Escape This

Escape This

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Blubby 26 Oct, 2016 @ 7:29pm
Bugs and Suggestions for NEON
Ok, so i've compiled a list of bugs and suggestions for the dev to work on. Here is the list of bugs first:

-In certain places, elevation blocks can get you out of bounds.
-Falling into the void doesent kill you.
-Thats it for unknown bugs.

Now here are some personal suggestions:

-Make the Blue Cube (The Player) A wee bit smaller ( like just a tiny, tiny bit).
-Have the ability to zoom in with either I ( zoom in) and O (zoom out) Or mouse wheel (Both are good to me :P).
-If theres a block obstructing your vision, make the obstruction "see-thru" so that the player can see.
-Have a seperate tutorial gamemode for new players
-Add a cool background (not just the boring black one).
-Add various sound fx to the game ( like a dying sound effect or a winning sound effect)
-A health bar of some sorts like in the original game)
-Possibly have checkpoints?
-Being able to rotate you camera when in map maker.
-make transitions between veiws more smooth if possible.
-the grey blocks should kill you when you step on top of them to avoid out of bounds madness.
-Add a special block that you spawn on for map making or in the game in general.

Hopefully this list of bugs and suggestions will help you with the upcoming remake: Escape This: NEON. And i do understand that this is only a very early version of the game, but im just trying to help. Thank you for your time. :steammocking:
Last edited by Blubby; 26 Oct, 2016 @ 7:29pm
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Yiemorx 27 Oct, 2016 @ 3:31pm 
All good suggestions and i should be able to work on some at the end of the week. How ever you are already able to rotate the camera in the map editor by pressing down the mouse wheel. Does that not work?
Blubby 27 Oct, 2016 @ 5:41pm 
Oh. i didnt know you had to PRESS the mouse wheel. mabey you should just use the arrow key method lie in the core game.
Blubby 27 Oct, 2016 @ 5:47pm 
@ShadowDragon Or mabey you could right click and drag. that seems better.
Yiemorx 4 Nov, 2016 @ 5:58am 
Sorry for the late reply iv been busy working on my other greenlight project as well as Neon. I do plan on adding a UI hint display that teachers users how to use the map builder when they first open it.
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