Final Fantasy XIII PC Petition! ff13pc
Final Fantasy XIII PC Petition! ff13pc
3 March, 2010
Miisthydra 10 Oct, 2014 @ 8:39am 
burnhell 30 Sep, 2014 @ 6:03pm 
The game is in Pre-order on Steam now. :)

BTW: FF XIII Will be avaliable 9th october 2014, FF XIII-2 on December 2014 and Lightning Returns FF XIII on february of 2015.
Zero Quality 27 Dec, 2012 @ 11:07pm 
Carnt they just port it and say you should play it with a pad like dark souls did
vargasvector 2 Dec, 2012 @ 6:15am 
I'm still hoping and signed. Maybe there will be even a a box with the XIII trilogy.
LyriCa 27 Jan, 2012 @ 5:10am 
if this game goes to pc along with xiii -2 and versus ill by em all
djnforce9 4 Feb, 2011 @ 9:45am 
The Last Remnant isn't really a substitute because the gameplay mechanics are nothing alike when compared to Final Fantasy XIII (or any Final Fantasy for that matter). Quite frankly, I greatly dislike The Last Remnant because it actually punishes you if you level up your battle rank too quickly by making the game extremely difficult. The battle system sucks big time too because you can't always access the commands you want. It also gets way too chaotic and outright unfair. No thanks!! Give me Final Fantasy XII instead (even if it really is labelled as a corridor simulator).
zematus737 25 Nov, 2010 @ 1:52pm 
I think you guys should look into The Last Remnant. Starting to think it's better than FFXIII in terms of customization, skill trees, the invisible combat arts scheme for mastering pathways. I feel like i'm playing diablo 2 again, with a stack of weapon and gear guides next to me. Game has the new game feature, which doesn't feel like an easy re-run but a 2nd chance at not %#*#ing up so many skills as i've done by not looking deeper into this game. Worth the regular price if you love good, long, RPG's with stunning graphics, a unique battle system, and the priceless option for original voice acting and subtitles. I have a oc'ed 5850 and the highest setting brings my card to its knees. quench that RPG thirst.
Nanochi 7 Sep, 2010 @ 7:56pm 
if we petition enough we could get this game released on the pc. look at the last remnent it is possible that Square Enix will make a pc version but remember they rushed the only 2 FInal fantasys on the pc (7 & 8) but they did an okay job at the last remnent i think that if they took their time on it it could be a great success so i vote yes on this petition.
Erin 21 Aug, 2010 @ 5:35am 
I Really Really Want This Game, But I dont have a PS3 And My Xbox is the RROD..... and i cant send my xbox for repairs for various reasons.... square enix is just sadistic...
Aristar 20 Aug, 2010 @ 8:45pm 
OMG Yes! FFXIII on PC would ROCK!!! Too bad Square-Enix has exclusive contracts with Sony I bet...but I could be wrong? This game is definitely portable to PC, I mean it DOES use the Crystal Tools engine.
Baileys Iced Capp 18 Aug, 2010 @ 12:00pm 
Probably not because Square-Enix enjoys watching PC gaming rot in hell.
<R50>\\roomlizzard//™ 15 Aug, 2010 @ 8:55am 
So Whats happeing ?? Is Final Fantasy XIII coming to pc or not ???
RF Frequency 14 Aug, 2010 @ 12:36pm 
I vote yes on petition FFXIII!

Dont let the PC enthusiests suffer any more!

I have an i7 & SLI system... let me use its POWER!!!
Centorior` 17 Jul, 2010 @ 4:06pm 
Give me FF XIII on PC please!!!!
Baileys Iced Capp 2 Jul, 2010 @ 12:04am 
Onz(WCRU) is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ who wants PC gaming to die.
Baileys Iced Capp 27 Jun, 2010 @ 8:54am 
Before you decide to make some ♥♥♥♥♥♥ comment, I should remind you that PC gaming isn't exactly in the best position.
ג'ובל לון סול 4 Jun, 2010 @ 8:01pm 
Even tho the last great final fantasy was IX id still love to see more games coming out for the #1 gaming platform xD
♥Shelia♥ 26 May, 2010 @ 5:15pm 
Well Then I guess I am a ♥♥♥♥♥♥, But I love Final Fantasy ^-^... I support it comming to the PC, because I absolutely refuse to buy a gaybox 360, or a Ps3, which lacks the processing power of my 6 Core Amd Overclocked PC with the Newest 4GB Graphics cards in Crossfire which gets over 300 FPS in team fortress 2... SO Yeah, I am waiting for Release for all future games on PC.
zematus737 1 May, 2010 @ 10:35am 
@cpt. flashn00b Yeah, i have both the pc and console versions of ff7 and i think the worste port thing about it was the graphics were super weak, even though i had a good vga even at that time (i was able to run Sacrifice on high) but i dropped it and borrowed it from a cousin and never played the pc versoin again, even though you get a bazillion save slots and you can access the video clips at any time through the cd-roms. That was pretty cool.
zematus737 1 May, 2010 @ 10:32am 
@tony 9:04post The big difference in the console vesion of The Last Remnant vs. pc version is that the pc version actually works! I've seen the vids for xbox and loading times can ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you, not to mention the weak frame-rate on xbox. The pc verson offers the dialogue option i mentioned on apr 15th and a battle boost option to get through battles in a flash. The game is very good, got it for $14 bucks when it was 1st released and 40hrs in i would buy it for the price it's at right now. :) get this game and it will be a chill pill until we here anything further on the ff13 issue, which i myself am still hopeful about.
Baileys Iced Capp 29 Apr, 2010 @ 1:11pm 
Once again, i'd like to say that FF7 PC was a bad port because they got Eidos to port it instead of taking their time and being patient with the porting job.
Ðurzo 29 Apr, 2010 @ 12:24pm 
ffxIII will never come to PC, EVER! Take a walk back down memory lane to ff7 and you'll know why they'll never do it again....
valenone 29 Apr, 2010 @ 6:02am 
@Tony, Sony’s PS3 has IBM(US) and NVIDIA(US) high performance components.
JimmyT 27 Apr, 2010 @ 2:09pm 
ur so right bout final fantasy 7 and 8 being releast on pc they were so rushed the final fantasy games will sell on pc but as u sed they would have to take there time over them on not rush them please square enix do the right thing
Tom 25 Apr, 2010 @ 9:04pm 
btw, I'm just curious. Why did SE release FFXIII for the 360 anyway? Isn't that Microsoft territory? Isn't SE supposed to be copulating with Sony and no other companies? And dude, Microsoft's an American company. Why would a pro-Japanese company release a game for a console made by an American company?! Furthermore, there's the release of Last Remnant and it was for 360 AND PC. What? Why not Sony? SE only contradicted themselves in Last Remnant. I wish they had done so for FFXIII. Anyway, what's the point of Last Remnant being release for PC anyway? A little pitty for us PC-users or just plain stupid? Lastly, the engine that's used to make FFXIII, the Crystal Tools Engine or something, is made to work well on the PC!!!! (I heard this somewhere) Why take a program that works well on the PC, make a game with it, and turn it into console games? That takes more work. They had to created contents on the PC (Yeah!) and convert to console. This makes the game easier to "multiplat." Such fail.
Tom 25 Apr, 2010 @ 8:17pm 
I want this game for the PC. I love the gameplay and the story (I played it at my friend's house). And damn, it makes me regret ever playing it because now I'm hooked. The thing is i don't have a "next-gen" console, but i kinda have a "super-next-next-generation" computer. I don't want to get a console, but this game is THE BEST single-player game I've played in my life!! I really want this game for the PC because i don't want to allocate any of my money to Microsoft's ♥♥♥♥-Box 360 or Sony's ♥♥♥♥-station 3. They're decrepit technology. For me, buying a console is like cheating on my wife if i had one. I was a strand of hair away from buying a console (cheating :( ) but controlled myself and joined this group with wishful-thinking, hoping that the game will come for PC.
zematus737 15 Apr, 2010 @ 3:11pm 
Oh, and i wish the FF13 would give us the optoin of Original voice and english subtitles as in The Last Remnant. No more sorry voice acting killing the story!! :D
zematus737 15 Apr, 2010 @ 3:09pm 
I know most of us are heartsick over waiting for an official announcement, but maybe some of you should give The Last Remnant a go on Steam here. I'm about 16 hours in and the game is very nice so far, story-wise, lots of gear customization, battles are close to what they are presenting in FF13 if not more complicated. Never played a ff like this before, with multiple parties and a real area of battle where distance affects even two teams fighting too closely with different opponents. Give it a shot while you wait. gfx are excellent and you might want to set everything on the highest setting or you'll never pull off a Critical Trigger on a fast rig!
LukMseven 12 Apr, 2010 @ 6:15am 
I have no plan to buy PS3 or X360 so if there will be a PC version of FFXIII then it would be really GREAT! I think that PC can be better gaming machine because really good computer which can bear HD graphic cost as much as next gen consol and has more possibilities.
klearlyc 11 Apr, 2010 @ 7:40pm 
Don't Lose Hope everyone. If say TLR was any indication we might get a PC version in a year's time. Please Squarenix say it is so!
klearlyc 11 Apr, 2010 @ 7:36pm 
"The "Games For Windows Live" case looks very sexy! "
I agree, the color scheme for the GFWL meshes better than the xbox one. Everyone vote Lightning for Game Babe of the Year!
Subzu 7 Apr, 2010 @ 11:10pm 
I hope it does i doubt it thoug, ff13 was lucky to get in 360, been playing it i was addicted to it, game is well done, chracters lightning and snow are ♥♥♥♥♥♥ sweet, and i like how the chracters change thru out the story eg, hope become less ♥♥♥♥♥ like and ect
Ðurzo 26 Mar, 2010 @ 5:30pm 
There's no way it's coming to steam since that would alienate other least not until they near the end of their sales run in actual physical stores.
Skyneko 25 Mar, 2010 @ 10:46am 
Square-Enix are actually nazi about digital rights management. And I think that publish a game which doesn't have a multiplayer for the PC, means to give the the game to the world for free. Is not what Square-Enix is going to do. PS3 is safe, XBOX is semi-same (it is possible to hack the firmware but most of the people doesn't do it because the Xbox can be banned forever), however PC is unsafe about piracy, everyone knows.
Yai-Kai 25 Mar, 2010 @ 5:39am 
Do want, concidering buying a x360 arcade and hacking the game to play it (hack it out of protest) but I'd buy it if it came on pc, prolly even CE
byteru 20 Mar, 2010 @ 11:17pm 
Mindisfrozen 20 Mar, 2010 @ 6:35pm 
the last remnant came to pc so there is hope for FFXIII..time for them relight the FF PC gaming
Dissolved Fox〈♠BT♠〉 19 Mar, 2010 @ 8:38am 
So is there any real petition that can be signed... kind of like this one ... But is contrary to our efforts.
Baileys Iced Capp 10 Mar, 2010 @ 8:37pm 
I'm not exactly hero material, so this is the most i can do.
Hoshi 10 Mar, 2010 @ 6:46pm 
This will never work :<
Baileys Iced Capp 8 Mar, 2010 @ 6:20pm 
Too true, mate.
Church 8 Mar, 2010 @ 6:14pm 
It's time we pc gamers got a good slice of that FF cake.
Baileys Iced Capp 7 Mar, 2010 @ 7:39pm 
♥♥♥♥, we sort of need an actual petition, don't we. Unfortunately, i doubt my family would be all too cool about me getting mail in regards to internet petitions.
Baileys Iced Capp 7 Mar, 2010 @ 7:38pm 
Anyone here willing to give out mailing information to petitiononline?
Baileys Iced Capp 7 Mar, 2010 @ 2:50pm 
The fact that Crystal Tools is a windows-based game engine?
Baileys Iced Capp 6 Mar, 2010 @ 8:04am 
Then we must recruit some.
SharpShot.gif 5 Mar, 2010 @ 8:11am 
This isn't going to work is it :( needs more members