Mighty No. 9

Mighty No. 9

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Bavanity 29 May, 2022 @ 4:35am
Performance Issues
I must admit I am surprised for a 2.5D sides scroller.. I'm often on the target 60 FPS but, especially when things happens for the first time, like absorbing, I might drop to 30 for example.. like stutters.. I have mucked around with g-sync and v-sync and graphics settings. RTX 3070 mobile, 11800H with all 8 cores set to a single 4.1ghz, Windows 11 as that's what the lappy came with. I even put GFX settings at medium in the game and it didn't change anything.. my GPU shows at most 20% usage with everything maxed out, temps are great on both CPU and GPU and of course, considering I can play cyberpunk at 60 FPS at 1440P (without RT) smooth as silk, I should be able to play something like this, no? From what I have read, every single console version has FPS issues, even Xbox one, but I am not finding much on the PC side.. If anyone knows any Nvidia CPL settings that help or any general setting, I'm all ears, as, don't shoot me, I actually like the game!