Namely the Great thy Great
Namely the Great thy Great
4 April, 2013
Clan tag and its Future
So basicly I have had a few people bring up the discussion on whether or not to keep "the great" tag or change it to a generic clan tag.

In the future we are going to be extending our clan into the Battlefield 4 scenario and naturally I dont think we will be keeping "the great" tag for that. So the discussion is, should we change our clan name in chivalry to what our clan tag will be in battlefield 4? or should we keep "the great" for battlefield 4 and chivalry? So post below letting me know what it is that you want to do and what clan tag you want.

Yours truly,
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Bane 'tG 9 Aug, 2013 @ 10:13pm 
bens a poof. same tag for both games.
Sparkles 9 Aug, 2013 @ 10:14pm 
I reckon we definitely need to have a new clan tag that we can use in BF4. We'll be trying to get into the competetive scene for BF4 so having a new clan tag for competetive play in BF4 is something i would definitely agree with. However whether we need to change our 'great' tag to this BF4 tag while we are in chivalry is another thing and may not be necessary; i don't mind either way.
Last edited by Sparkles; 9 Aug, 2013 @ 10:18pm
Sparkles 9 Aug, 2013 @ 10:17pm 
It would be cool to have a BF4 clan name that reflects our Chivalry origin (i.e. a clan name that is medieval in nature)
Jatz 9 Aug, 2013 @ 10:17pm 
What Twilight said ^
Robnobb 9 Aug, 2013 @ 10:18pm 
You could shorten it to something like TG or tG. Don't care if it changes on chiv or not but BF4 probably needs a shorter one.

Hate Origin
Janus 9 Aug, 2013 @ 10:52pm 
I most likely won't be buying BF4, but if i do i think the tag should stay the same. Why does a tag have to be generic? And don't forget, the name is "Namely the Great", and not "The Greats". Simply having "the Great" at the end of our names is a well suited tag already to the name "Namely the Greats" as the name itself has nothing to do with anything medieval, but simply being great. This should go for any game we decide to play. Most teams have boring tags and it would be sad to see ours lose its glamour and the unique/individual appearance it presents. We won't be recruiting just anyone in the BF4 lineup (with that being said, i don't know how many peeps you need for BF3/4 scrims so excuse me on that one if i'm wrong) so maybe there wouldn't be a thousand players running around with "the Great" at the end of their name. All i'm saying is, i know the idea of something new sounds good, but don't forget the clans roots and what can help make a clan stand out. Sometimes the best teams have the more eccentric tags.
Sparkles 9 Aug, 2013 @ 11:02pm 
We'll be trying to keep the clan small in BF4 as well, bigger clans always have problems with players not getting along and most of the scrims will likely be 5v5 infantry scrims (as squads are 5 person). And you do make a very good point there Janus. If we were to keep the clan name 'Namely the Greats' would you agree with putting it in a different form (i.e. NTG| Janus) or are you pushing for it being the exact same as in chivalry (with 'the Great' at the end of the player names). My only concern with having 'the Great' at the end of names is that it limits the size of the persons actual name. This wouldn't be a problem for people with short names, but those with longer names might not be able to fit them in.
Janus 9 Aug, 2013 @ 11:13pm 
I thought of the same problem myself when typing that out twi. But i've realised, it shouldn't be the clan to make the sacrifice, but the players. Your name is long and i assume just fits in. Most people don't have longer names than that and when they do they're usually not the serious clanning type. So yeah, i'm hoping the tag stays the same with any game we be a clan in. I think there's benefits to keeping it as something recognizeable amongst gamers from multiple games. To finish things off on a more arrogant note, it would be so good to read something like "oh, its those bloody greats again" in game thats not Chivalry :p
Sparkles 9 Aug, 2013 @ 11:49pm 
I am mainly concerned about the letter limit as it will differ drastically between Chivalry and BF4. With chivalry i can just fit a name in with 27 characters while origin (Program used for Battefield games) has a 16 letter max limit. With 'the Great' at the end of people’s names it will only allow 6 letter names max in BF4, which is very limiting,
Hehe and we'll definitely keep recognisability in mind :)
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