A Wizard's Lizard: Soul Thief

A Wizard's Lizard: Soul Thief

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Gosub  [developer] 31 Mar, 2016 @ 1:21pm
Early Access Roadmap
We wanted to share our rough ideas for the upcoming features and content players can expect for A Wizard's Lizard: Soul Thief during Early Access. Some of these ideas may change or be omitted as the game matures and are listed in no particular order.

  • Wizard's Lab (The final level including the final boss encounter)
  • Ending cutscene
  • Secret levels (Possibly the Sewer!)
  • Side quests/challenges (e.g. Possess an Inkwell in the Library, take it to the Kitchen, do something specific and unlock something new, etc)
  • More wands and interesting interactions between wands and monster abilities (e.g. Freeze an enemy with the Ice Box attack and shatter it a wand)
  • More trinkets and better harmony with monster abilities and wands (e.g. Trinkets which buff/alter certain monster abilities)
  • Mini-bosses
  • Multiple bosses per level (Players would see a random boss per run)

Steam Features
  • Cloud Saves
  • Achievements
  • Trading Cards
  • Leaderboards (Potentially for Daily Runs. We're still investigating the implementation and how we'd prevent cheating.)

This isn't an exhaustive list of all the ideas we have for the game, but hopefully it gives players an general sense of where we're headed.

Feel free to let us know what you would like to see most!
Last edited by Gosub; 8 Jul, 2016 @ 1:12pm
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Lone Strider 5 Apr, 2016 @ 10:25am 
Will there ever be co-op?
Gosub  [developer] 5 Apr, 2016 @ 10:36am 
Originally posted by LoneStrider:
Will there ever be co-op?

It's not something we're actively working on, but it does sound like fun. If we did add co-op it would only be local, however.
17 Apr, 2016 @ 3:10am 
where?Gamepad configuration?
Last edited by ; 17 Apr, 2016 @ 3:12am
richtaur  [developer] 18 May, 2016 @ 2:17pm 
I'll work on the gamepad configuration soon :)
Lone Strider 19 May, 2016 @ 4:12pm 
Originally posted by Gosub:
Originally posted by LoneStrider:
Will there ever be co-op?

It's not something we're actively working on, but it does sound like fun. If we did add co-op it would only be local, however.

That would be fine with me, I wanted it in the first one as well. I tend to play local co-op more lately with my nephews and nieces.
DezzyPog 9 Jun, 2016 @ 4:22am 
It'd be nice to have an icon on the map for what room you left Raga in, and perhaps an option at the end of a level you left him behind in that gives you a chance to switch back to him for the next level or keep your monster and lose him for the rest of the game.
I think it would add a layer of decision making to the game.

Also ideas for icons on the map are rooms with items left in them.
Last edited by DezzyPog; 9 Jun, 2016 @ 8:11am
richtaur  [developer] 9 Jun, 2016 @ 10:45am 
Yeah more map information is on the list! I'd like to see Raga bodies and items, too.
HaveASyne 12 Jun, 2016 @ 7:11am 
Any plans of implementing a stat system? Like, enemies killed with this or that monster, how many times you've possessed a certain monster, etc.? And, maybe achievements for killing so many enemies with each type of monster. I'm just personally a fan of stat systems in games. Or even the museum-type room like the previous game had (I've yet to play either game, so honestly not sure what features are in the two games; I also apologize if this topic has been addressed somewhere already)
richtaur  [developer] 13 Jun, 2016 @ 12:23pm 
Definitely! We've already added a "Blackboard" unlockable item that shows you some basic stats, and we'll continue to add more information there.

We haven't implemented achievements yet, but we'll definitely be adding a bunch of them in future updates. Suggestions welcome :)
Nan 5 Aug, 2016 @ 11:40am 
Any progress so far? It's been a while since the last bit of news.
richtaur  [developer] 8 Aug, 2016 @ 11:28am 
Sorry about that. Life (and paying the bills) has gotten in the way recently. There's a final boss update and some new items and stuff we hope to get out pretty soon. More to come!
JCGemX 18 Feb, 2017 @ 12:53am 
I justed played the beta, and I hope that instead of purchasing items, there would be "starter trinkets system" where you chose one ghost-related trinket to start off with, and if you manage to beat the game, you be able to chose two "starter trinkets" instead of one from that point on, but ONLY two, meaning if you beat the game again, you wouldn't be able to pick more then two, to make it fair of course. Also could you maybe bring the "ticket system" back, I think it gives people a reason to possess other creatures before beating the game. Plus I kinda want to purchase stuff with tickets in the "Duel Stick" update of this game.
JCGemX 18 Feb, 2017 @ 12:54am 
and maybe a level editor so peaple can use assets from the FIRST game to make new levels.
JCGemX 18 Feb, 2017 @ 12:56am 
AND I have an idea, if possible, could you turn the DEBUG MODE in a SANDBOX MODE?
GTR989 7 Apr, 2019 @ 10:35am 
Trading cards?
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