Fantasy General II

Fantasy General II

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
ObG_Chris 5 Sep, 2019 @ 1:15pm
Reporting Issues / Support
Location of important files

When reporting bugs, it's usually essential to provide a log file. Depending on the issue, it's also often necessary to provide a save game file.

log file
The log file output_log.txt can be found at

C:\Users\{user}\AppData\LocalLow\Owned By Gravity GmbH\Fantasy General II

where {user} will be the Windows account you are using. Note that the log is overwritten each time the game is started, so if you see a problem, please copy the log file to another location prior to re-starting the game.
By default this folder is hidden by windows so you will either need to unhide it in your explorer settings or just type "%APPDATA%\..\LocalLow\Owned By Gravity GmbH\Fantasy General II" into any explorer to directly access it.

Additionally there are two other files in this directory where all multiplayer communication (pbem3-communication.log) and analytics (analytics-v1-communication.log) are stored. These are only needed if there is a problem with the corresponding subsystem of the game.

Save games
Save games can be found at

C:\Users\{user}\Documents\My Games\Fantasy General II\Savegames

where {user} is your Windows username.

Game Crashes
If your game crashes to desktop the reports can be found at

C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\Temp\Owned By Gravity GmbH\Fantasy General II

System Information (Windows)

Additionally you may be requested to provide a snapshot of your computer’s hardware and software configuration to help us diagnose and troubleshoot technical issues.

To obtain the DxDiag file:
1. Press Windows Key R.
2. Type DxDiag and press Enter.
3. In the DxDiag window, click Save All Information.
4. Name the file "dxdiag" and click Save.

To obtain the MSInfo file:
1. Press Windows Key R.
2. Type MSInfo32 and press Enter.
3. In the MSInfo diagnostic window, click File, then Export.
4. When the Export As window appears, choose Desktop.
5. Name the file "MSInfo" and click Save.

once the reports or save games are found and ready, please zip them up and attach them to your post, thanks

as some of the saves of some games can be rather large, the forum won't sometimes support them even zipped i'm sorry to say,

Ideal solution to upload is using your OneDrive or Dropbox account if you have one, alternatively you can use as all are free for small amounts.

Our support email for game related issues is [email protected].
Last edited by ObG_Chris; 12 Mar, 2020 @ 3:01pm