StonedKills *STONEDKLLS*
Membership by invitation only
StonedKills *STONEDKLLS*
22 August, 2021
United States 
Message from Cheddar Bob and Goat (The Butt Toucher)
Clan Announcement

We now have over 150 clan members! Woohoo! Let's keep becoming a force to be reckoned with, and make those new recruits feel at home!


We need to make sure that we are befriending each other in the clan when we see our clan tag in a server! It will help newer recruits feel a positive sense of community, will give us better teamwork overall, and will help to quickly work out any issues that may arise.

Please equip your clan tags more frequently. Be proud of your clan! If you're worried that a bad performance in a game is a slight on the clan, it's not! We all have bad days/games, and any exposure is better than no exposure!

We will be mandating weekly clan competitive matches and meet and greets for members. We realize that everyones' schedules are different, so we will be coordinating with officers and are still working out the overall structure, but there will be multiple opportunities to get together with fellow clan members. It's imperative for better teamwork together, understanding each others' limitations (and helping improve those), as well as making our presence felt and building clan recognition/prestige.

Do NOT 'haccuse' a fellow clan member in a public server! It is grounds for clan dismissal, since it looks very bad on our reputation and cooperation. If you have an issue with a fellow clan member, please report it to an officer (one you know or are most comfortable with), or Cheddar Bob. Please try not to 'rage,' and include proof of the accusations (i.e. a screenshot, video clip, or any other form of evidence pertinent). To officers, please report any incidents to Cheddar Bob, clearly outlining the situation and resolution. If there is proof of some kind of exploit, the offender will be dealt with expediently and judiciously.

On that note, PLEASE don't use hacks. Aside from how sleazy it is in general, it is an instant clan dismissal. We have plenty of high quality players in the clan who can help train and instruct someone on their shortcomings, and if we work together, there's no need to hack, because we will just kick that much ass. If you feel tempted to "look better" by using exploits, simply reach out to an officer and they will help make time to train you up!


There are reasons that some of us are officers, and, as such, we have slightly more responsibility to the clan. As stated above, there are responsibilities to helping to manage and monitor recruits, including resolving disputes, reporting issues and drama, etc. Please be mindful of your clan status and use it accordingly.

PLEASE EQUIP YOUR CLAN TAGS OFFICERS! We are still a newer clan, and we need to be building out our influence and recognition. That helps by having our officers representing on a more frequent basis. If you are in another clan, please decide if you feel it is right for you to be in an officer position in this clan.

Try and help new recruits! We all have different schedules and personalities, but, as part of a group (and more so, as a higher-ranking member of the group), we need to make all our members shine! Help show better angles, or provide better tactics and strategies when you notice a member's shortcomings.

Get together with Cheddar Bob and try to work out a CSGO schedule for meeting newer members, competitive play, and clan force training (clan force training: casual servers with a high number of clan members present). Some officers may not be able to do certain game modes, or play at certain times. We need to structure who can do what and when, so that we can train the clan better as a whole, as well as direct others to a resource (i.e. when someone asks for better training, we can find the right person to train them on their issues at the right times).

Let's all have fun, get stoned (if you do), and get kills!