Elsword:Heroes of Elrios r/Els
Elsword:Heroes of Elrios r/Els
20 April, 2013
United States 
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2019 Elrios' Finest Videos Awards (Combo & Video Editing contest)

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Mugen 12 May, 2019 @ 2:43pm

Yo! Come watch our Twitch stream for the Elrios Finest Videos Awards - Combo Contest! It's going to be loads of fun with commentary! Please join us! :)

Also, we've changed the rules for the livestream and we will only allow the judges to judge the participants. We've decided against having the audience vote for their favorites in order to keep uniformity. Sorry for any inconveniences!

And finally...are you still interested in donating some PayPal towards our event today? It's alright if you're not really interested, but I don't mind any small donations that you'd like to give! We raised 73 so far and would like to make it to 80:

Thank you and hope to see you soon~
Mugen 5 May, 2019 @ 9:04pm 
Those who donate will receive a special role (@Premium Members) and all it's perks associated with it based on their cumulative amount. So please support us, if you can and keep making more game suggestion for an even better Elsword experience! We all really appreciate your efforts!

Of course, there is no obligation to donate and it should be of free will. Also, remember that we're non-profit, so we'll only be using the donations for event prizes and we'll release docs on how we use our donations efficiently in announcements as well.

ED Donations can be given to us in-game (My IGN: KingElrios) or our Treasurer @Runa (Runavrah)
[minimum ED donation amount is 10mil ED and in multiples of 10mil; i.e. - 10mil, 20mil, 30, 40, 50, 110, 120, etc.]

ERA PayPal Donation Pool: All donations are anonymous to the public and the minimum amount is 1 U.S. dollar! ]

Thanks and cya later.
Mugen 5 May, 2019 @ 9:01pm 
Hey all! We're still accepting registrations and submissions in the Els Revival Assoc. Discord:

The final day is this Friday, so everyone still has a lot of time to make their combo video! Just make sure that it's unlisted when you upload it to YouTube! Thanks and GL to everyone! (Livestream/results will be this weekend -10th~12th)