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tinimations  [developer] 22 Sep, 2016 @ 8:06am
Klang FAQs
Hey guys. I've prepared a small FAQ of any questions that might come up. If you encounter any problems not listed here, please a comment in this thread. I'll be checking this post regularly, and will do my best to answer you quickly.

Thank you!

1. Performance issues... WHY?!

Below are the steps you can take to improve performance:

Find your way to dxwebsetup.exe in the install folder of Klang and run it (right click the game -> properties -> local files -> browse local files). Make sure you’re connected to the Internet for this. In the rare case where you downloaded the game and decide to play it offline, the first time setup might not find the necessary files it needs.

Make sure your GPU has an up-to-date driver. If you’re running on a somewhat old setup, you might want to turn off sharpness under visuals in the options. This will turn off dynamic sharpening of certain assets and reduce the amount of performance-killing graphical features like fog and particles.

If your setup has an SSD, I recommend you save the game there. It will definitely speed up the booting up process, and most likely help a bit in game as well.

Run as an administrator. This more likely ensures some caches required for good performance aren’t blocked by Windows. Find your way to NW.exe and right click - > properties -> compatibility. Here you can set the privilege level to administrator.

If you’re running Klang on a laptop, you should have received an “integrated graphics card” warning. If you did not receive this, or if you clicked “I’ll take my chances,” find your way to NW.exe, right-click and manually set the graphics processor to NVIDIA.

If you’re streaming Klang on twitch, Skype or anything of the sorts, keep in mind that Klang is a pretty flashy game. While it’s not as graphically dense as your average AAA title, Klang uses a lot of particles. Stuff like this kills bitrate, causing the encoding software to struggle more to keep up. Streaming Klang at 1080p and 60fps requires a fairly strong setup and Internet connection. Double check your streaming settings and try reducing the maximum bitrate.

I’ve experienced a scenario where Klang ran poorly on my own computer when talking to someone on Skype. Once I turned off the conversation it ran fine again. If this happens, I advise restarting Skype or OBS after Klang had booted up. It’s weird, but that’s PC gaming for ya.

Try turning full screen in options off and back on again.

If none of this works, please let me or Snow Cannon Games know ASAP. Inquiries can be sent to info[at]snowcannongames[dot]com for general questions or directly to me, the developer, at tinimations[at]gmail[dot]com for technical details.

2. The story… WTF?

The story’s purpose from the get go was to back up the gameplay, and set a tone for the experience. The euphoric sensation you might’ve felt while playing certain parts of the game is in many ways Klang’s storytelling through gameplay. On the surface it’s nonsensical, trippy and in many ways, a good metaphor for the game’s development. If you’re very observant, and don’t turn a blind eye to certain subtle details, you might see the game world in a slightly different light.

3. Your control scheme is… interesting. WHY AM I NOT JUMPING WITH A?! WHY CAN’T I BIND KEYS?!

A big thing for me when designing Klang’s control scheme was that performing every action in the game at the same time be practical. Considering both the right stick and the face buttons are controlled with your thumb, you wouldn’t be able to perform both a jump and a parry at the exact same time. It also didn’t make sense to input any other actions than the Klangs on the face buttons. Playtesting proved that some people prefer the face buttons, while others the right stick to perform that action. Having the jump be on a trigger button allows the player to multitask more efficiently.

As for the binding. Well there’s only so many ways the controls can work, at least on gamepad. Lack of key bindings on the keyboard, however, might be something implemented in a patch down the line if the demand is large enough.

4. Why such a big memory requirement? Looks like it could run on a Vita!

I know, I know… It’s a quirk of the engine. Might come as a big shocker, but Klang’s actually an HTML 5 game running in an offline browser powered by Chromium (Google Chrome essentially). The long boot up time you might’ve noticed and the memory use is the result of the “website Klang” having to be downloaded into memory from the HDD. Once the game is up and running, the loading times are very short.

5. Nightcore mode is haaaard man!
Yes. It is. By design. Git gud!

I also recommend using the keyboard controls for this. It requires more precision, but if you’re fast enough, you’ll find it to feel tighter overall.

6. The game’s short!
Quality over quantity... Klang is a game that needs a lot of work for each minute of gameplay to ensure the rhythm aspect of it is solid. As a one-person team with limited capacity, I felt strongly about creating a short, yet memorable experience than one that was longer, but risked repetitive and boring content. For Klang, a shorter experience also provides a stronger incentive to master what’s already there. The first time Klang reeeeeeeally starts to feel good is once you start hitting those S and SSS rankings.

7. The game lags every time I get hit!
No, you turned on reflex mode in options. It’s slow motion baby!

8. My eyes can’t handle your delicious red and green color pallette!
Turn off palettes in options. If your eyes can handle blue and orange, you’ll be fine.

9. Why no more than 1 composer, and only EDM?
For a music game like Klang to work, it’s important the music and visuals fit perfectly together. If the music playing was a sweet guitar solo, Klang would have to move and look very different for it to feel right. Seeing rhythm games using the exact same mechanics across different genres and music styles doesn’t have the same effect. Sticking to one artist also ensures there’s a real artistic vision behind the OST.

10. Things seems to move too fast or slow, also the cones aren't acting properly.
Playing on a high refresh-rate monitor? I don’t recommend it. It’s playable, but there might be cases where it’ll act funny. A high refresh rate can also trigger the garbage collection more often, which can cause jittering.

You can press ctrl home to view the debug info. If framerate is above 60, you need to set your monitor refresh rate to 60hz. At least for now...

11. I’m having an issue that is not covered in these FAQs.
We’re here to help! Please post it as a comment in this thread and we will try to help you out ASAP.

12. The screen is black after the loading finishes!
Try setting your compatability mode to windows 7.
Last edited by tinimations; 23 Sep, 2016 @ 5:47am
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Iguana 22 Sep, 2016 @ 10:08am 
Game doesn't start. Message "Failed to start game (unknown error)". Is this game for 64-bit only? Cause I have Windows 7 32-bit.
tinimations  [developer] 22 Sep, 2016 @ 11:09am 
Yes unfortunately it's only for 64-bit. The minimum memory requirement is 4GB of ram.
Is there a way to remap the face buttons? My controller has A/B and X/Y reversed from the xbox 360 controller (wii u pro) and it makes the game unplayable.
tinimations  [developer] 22 Sep, 2016 @ 3:05pm 
As of now no. However you can use the right stick for the "Klangs" as well. If that's also inverted you might have to experiment with software like joytokey or other "gamepad to keyboard" emulators.

The last option is to simply play with the keyboard. Believe it or not, but that was what I initially designed Klang for.
AVtechNICK 23 Sep, 2016 @ 4:44am 
Why can't I take screenshots?
tinimations  [developer] 23 Sep, 2016 @ 6:29am 
Hmm interesting problem. I'll come back to you if I find a solution for it!
Stoibs 23 Sep, 2016 @ 4:41pm 
I initially thought this was that Kickstarter game that went under a few years ago.
Maybe clarification that this shares nothing in common with 'Clang' should be in the FAQ :P
tinimations  [developer] 24 Sep, 2016 @ 8:02am 
Hehe maybe we should address it at some point. Klang and Clang are so wildly different games though!
CoolEggs 26 Sep, 2016 @ 12:32am 
Hey have you thought about adding 21:9 support? Would be nice. Game is fun otherwise.
tinimations  [developer] 26 Sep, 2016 @ 12:40am 
The engine's unfortunately not very flexible with change of aspect ratio. Support for it isn't planned at the moment.
GhostCat 29 Sep, 2016 @ 8:02am 
I'm play this game first in China? There is not Chinese review, I like music game so I was bought it.我是不是第一个玩这个游戏的中国人?有其它人的话用简体中文回复一下我
Netsa 15 Sep, 2017 @ 2:18pm 
Late buyer here! I was able to play through the game mostly fine, my only problem was that a lot of inputs didn't seem to match the music. Some parts did, while other parts were noticeably off. For example, on the tutorial track, one note is off by about a quarter-beat every time. 3 out of 4 times I fought Bazz, his jump/duck prompts activated the laser late (if I didn't jump/duck late, the laser hit me anyway). On a lot of the faster tracks, there were random sections where I would have to pay more attention to the bullets than the music because they didn't match up at all.

I didn't experience any lag, and I checked my refresh rate, I was on 60 the entire time.
tinimations  [developer] 27 Sep, 2017 @ 4:10am 
Hi Netsa. May I ask you if you were playing on a TV and not a PC monitor? A lot of older LCD (especially plasma) TVs have enough input lag for it to make Klang feel really off at times.
Netsa 27 Sep, 2017 @ 11:01am 
Originally posted by tinimations:
Hi Netsa. May I ask you if you were playing on a TV and not a PC monitor? A lot of older LCD (especially plasma) TVs have enough input lag for it to make Klang feel really off at times.
Thanks for the response. I was on a regular PC monitor. I didn't experience any input lag, just strange sync on the "klangs" on a lot of parts.
tinimations  [developer] 27 Sep, 2017 @ 11:56am 
Aww sorry to hear that. There are some parts of the game that underplays the rhythm aspect a bit (like the downhit tutorial, rock bottom etc.). There are also some segments that have dynamic difficulty where the changing frequency of Klangs might throw some people off to the timing. Hard to say what was the case without watching the session myself.

Anyway I hope you still enjoyed it despite the occational issues. Customizable syncing/calibration tools is one of the many things I aim to implement for the upcoming Euphoria edition.

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