SiN Gold

SiN Gold

Sin or Wages of sin?
Which did you like more and why? I like both sins a lot, but if I were to pick one I'd say wages. Yes wages is shorter, yes wages has a generic mob boss villain and not ceo sex appeal like sin. Yes it has a strange set of 2 stages, one a brief dialogue in a nightclub, shouldn't even be called a level, and the next a void building with very drab and generic walls.. Those two levels were bad and stuck out like sore thumbs, well guess I can't call the nightclub bad since it was more a set piece than a level. But I hated that multi floor building. It was so confusing, sure the shipyard was confusing but least it wasn't visit a coupe dozen rooms with nothing in them. But still wages was amazing, simply for the amount of new additions and weapons. That last weapon you get is amazing one of my fav mega weapons in old shooters. The plasma crossbow was also awesome, and duel blade pistols. Wages had a lot going for it. The casino level was epic. Molinaro's penthouse was also a fun level, the art exhibit was great, and many more just all around good levels in wages.

Sin1 has the advantage of more levels, a longer game, and also some great levels. Alexis apartment, the labs which were creepy and reminded me of strogg stuff, the bank is a classic first level too. Just that I wish sin1 had all the weapons wages had. Wages I rate higher just cause I was actually surprised by how good it was. And sin1 is also good so its a hard choice for me. Overall wages just had more good and fun levels and more weapons.

Sin1 I will give credit on having a better last boss, the bosses in wages sucked, well they weren't bad. But those 2 things at the end looked like the abomination from incredible hulk. And molinaro... Made no frickin sense, big gangster dude who can tank 5 fusion shots.

Didn't make any sense least the boss in sin1 was tough on his own without a bunch of phases that made no sense. He also looked more badass.