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why are there so many damn cops in first world bank loud
ive been on this heist for 2 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hours just me and my friend and we cant get past the final charge because theres so many ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cops and so much ♥♥♥♥ just taking up our health and resources like bro i like that theres more cops in this heist but theres way to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ many to the point its basically impossible for me and my mate to get through the heist and i know the common sense thing to do is just do it in stealth or play with more people but we wanted to do it by ourselves. Very hard diffuculty btw
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Stoque 15 Dec @ 4:22pm 
any assassin build would tell you more cops are better.
I managed to beat this on Overkill loud so here is my strategy.

1 Use the regenerating armor and grab a team of 4 150 level players. If you do not want to do this and want to do it with your mate, it will be harder, but the next few steps are still possible. Make sure your mate or if you change your mind, the other players have the points for the highest possible skills and also experience with the game itself.

for step 2 you can either:
2A) Trade hostages to delay the police assault as long as possible.
2B) Trade most hostages to delay the police assault, but leave some so you can pick up armor repair kits after the assault ends.

3. Keep doing objectives like any other heist. I recommend waiting until the assault ends to get the thermite so you don't get shot at. You don't have to throw all the thermite in, you can just wait for one to work.

Note: The endless assault starts as soon as you bag up 4 bags. In Very hard you need to secure 8 bags, but Overkill its 12.
4A) If you get the zipline/helicopter objective make sure you have 2 armor bars. Grab 1 bag and rush out to grab the zipline bag, run upstairs and place it and secure the bag. When its safe, run back to the vault and grab 2 bag this time. Yes, you will most likely lose your armor, but you can use more armor bags to regen. You have to rush through the cops, there is no other way that I am aware of.
If your teammates are all in custody, run out of the vault and run around the bank. You can lure the cops away from the vault, when a teammate spawns back, run back into the vault and quickly grab more bags before they come back. This is the hardest objective. Once all 8 or 12 are in the helicopter, go to the escape which is right next to the zipline.

4B) If you get the vent objective, make sure your mate or all 4 players are still alive and you once again have to rush the bags to the vent. Make sure you have 2 armor bars and regenerate them if needed. If all players are in custody, once again run around the bank to lure the cops away from the vault and wait for at least one of them to respawn. Once all 8 or 12 bags are in the vent, run to the explosives and place them on the wall. After the wall blows up it is almost impossible to lose because the cops need to run to you.

Note: 3 armor kits will instantly heal you your armor back when you are forced to run through the cops to secure the bags. You can also put the bags on the bots and they will help you move it.

Hopefully this helps you beat the heist, good luck!
Last edited by Electric Bandit; 15 Dec @ 4:47pm
You have cops on FWB? Every Overkill run I've done has been piss easy due to a lack of cops.
Honestly it's been a dice roll for me the few times I played it. Either we get a rush of them or we barely get enough to keep us engaged
Originally posted by Nighthawk:
Honestly it's been a dice roll for me the few times I played it. Either we get a rush of them or we barely get enough to keep us engaged

This seems to be a recurring theme for me on most heists, either there will be hardly any cops or too many to know which to deal with first. On some rare occasions I’ve also had scenarios where the final charge is initiated after about 5 minutes into the heist.
sqey 16 Dec @ 12:31pm 
the reason why this is hard for most players on overkill is because Final Charges starts as soon u bag up 4 money bags and thats really early which in result brings a ton of cops and a never ending assault fun indeed but challenging on OVK
Played it twice with one friend and 2 bots. It was insane after the final charge starts.
We were not able to kill enough to get an open way to secure the bags.
Only way to secure bags was by just rushing through and trade your armor for it.

It is ok when you have the vent for the bags, but it is just broken when you have the zipline.

Sure, we can do it. But it is just not fun.

I would say the endless assault so early is a mistake. Maybe start with it when the minimum loot is secured.
zodi_kid 17 Dec @ 2:33am 
I only played it loud on very hard with three other guys who seemed decent at the game. We had the zipline helicopter escape. We secured all the bags, but every trip from the vault to the zipline and back felt like an uphill battle. We could get some openings to leave the vault, but as soon as we were climbing the stairs, there were more cops on the corridors around it and in the vault lobby, so you are getting shot from multiple angles and your only choice is to run to the corridor that leads to the security gate.

It feels amazing, but it can be tedious doing this so many times, and I don't want to imagine how hard it can be in Overkill. Maybe tuning down just so slightly the number of cops that spawn could make it more enjoyable, so you have more options other than just rush past the cops burning your armor.
I remember the first time i played it with just ai, i had this problem on overkill. Way to many cops. Try and get at least 1 or 2 people to stay outside the vault and clear some enemies.
there are not. this game is too damn easy even on overkill.
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