Escape This

Escape This

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Vicentico 25 Feb, 2023 @ 3:33pm
Escape This Suggestions
Further suggestions
I liked to play some levels. Otherwise some mechanics annoyed me. Also I think the concept is not fully polished. So here are my suggestions:
Add higher graphics options
antialiasing & depth of field could cause wonders. Also noone understands those bars in menu "increase graphics quality" and "decrease graphics quality" What is it seriously doing?
Give control over the camera angle
With a changeable camera angle you can explore mazes better and figure out new views and ways (edit: I figured out the arrow keys but still too buggy)
Change those awful menu designs
It should look futuristic but now it's bs menus. Also after beating a level menus flashing uncontrolable into the foreground
The linewise level buildup looks cheap (are there any performance issues?). Change it into cool.
Make more clear why you are dying in a level. Gamers should feel the hazards by themself to better react the next time.
Redfields are very deadly. Put some tolerance on them. Maybe by colorchange if you are close to the center.
Moving redblocks shouldn't push you into redfields.
Give more information about user generated maps
I missed in-game further information of Map name, author, rating, status already beaten, time used, etc.

Some future projects:
Leaderboards - Time records for maps
Provide more user generated maps and make them officially.
Build an in-game editor. Maybe it is even possible to make a Steamworkshop. The txt file editing is very rudimentary.