 11:29am 
one more round?
Rexbrand 29 Nov @ 10:37am 
rep Clutch King
Femath 26 Nov @ 11:07am 
rep ez rush
Ygggrinn 25 Nov @ 10:33am 
rep AWP sniper elite