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Енглески Wikipedia has an article on:


From Средњи Енглески est, from Стари Енглески ēast, from Пра-Германски *austrą, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ews-.

Compare West Frisian east, Холандски oost, Немачки Ost, Norwegian Nynorsk aust, Шведски öst.



east (countable and uncountable, plural easts)

  1. One of the four principal compass points, specifically 90°, conventionally directed to the right on maps; the direction of the rising sun at an equinox. Abbreviated as E.
    Portsmouth is to the east of Southampton.
    We live in the east of the country.
    • 1895, Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure
      In a few hours the birds come to it from all points of the compass – east, west, north, and south []
  2. The eastern region or area; the inhabitants thereof. [circa 1300]
    • 1855, John Reynolds, My Own Times: Embracing Also the History of My Life, page 271:
      We, in the west, agreed amongst ourselves that a penitentiary should be erected with our half of the money arising as above stated; and the east agreed to improve the country in their vicinity with the other half.
  3. (ecclesiastical) In a church: the direction of the altar and chancel; the direction faced by the priest when celebrating ad orientem.
    • 2014, Paul Porwoll, Against All Odds: History of Saint Andrew's Parish Church, Charleston, 1706-2013, WestBow Press (→ISBN 9781490818177), page 365:
      A few [Anglican churches in South Carolina, Virginia and Maryland] are oriented other than due [geographic] east—St. Paul's, St. George's, and Prince George's parish churches face northeast and St. Andrew's, southeast. [] Throughout the book I refer directionally to the altar and chancel of St. Andrew's as situated at ecclesiastical east (to avoid overcomplicating matters), not geographical or magnetic southeast. Thus, the altar is located at the east end of the church, and the gallery, at the west.
    • 2018, Anat Geva, Modernism and American Mid-20th Century Sacred Architecture, Routledge (→ISBN 9781351665339)
      However, in Mies' chapel, liturgical east is magnetic west.
    • 2019, Sarah Hosking, "Coventry Cathedral", in Prickett Stephen Prickett, Edinburgh Companion to the Bible and the Arts, Edinburgh University Press (→ISBN 9781474471794), page 371:
      The tapestry by Graham Sutherland that occupies the whole wall of the liturgical east and geographic north of the cathedral is recognisable to the point of visual exhaustion.

Coordinate terms

northwest north northeast
west east
southwest south southeast

Derived terms


Also see Appendix:Cardinal directions for translations of all compass points


east (not comparable)

  1. Situated or lying in or towards the east; eastward.
  2. (meteorology) Blowing (as wind) from the east.
  3. Of or pertaining to the east; eastern.
  4. From the East; oriental.
  5. (ecclesiastical) Designating, or situated in, the liturgical east.
    the east front of a cathedral
    • 2014, Paul Porwoll, Against All Odds: History of Saint Andrew's Parish Church, Charleston, 1706-2013, WestBow Press (→ISBN 9781490818177), page 365:
      Throughout the book I refer directionally to the altar and chancel of St. Andrew's as situated at ecclesiastical east (to avoid overcomplicating matters), not geographical or magnetic southeast. Thus, the altar is located at the east end of the church, and the gallery, at the west.
    • 2019, Sarah Hosking, "Coventry Cathedral", in Prickett Stephen Prickett, Edinburgh Companion to the Bible and the Arts, Edinburgh University Press (→ISBN 9781474471794), page 371:
      The tapestry by Graham Sutherland that occupies the whole wall of the liturgical east and geographic north of the cathedral is recognisable [] a huge image of Christ on the [liturgical] east end, filling the entire wall and to be visible through the [liturgical] West Window (Fig. 24.2).


  • (situated or lying in or towards the east): eastward
  • (meteorology: wind from the east): easterly
  • (of or pertaining to the east): eastern
  • (from the East): oriental


  • (situated or lying in or towards the east): westward
  • (meteorology: wind from the east): westerly
  • (of or pertaining to the east): western



east (not comparable)

  1. towards the east; eastwards




Преводе у наставку треба проверити и уметнути изнад у одговарајуће табеле превода. Видите инструкције на Викиречник:Унос § Преводи.





  1. elative singular of iga

Old English


From Пра-Германски *austrą, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ews- (eastern). Cognate with Old Frisian āst, Old Saxon ost, Холандски oost, Old High German ōst, Немачки Osten, Old Norse austr. The Indo-European root is also the source of Латински auster (southerly) and aurora (dawn), Latvian austrumi (easterly), Пра-Словенски *utro.



ēast m

  1. the east



  • Средњи Енглески: est
  • Стари Француски: est
    • Француски: est



  1. eastern, easterly





  1. from the east
  2. towards the east

West Frisian


From Old Frisian āst, from Пра-Германски *austrą.




  1. east, eastern, easterly


Овај adjective захтева inflection-table template.

Further reading

  • “east”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal[1] (in Холандски), 2011


east n (plural [please provide])

  1. east

Further reading

  • “east”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal[2] (in Холандски), 2011


east c (plural [please provide])

  1. east, eastern former colonies

Further reading

  • “east”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal[3] (in Холандски), 2011