The Reverend (REV)
The Reverend (REV)
29 December, 2010
United States 
Captaint Spackle 27 Nov, 2018 @ 9:57pm 
c:borderlands2:l:lp3l::ins: :arkham:ll :rama::aaero2::arkham:'s
l:demoneye::demoneye:ING to :sgsurvivor:C:zero::rama::FreebieE3:
:arkham: Copy :vaultkey: of D:zero:N:palmtree: :sgsurvivor:TARV:3confirmed: :palmtree::_0_:G:aaero2:TH:FreebieE3: :riddler:
Captaint Spackle 12 Jul, 2014 @ 2:05pm is where we currently play at Viva la Ben :DLskull:
l0fer 2 Jan, 2013 @ 9:27am 
I miss the days of toyfort.
N' 28 Dec, 2012 @ 6:29am 
skiptomyloo, sorry for mistake, writing youre name, is skip, not skyp, im not english so sorry a lot.
N' 28 Dec, 2012 @ 5:19am 
Hey to all Reverends and friends, merry xmas and happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont play anymore to TF2, so dont see anyone for an ages, i'm only playing KF, so a message for skyptomyloo, and any other that need help to got any map on KF felll free to add me and i can help you, now i know perfectly this game and know how can got all maps, so skyp if want add me and i help you if you need, now i'm not more a noob.

Special Greetings to Kush, Big Brother, Jake and Elwood, Tanya, Wolfen, Gonzor, Chelios, FullFrenzy, courgi, CuriousG, Magusprimal, Viva la Ben, Mangel, Zonoro.

Have fun mates enjoy this holidays.

Whit love, N.
Moxy 22 Feb, 2012 @ 10:03pm 
Eh. Can\'t seem to find a Reverend Server. Silly me. :l
N' 23 Dec, 2011 @ 9:42pm 
Merry Xmas for all
insane_42 15 Nov, 2011 @ 7:33pm 
bah you people always have events while i'm at work :P
Captaint Spackle 18 Sep, 2011 @ 1:09am 
First and foremost a BIG thanks to Big-Daddy for supporting the first Sandwich Toss Event ......EVER ! Basicly , your a heavy with a sandwich OR buffalo steak and with the use of noclip and low gravity, we were able to test our might to play a game of Disk Golf. IF YOU MISSED IT ??? Pictures were taken and will post soon. PLEASE comment if you would like to participate in a future event.
(The Reverend )Big Brother :>) 7 Sep, 2011 @ 9:33pm 
Saturday August 10 , 10p.m. est. be there or be square. Reverend Dance party social. Only on the Reverend Server. We will be giving away a number of special items.
(The Reverend )Big Brother :>) 5 Sep, 2011 @ 6:01pm 
Awesome. Hat's of to The Reverend Big-Daddy for his dedication to the REV. Much love and respect BIg-Daddy.
♠StarGoofer♠ 1 Sep, 2011 @ 11:28pm 
Starting Friday Sept. 2th Gravity mod and other "hacks" will not be used at all, unless the group of players on the server are asking for gravity or cut hacking. Please report any admin abuse to me. Also any Reverend member that would like to be "SM" aka Mini Admin please contact me for details, there is still room for 1 more server manager. Our current admins are Aim_Bot 1 aka Tormod (no he does not hack, he is just good with huntsman), (Rev)Dani (*Jack of all classes*), and (Rev)ThePenguinator.
♠StarGoofer♠ 31 Aug, 2011 @ 11:09pm 
We got Reverend server up
(The Reverend )Big Brother :>) 11 Aug, 2011 @ 10:15pm 
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do notihing" - Edmund Burke , statesman philosopher.
(The Reverend )Big Brother :>) 4 Aug, 2011 @ 10:25pm 
(The Reverend )Big Brother :>) 23 Jan, 2011 @ 12:13pm 
Oops Dani. Should really spell check before I Post. LMAO
(The Reverend )Big Brother :>) 23 Jan, 2011 @ 12:12pm 
Dani our new player of the week. Huge props, for hanging with us. Quality moves an consentration all with a migraine. I could not do it my self. Once again Mucho Grande props to Dane. WHOOOT, WHOOT.
(The Reverend )Big Brother :>) 16 Jan, 2011 @ 10:02am 
Sweet Mr. Big Cookie good to hear you turned over a new leaf.
(The Reverend) Mr. Big Cookie 14 Jan, 2011 @ 8:42am 
=) He finally made the group, Ive been gone awhile but i am back, got my account banned from me hacaking =P no more of that for me though. Got a new computer too. I don't know if it has a mic or not.
(The Reverend )Big Brother :>) 5 Jan, 2011 @ 11:48pm 
Keep sharp we will be scouting for next week's MVP.
(The Reverend )Big Brother :>) 1 Jan, 2011 @ 1:01pm 
Join us daily on our server for training and fun prizes.