Gyger 4 Nov, 2020 @ 7:56am
PS4 controller support
The demo does not respond to my PS4 controller at all, wired or otherwise.
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InvertMouse  [developer] 4 Nov, 2020 @ 9:17am 
Hi Gyger! Thanks for messaging in :cleahappy:.

Since the vast majority of players use Xbox controllers, even after a year, this is our first time encountering this issue. First, I needed to look up how to even get a PS4 controller to be recognized on a PC. I came upon this video:

So the standard PS4 cable will not work? Starting from 3:13, it also looks like Steam needs to identify the controller first. Is your PS4 controller set up for Steam, and you have used it for other games? If so, can you let me which one example game, so I can use it for reference (if I happen to also own it)?

Once I know, since I have a PS4, I can try it on my end. I just hope the Unity engine actually supports PS4 controllers. If I fail in the end, sorry! But, I will give it a fair go first, perhaps over the weekend.

I just remember for me, when I got a PS4, I excitedly thought I now had a controller for PC as well, only to soon find it did not work on my desktop nor laptop. In the end, I got one of those PC USB controllers. Later, I got an Xbox, and the Xbox controller is plug and play on PC.

Thank you Gyger!
Gyger 4 Nov, 2020 @ 4:03pm 
This is in fact the first game on steam where I have issues using the PS4 controller. I can even connect a non-Steam game to Steam so I can use Steam's controller mapping.

For an example, Cuphead. In fact, Cat Quest, made in Unity has no issues with my controller.
Last edited by Gyger; 4 Nov, 2020 @ 4:09pm
InvertMouse  [developer] 4 Nov, 2020 @ 5:04pm 
Thanks Gyger. Well, I might use Cat Quest as a reference point if it comes to it, then. I will give this a look tomorrow / over the weekend with my PS4 controller and go from there.

Thanks :cleahappy:!
InvertMouse  [developer] 4 Nov, 2020 @ 11:07pm 
Hello again Gyger :). Just got home from my day job. I plugged my PS4 controller into my laptop, launched the Clea demo and gave it a run. This is what I got:

Some notes:

1) Windows pulled up the auto installing driver pop up. Not sure if it did anything.
2) When I pressed the home button on my controller, Steam's big picture mode menu auto popped up.
3) I used the standard PS4 USB cable to connect to my laptop with.

On the PS4 controller, the controls are mapped differently to the Xbox controller. For instance, the run, sneak and confirm commands are shuffled around. Clea's controls are rebindable, which would hopefully allow us to reconfigure these controls as we see fit. However, it sounds like on your end, none of the PS4 controller's buttons work in the game?

I am guessing you are on Windows like me? Tomorrow morning, I could give the PS4 controller a try on my second laptop. Anything to see if I can replicate your issue. These are the moments when I wish I could teleport over to investigate properly.

Thank you for your interest in Clea anyhow Gyger!
Gyger 5 Nov, 2020 @ 6:35am 
Thanks for taking the time to look at this issue.

So far I have 'resolved' the issue by tricking the game into thinking I am using a keyboard thanks to Steam overlay.

This demo and the one for the sequel are the only ones that do not seem to respond to PS4 inputs for me, which is why I reached out to you. Perhaps it is something that was in the shared code between this game and the sequel.

I'll try to share any relevant information I can:
I am using Windows 10

Restarted computer
Tried running exe
Tried running exe with admin privilege
Disconnected Logitech Unifying keyboard and mouse
Reset controller
Connected controller with USB cable
Connected computer via Bluetooth

None of these worked
InvertMouse  [developer] 5 Nov, 2020 @ 8:35am 
Thanks for dropping all the info you can Gyger. Yeah, no way should you have to go through all that to get a controller to work. For me, I left my keyboard and mouse connected without issue. Indeed, the core code is shared between Clea and its sequel, so no surprise on the consistent patterns.

When you mentioned you had to tweak the Steam overlay, I excitedly thought I found the cause. I somewhat foolishly tested last night by launching Clea's demo as a standalone (not via Steam), so I figured oh, maybe Steam is interfering with the controller somehow. Unfortunately, I launched the Clea demo via Steam just now, connected my PS4 controller after the game has launched, and was able to use it.

I wish I could teleport over to investigate. If you have this issue, chances are, someone else out there would as well. I just need a way to replicate the problem on my system. I am going to try my second laptop in a bit. Somehow, I have a feeling it will be the same result, but one can hope!

Out of curiosity, do you have another controller on hand? An Xbox controller would be the best bet. Of course, not to say that would make this problem okay. Just good to get more clues in.

Thank you!
Gyger 5 Nov, 2020 @ 9:14am 
Unfortunately the only XBox controller I had (no console) became a paperweight too quickly.
Leshariant 5 Nov, 2020 @ 12:41pm 
Not to hijack the good friend's thread but could we get an option to change the inventory keybinding to the key on the nintendo switch ? using the - key really affects mobility, I could do the legendary CLAW and press the - key with my index finger but I'm just getting too old. :p
InvertMouse  [developer] 5 Nov, 2020 @ 1:29pm 
Hi Type0 (sorry Gyger :clealol:)! Maybe we can continue this talk elsewhere, or over email, haha.

Yes, you can rebind the key on the Switch! Go to Options > Controls > Change Controls, and you will be able to rebind the commands, including inventory. Please note:

1) You would not want to bind "peek through door" to A, because that would clash with the confirm command. Meaning, you would peek through a door, then automatically go through it when you let go of A.

2) I just spotted a bug where if you rebind "peek through door" to B, the cancel command gets unbinded from B. This would make it annoying to navigate through menus. I added a note to fix this in the next patch just now.

With those points in mind, I would recommend:

1) Bind inventory to ZL.
2) Bind peek through door to ZR.
3) Bind run and sneak to what they currently are.

And you should achieve what you want. Thanks for playing Type0 :cleahappy:!
Gyger 7 Nov, 2020 @ 7:02am 
I've figured it out, the PS4 controller will only work if it the game is started in Steam and is wired. Any Bluetooth connection to the controller is not detected by the game, but the Steam overlay still works.
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