Wikipedia Statistics - Africa

Wednesday May 31, 2017

  May 2016: The major overhaul of Wikistats reports has entered a new phase.  

  First phase focused on migrating the traffic analysis reports to our new infrastructure. Those are operational now.  
  The Analytics Team will now proceed to also migrate data collection and reporting about wiki content and contributors.  
  First results are expected later this year.  

  More info at this announcement
  You can see the first wireframes for Wikistats 2.0 and comment on the design here.



Mar 2016: Want to bookmark this page with default sort column? Now you can!
Add url argument 'sortcol=x' (where x is 4-6|8-18), add D for descending sort. E.g. 'Sitemap.htm?sortcol=14D'

June 2017 !New! Column added: 'Months since 3 or more active editors'. Sort by duration of inactivity
16 out of 42 listed wikis were active (3 active editors) in last month, 19 in last 3 months, 27 in last 12 months. See also activity charts.

DataLanguagesRegionsParticipationActive editorsEditsUsageContent
Month   Code
⇒ Project
Main Page
⇒ Wikipedia article
  Speakers in millions
 (log scale) (?)

  Editors per million
 speakers (5 edits)
Prim. Sec.
Editors (5 )
per million
3 or more
5 edits

(3m avg)
100 edits

(3m avg)
by unreg.
per hour
May Summary Tables Charts simpleSimple EnglishAF AS EU NA OC
1500 M0.1 12715163139%27%18,191125,269
May Summary Tables Charts enEnglishAF AS EU NA OC
1500 M22 327533545127431210%31%7,442,0495,416,003
May Summary Tables Charts arArabicAF AS
530 M1 727117343549%22%98,224522,764
May Summary Tables Charts esSpanishAF AS EU NA SA
500 M8 4071548713619%38%1,033,1551,337,698
May Summary Tables Charts ptPortugueseAF AS EU SA
290 M5 15492126921326%36%287,485969,634
May Summary Tables Charts frFrenchAF AS EU NA OC SA
200 M24 484378216110720%22%711,5041,875,187
May Summary Tables Charts arzEgyptian ArabicAF
76 M0.1 8363347%12%2,66816,787
May Summary Tables Charts swSwahiliAF
50 M0.3 16499769%6%1,90536,060
May Summary Tables Charts haHausaAF
39 M0.0n.a.1  1667%35%1581,771
May Summary Tables Charts zuZuluAF
26 M0.051  1470%27%2551,067
May Summary Tables Charts omOromoAF
26 M0.0201  1556%17%180938
May Summary Tables Charts lnLingalaAF
25 M0.132 23279%14%3252,965
May Summary Tables Charts amAmharicAF
25 M0.1 3135079%23%1,01114,107
May Summary Tables Charts yoYorubaAF
25 M0.2 4 13579%4%1,27431,708
May Summary Tables Charts igIgboAF
22 M0.1 2 12177%11%2261,401
May Summary Tables Charts mgMalagasyAF
20 M0.122 22996%14%1,01283,734
May Summary Tables Charts akAkanAF
19 M0.1671  1166%26%160343
May Summary Tables Charts tsTsongaAF
16 M0.1141 1878%15%130466
May Summary Tables Charts twTwiAF
15 M0.1671  1162%45%134634
May Summary Tables Charts nsoNorthern SothoAF
14 M0.121  634%7%1897,800
May Summary Tables Charts soSomaliAF
14 M0.3 4 11653%38%5845,223
May Summary Tables Charts stSesothoAF
14 M0.1111  1179%16%137452
May Summary Tables Charts ffFulfuldeAF
13 M0.1671  1576%19%113281
May Summary Tables Charts afAfrikaansAF
13 M3 3511116246%10%5,64045,079
May Summary Tables Charts tnSetswanaAF
13 M0.131 11063%18%108729
May Summary Tables Charts rwKinyarwandaAF
12 M0.1201  1074%8%2281,909
May Summary Tables Charts lgGandaAF
10 M0.2 2  752%37%1062,188
May Summary Tables Charts nyChichewaAF
9 M0.181 11065%26%93419
May Summary Tables Charts kabKabyleAF
8 M0.222  1660%33%3013,267
May Summary Tables Charts xhXhosaAF
8 M0.131 11362%16%143831
May Summary Tables Charts snShonaAF
7 M0.4 31 1036%32%2763,109
May Summary Tables Charts kgKongoAF
7 M0.011  11183%22%1481,216
May Summary Tables Charts tiTigrinyaAF
7 M0.0106   1174%36%76293
May Summary Tables Charts kiKikuyuAF
7 M0.061   1154%79%1211,462
May Summary Tables Charts bmBambaraAF
6 M0.21061 12080%30%135503
May Summary Tables Charts rnKirundiAF
5 M0.018   1068%11%85520
May Summary Tables Charts woWolofAF
4 M0.2201 22381%12%2391,309
May Summary Tables Charts eeEweAF
4 M0.3591 11588%18%168357
May Summary Tables Charts veVendaAF
3 M0.0113   1170%32%100311
May Summary Tables Charts sgSangroAF
3 M0.086   884%21%96267
May Summary Tables Charts ssSiswatiAF
3 M0.03  32284%10%139444
May Summary Tables Charts tumTumbukaAF
3 M0.0149   1470%47%84635
Only wikis with at least 100 articles (A) are listed. Not listed: aa:Afar (2)hz:Herero (1), kr:Kanuri (1), ng:Ndonga (21),

Also generated

Statistics for Wikipedias, all languagesSummary
Statistics for Wikipedias, region AsiaSummary
Statistics for Wikipedias, region America'sSummary
Statistics for Wikipedias, region EuropeSummary
Statistics for Wikipedias, region IndiaSummary
Statistics for Wikipedias, region OceaniaSummary
Statistics for Wikipedias, artificial languagesSummary


Overview recent monthsTables & Charts
Page ViewsAll languages
Current statusTables
Bot activity article editingTables
Bot activity article creationTables
ContributorsTablesCharts  PNG  SVG
New wikipediansTables 
Active wikipediansTablesCharts  PNG  SVG
Very active wikipediansTablesCharts  PNG  SVG
Article count (official)TablesCharts  PNG  SVG
New articles per dayTables 
Edits per articleTables 
Bytes per articleTables 
Articles over 0.5 KbTables 
Articles over 2 KbTables 
Edits per month/dayTablesCharts  PNG  SVG
Database sizeTables 
Internal linksTables 
Links to other WikipediasTables 
External linksTables 

Wikipedias are initially ordered by number of speakers of the language

Speakers: Number of speakers of a language is the estimated total of primary and secondary speakers, is in many cases a very rough estimation (based on the page on the English Wikipedia about that language)
Regions are parts of the world where the language is spoken in substantial amounts (compared to total number of speakers). Regions where a language gained presence only by a recent diaspora are generally not included.
Region codes: AF:Africa, AS:Asia, EU:Europe, NA:North America, OC:Oceania, SA:South America, W:World Wide, CL:Constructed Language

Generated on Monday June 19, 2017 15:05 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Wednesday May 31, 2017

Please note that the lengthy dump process (many weeks) means a delay in publishing these statistics is always to be expected.

Author:Erik Zachte (Web site)
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### =
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