Knights of Pen and Paper 1

Knights of Pen and Paper 1

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gty  [developer] 17 Jun, 2013 @ 7:01pm
Windows Version
This is the official Windows thread.
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Showing 1-15 of 66 comments
A-Stranger 18 Jun, 2013 @ 1:53am 
Ok, so steam says I have to imput a key IN the game. but I only see a "Promo" area to put it in but it won't take it. What should I do?
Admiral Beslan 18 Jun, 2013 @ 2:41am 
@A-Stranger, I noticed Steam gave us a key (Didn't work in promo) so it must just be something that is used automatically in the background to verify we own the game. I've had this be the case with a few games, The Key is really just there as proof you own it for other launchers and such (ie Games for Windows Live). Steam checks this in the background for you but prompts you with it (Just in case) GFWL is in use in the game.

This is just speculation and experiences I've had with other Steam games giving me a CD-Key for seemingly no reason. If this isn't the case and I'm corrected by a Dev, I apologize. ^.^
Admiral Beslan 18 Jun, 2013 @ 2:53am 
So I started the game and straight away bought the miniatures ( 1 to all skills), Amaizng item but when I put my first skill point into the skill it changes to level to but it doesn't give me the bonuses, so like with Paladin's Leader Strike at Level 1 it does 7 damage, at level to it should gain 4 attack to do a total of 11 but it doesn't, everything stays as if it is level 1 but says level 2 on it.

Is this a glitch or are skills supposed to not keep that 1 from the item?

I don't know if I'm explaining this right... I can start a new game and upload screenshots detailing what I mean if that would help?
KiwitheTortoise 18 Jun, 2013 @ 3:49am 
I started the game 3 times, twice it crashed before the first fight started and once a bit later. In all cases: "GetThreadContext error" and always 6 windows displaying this message open up (Win7 64bit).
Admiral Beslan 18 Jun, 2013 @ 3:52am 
@Kiwi have you tried Validating it through Steam (Right click, properties, local files, verify intergrity of game cache), you could also try running it as Administrator by right clicking the .exe in explorer and selecting run as Admin. Also Deleting files and redownloading can comtimes fix that.

Hope that helps you, i'm running WIn7 64bit as well
KiwitheTortoise 18 Jun, 2013 @ 4:01am 
Just validated it and ran the game as admin, however it crashed again within the first minute "Fatal error in gc: Get Threadcontext failed". No crash dump file has been created.

Edit: Just tried deleting/reinstalling and it didn't work either. Still the same error.

1 of the 9 crashes I had within 25 minutes created dump files, where should I send them?
Last edited by KiwitheTortoise; 18 Jun, 2013 @ 4:27am
Admiral Beslan 18 Jun, 2013 @ 4:40am 
Well at least we're getting somewhere with the dump file, I haven't the foggiest of where to send it but The Dev's on the forum are pretty active and should be able to give you an email address for support soon!
Sorry I couldn't help you fix it, I'm just a customer as well.
Ragnar 18 Jun, 2013 @ 5:01am 
I'm having a problem with my game: whenever I defeat an elite monster, the "victory" screen doesn't appear. There is nothing I can do except click on my players or quit the game. The Shop button is grayed out, click on the DM doesn't do anything, and neither is pressing ESC. Has anybody encountered this problem? Is there a way to get past it?
Ragnar 18 Jun, 2013 @ 5:28am 
Also, I'm not sure, but I think I didn't get the in-app preorder bonus either. If I understood correctly from the page, I should have received 800 in-game gold for preordering the game. In-game, I start with 5 gold. I did get the soundtrack however, that's in the game folder...
Admiral Beslan 18 Jun, 2013 @ 5:30am 
That sounds odd Ragnar, I think they will be able to give you the 800 gold if you can prove you infact, did not get it. (I don't know exact details on that, since I'm just a customer)
Ragnar 18 Jun, 2013 @ 5:34am 
I got it, finally. I verified the integrity of the game cache and restarted my PC. Once Steam restarted, I launched the game and the 800 gold was there, and I no longer have Elite technical hang either.
Admiral Beslan 18 Jun, 2013 @ 5:36am 
Awesome, Hey Kiwi, did you try restarting your computer or Steam? I forgot about that when I was listing common trouble-shooting tips...
Gereru 18 Jun, 2013 @ 5:43am 
How are you people playing right now? Mine won't be realeased for another few hours.
KiwitheTortoise 18 Jun, 2013 @ 5:44am 
@Cody: Might be due to time-zone difference perhaps.

@Kaptain: Tried both and in both cases the game crashed within seconds afterwards (still same error, no dump files).
Admiral Beslan 18 Jun, 2013 @ 5:49am 
Yeah it's probably Region Cody, although I (Australia) shouldn't have had it released for another like 5 hours, just magically happened to be released for me.
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