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Такође погледајте: Emperor



ен нг=енг

Alternative forms


Од Средњи Енглески emperour, од Anglo-Norman emperour, од Латински imperātorem, изведен од imperāre (to command). Дублети of imperator.


  • (RP) МФА(кључ): /ˈɛmpəɹə/, /ˈɛmpɹə/
  • (GenAm) МФА(кључ): /ˈɛmpəɹɚ/, /ˈɛmpɹɚ/
  • (NZ) МФА(кључ): /ˈempɘɹɘ/, /ˈempɹɘ/
  • Audio (US):(file)


emperor (plural emperors)

Emperor Norton I, self-proclaimed Emperor of the United States of America and Protector of The United Mexican States.
  1. The male monarch or ruler of an empire.
    In imperial China, it was often a responsibility of the emperor to evaluate his predecessor after the latter's death.
  2. Any monarch ruling an empire, irrespective of gender, with "empress" contrasting to mean the consort of an emperor.
    • 1994, Het Spinhuis, Transactions: Essays in Honor of Jeremy F. Boissevain[1]:
      In 690 Wu usurped the throne and became Emperor herself, which proved a unique event in the history of China.
    • 2002, The Heritage of World Civilizations: To 1700[2], page 226:
      After his death in 683 she ruled for seven years as regent and then, deposing her son, became emperor herself, the only woman in Chinese history to hold the title.
    • 2008, Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe: Society in Transformation[3], page 211:
      Empress, imperial regent, and even emperor herself (r. 797–802), Irene was an important and powerful figure at the Byzantine court in the late eighth and early ninth century.
    • 2013, Voyages in World History[4], page 213:
      Originally the wife of the emperor, she engineered the imperial succession so that she could serve first as regent to a boy emperor and then as emperor herself.
    • 2016, Commander Pakydus, Sindbad & the 7 Galaxies:
      Where is Sindbad? I have a summons for him direct from the galactic emperor herself. He is to be brought here immediately to give an explanation for his recent actions.
  3. (political theory) Specifically, the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire; the world-monarch.
    The Investiture Controversy was a conflict between the Emperor and the Pope.
  4. (tarot) The fourth trump or major arcana card of the tarot deck.
  5. A large, relatively valuable marble in children's games.
    • 2001, Paul Webley, The economic psychology of everyday life, page 39:
      But marbles are not only used to play games: they are also traded. In this market, the value of the different kinds of marbles (oilies, emperors, etc.) is determined by local supply and demand and not by the price of the marbles []
  6. Any fish of the family Lethrinidae.
  7. (entomology) Any of various butterflies of the subfamily Charaxinae.
  8. (entomology) Any of various large dragonflies of the cosmopolitan genus Anax.
  9. An emperor penguin.
    • 2008, Gloria Clifford, Emperor Penguins: The Lords of Antarctica:
      We do not know if the emperors are monogamous. I know some of the penguins species mate for life.
    • 2012, Lloyd S. Davis, John T. Darby, Penguin Biology, page 273:
      During pairing, mates walk an average of only 90 m per day, and, while incubating, male emperors move an average of 30 m per day.
    • 2019, Lindsay McCrae, My Penguin Year: Living with the Emperors:
      If they were emperors, I wanted a better view. Being told they were emperors was no good; I needed to see them. But as quickly as we had spotted them, they spotted us. Sliding on their bellies, two emperors began to rush over.

Usage notes

  • The only monarch presently styled "emperor" is the Emperor of Japan (in Japanese: 天皇, tennō). The British monarch ceased to be styled Emperor of India in 1948.
  • An emperor is generally addressed as His Imperial Majesty.


Derived terms




em mp=emp


Alternative forms




From Латински imperātōrem.


Шаблон:frp-noun (ORB large)

  1. emperor


Further information