Maurice Fortin   Brockville, Ontario, Canada
Dragonstongue, aka DragonAstaXiel (Dragon-Asta-Zeel)

DragonAstaXiel (Dragon-Asta-Zeel)
Dragon "winged beast" "serpent"
Asta "Prince" "leading" "chief" Astarot mean "prince of hell" Demonology
Xi from XiuhCoatl "winged beast" "weapon of destruction"
El "from GOD" "from light"

Friend or Foe Wary The Dragon ^.^

Currently Offline
Recent Activity
347 hrs on record
last played on 28 Jun, 2020
12.2 hrs on record
last played on 16 Jun, 2020
247 hrs on record
last played on 15 Jun, 2020