ur bad uninstall :isaac: :cozybethesda:

Hey guys. uuuuuh...

I kinda have a little bit of an announcement, I just wanna be completely transparent with you guys, as you guys know I have a beautiful family, and a wife, and kid. And I wanna be transparent that I've been unfaithful, and I'm probably going to be taking some time away, t-time off, to focus on...

Stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mistakes man, imma take time off to focus on my family. and-and I just wanted to you guys to know that, and I apologize to you guys and slick daddy, you guys are... I apologize to you guys, my sponsors, and twitch, and this is not who I am and this is not who I represent. And, that's it
Artwork Showcase

Let's talk about about me, let's talk about the 6'8 frame the 37" vertical leap...the black steel that drapes down my back aka the bullet proof mullet, the Google prototype scopes with built in LCD LED 1080p 3D Sony technology. The Ethiopian poisonous caterpillar aka SLICK DADDY. Lets talk about the cabinets right behind me that go 40' deep that house the other 95% of my trophies, the awards, the certificates, all claiming first place, right? Let me give you a little inside glimpse into the hotshot, video game life style of the TWO TIME international video game superstar. because that's what the channels about, that's what this domain is about, that is what society is about. You are looking at the new face of twitch and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is twitch lucky... that's just off the top of my head
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