Why Stack Overflow?

When developers need answers, they come to Stack Overflow.

Connect with them on a platform they trust with our advertising solutions.

Why advertise on Stack Oveflow?

Stack Overflow is the largest global, technology-focused platform in the world.

We know developers.

We’ve been at the heart of the developer community since 2008. Our interactive Q&A platform serves as a reservoir of knowledge for developers and technologists of all skill levels looking to learn and share technical knowledge.

Developers trust the community.

From seasoned professionals to those just learning to code, we are a go-to destination for millions of developers and technologists.

Our community is not only engaged…

There are more than 58 million questions and answers on the platform. A new question is asked on Stack Overflow every 13.6 seconds.

developers use Stack Overflow to learn how to code.
of developers turn to communities like Stack Overflow to research new technologies.

Put your brand in front of
Stack Overflow’s global tech community.

With over 15 years of expertise, we have a deep understanding of the developers’ mindset and a track record of assisting our partners in implementing campaigns that boost brand awareness and drive engagement.

Tap into the developer community.

Use the contextual relevance of Stack Overflow to ensure your campaigns reach a highly relevant and interested audience.

Leverage our expertise in reaching them.

Utilize our in-depth understanding of developer behaviour and trends to craft campaigns that effectively engage your target audience.

Increase your brand reach & engagement.

Leverage Stack Overflow's credibility within the developer community to build relationships and secure campaign success.

Extend your reach beyond Stack Overflow.

Reach more tech professionals on our Tech Run of Network, comprising over 60 technology and computing-focused websites under the Stack Exchange network. With minimal overlap with Stack Overflow visitors, these sites present an opportunity to connect with diverse technology communities beyond Stack Overflow.