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19 March, 2018
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Choiceville judgement.

6 Rate up
Monokma 24 Nov, 2021 @ 4:28pm 
Should we conclude the voting session soon?
Dalek zen 22 Nov, 2021 @ 7:49am 
Entry 1: Pretty decent. 2 endings. Not that challenging, but it's neat you could flank the Metropolice in the ending 2 house area. Enjoyable. 7/10

Entry 2: Foliage really help to make the map good. Don't mind that all the paths lead to the same ending. At least it feels open. Only problem is there isn't enough health packs. 8/10

Entry 3: Now this...this is amazing! 3 different endings all across a huge and well built map. You really outdid yourself. My favourite. Also the story is nice and original. 9/10
Drunk Headcrab 17 Nov, 2021 @ 4:11pm 
TL;DR Overall, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fantastic map, really a masterclass in save making. The save is long, visually pleasing, has several paths, has perfect weapon, item, and enemy ratios, is somewhat of a challenge, has excellent details, dialogue is well written, there's little to no bugs that I could find, and there's even some puzzles and parkour!

10/10 you impressed me, congratulations.
Drunk Headcrab 17 Nov, 2021 @ 4:09pm 
Enemies have also been getting progressively more difficult, with the soldiers now sometimes equipped with AR2s. So after I did the power source puzzle I got confused, but then realized it said power sourceS plural. So I went and looked. There's a health charger in the next area right in the nick of time because I was on like 19 health and about to die. After doing the power sources and unlocking the gate, I proceeded to the main base. Again, another perfectly placed health charger just as I was about to die... how the hell does he do it? Anyway, I went to the main building and that was the end. But there are more routes to discover, which I went and did, and they were high quality as expected. The map even comes an extra 2 secret endings, totaling at 3 endings!
Drunk Headcrab 17 Nov, 2021 @ 4:01pm 
There are some more branching paths with some flavor text, which is always a welcome sight. The revolver can also be found here with a very limited ammo count, which is perfect for high risk combat at close range or safety from a distance. There's also puzzles, and different kinds of puzzles at that. We've got breakable boards, explosive barrels, locked doors, the whole shebang. And it was done WITHOUT Wiremod. The power source puzzle is also pretty neat You can shoot it from a distance through the window by getting the right angle, or be a headass and blow it up at point blank and nearly die. This save truly is full of choices! Oh, you can also throw a grenade at it if you want, but grenades are pretty powerful against enemies so saving them is a high priority if possible.
Drunk Headcrab 17 Nov, 2021 @ 3:52pm 
Next you fight combine soldiers. Now, what I really like about this is that they have just enough distance to still be a threat without giving the player an easy way to run up and crowbar them to death. Cover here is also low and shotgunners guard the soldiers at the bottom of the hill, so charging out like an idiot is more difficult. Best part is, once you clear the soldiers and jump down, there's props sticking out for you to land on instead of taking heavy fall damage. Next, you can steal the soldier's weapons and ammo and push forward to the next area. Also lots of nice hidden items, and I still don't have too much ammo. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
Drunk Headcrab 17 Nov, 2021 @ 3:52pm 
Entry 3 - Off to a good start right away with some good geometry, a nice stylized intro set piece, and modest weaponry (pistol, smg, stunstick, low ammo). Not too long afterwards you can find more supplies like ammo and medkits if you search around off the beaten path. Combine soldiers can also throw grenades at you here, which I like, although it has a small chance of completing the bunker choice for you. Monokma has wonderfully designed this area to prevent that from happening most of the time though, with a slanted hill and several destructable points that need to go before you can progress this way. Once destroyed, you get a nice little "cutscene" of sorts with the bunker falling down and detaching from the crane.
Drunk Headcrab 17 Nov, 2021 @ 3:44pm 
Entry 2 - This map was an interesting one. It isn't multiple endings, but rather 2 separate paths leading to the same ending. There's also NPC dialogue in the form of 3D2D textscreens which is always a welcome plus. You use a car to traverse the large open map, and it is pretty detailed for an open driving map I've gotta say. The enemies you face on the mining path are exclusively combine soldiers, although this bit could've been improved by adding some barricades or puzzles, since you can easily drive past the soldiers. As for route #2 with the antlions, it was actually more difficult because the acid workers will shoot at you and will explode on impact, both cause damage to you in the vehicle. All the antlions will also converge on you extremely quickly if you get out of the car searching for items or get stuck, making them way more deadly, especially after getting hit with acid. Overall, pretty decent map, 8/10.
Drunk Headcrab 17 Nov, 2021 @ 3:34pm 
Overall, for Entry 1, I'd give it a solid 7/10.
Drunk Headcrab 17 Nov, 2021 @ 3:33pm 
Now, onto the bad stuff. You can break the map easily by jumping onto props in certain parts. The map is also pretty short. There also doesn't seem to be any indication of how many endings there are exactly, which makes it a bit harder to determine whether or not you've actually beaten the map. Also, little sidenote, enemies seem to target and shoot through walls. This is because the map's walls aren't thick enough / don't have the flags to make NPCs unable to see through them. This can be fixed through some hacky ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ like putting huge no-collisions blocks between completely unused blank space and other walls to prevent NPCs from seeing it. It's been a while since I made a save so my exact techniques might be off but I think the block needs to be visible for NPCs to consider it a blockage to their vision. If you make the block invisible, it might not work, but I'd play around just to be sure.