Appendix F - Example Production Meeting Minutes

Example Production Meeting Minutes

Date: 2015-10-23

Attendees: agoogler, clarac, docbrown, jennifer, martym


  • Major outage (#465), blew through error budget

Previous Action Item Review

  • Certify Goat Teleporter for use with cattle (bug 1011101)
    • Nonlinearities in mass acceleration now predictable, should be able to target accurately in a few days.

Outage Review

  • New Sonnet (outage 465)
    • 1.21B queries lost due to cascading failure after interaction between latent bug (leaked file descriptor on searches with no results) not having new sonnet in corpus unprecedented & unexpected traffic volume
    • File descriptor leak bug fixed (bug 5554825) and deployed to prod
    • Looking into using flux capacitor for load balancing (bug 5554823) and using load shedding (bug 5554826) to prevent recurrence
    • Annihilated availability error budget; pushes to prod frozen for 1 month unless docbrown can obtain exception on grounds that event was bizarre & unforeseeable (but consensus is that exception is unlikely)

Paging Events

  • AnnotationConsistencyTooEventual: paged 5 times this week, likely due to cross-regional replication delay between Bigtables.
    • Investigation still ongoing, see bug 4821600
    • No fix expected soon, will raise acceptable consistency threshold to reduce unactionable alerts

Nonpaging Events

  • None

Monitoring Changes and/or Silences

  • AnnotationConsistencyTooEventual, acceptable delay threshold raised from 60s to 180s, see bug 4821600; TODO(martym).

Planned Production Changes

  • USA-1 cluster going offline for maintenance between 2015-10-29 and 2015-11-02.
    • No response required, traffic will automatically route to other clusters in region.


  • Borrowed resources to respond to sonnet incident, will spin down additional server instances and return resources next week
  • Utilization at 60% of CPU, 75% RAM, 44% disk (up from 40%, 70%, 40% last week)

Key Service Metrics

  • OK 99ile latency: 88 ms < 100 ms SLO target [trailing 30 days]
  • BAD availability: 86.95% < 99.99% SLO target [trailing 30 days]

Discussion / Project Updates

  • Project Molière launching in two weeks.

New Action Items

  • TODO(martym): Raise AnnotationConsistencyTooEventual threshold.
  • TODO(docbrown): Return instance count to normal and return resources.