User:YOLO2020/Nouveau vs. Neo
Minifest After: S1 Battle Dojo Fest
Start Time: | |
End Time: | |
Break Time: | |
Color Set: | |
Popularity: | |
Battles Won: | |
Average: | |
Winner: |
This was my first minifest! The theme was which weapon brand do you prefer: Do you prefer Nouveau weapons or Neo weapons? To join, you were to go to the How to join section. Then you were to look over the Rules and Scoring those two were important to know about!
How to join!
1. You would enter my friend code:4971-5307-7990. My ign is YOLO2020. (You would tell me your ign on my talk page).
2. You would sign up below! You were able put your signature when you signed up.
3. Password for the lobby was 1705.
4. I used Discord to communicate during the minifest. (The messages went through faster and it was more convenient:)
The stages were randomized. When ever we got MC.Princess Diaries, the team who won that match got 2x the battles won.
1. You needed to wear a Splatfest Tee Replica.
2. 5 people max for each team (1 would spectate for each team. I would rotate the spectators).
3. There was no Squidpartying.
4. If you were unable to join, You would tell me in my talk page if you couldn't show up.
5. If there was a DC, the match wouldn't count unless the team with the DC won.
6. You did NOT have to change your name for the minifest.
7. We had a 20 minute break at 4:30 so we could take a break, get a snack, etc.
8. There was no squidbagging or anything similiar.
9. If I disconnected for some odd reason, I would shortly reopen the lobby (the password would be the same).
10. There were NO weapon limitations for this fest. However, If you were on team Nouveau, you couldn't use Neo weapons, and vise versa.
11. If you had friends who wanted to join, you would tell me what team they are on and their ign so I know who to accept the friend request.
I would take the average of the 2 categories and that will be entered in the average category. The side with the most categories that are the highest would win.
Off the Hook Dialogue
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “Y'all know what time it is!” |
Marina “A Minifest is inkoming!” |
Pearl “Which weapon brand do you prefer?” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “Do you prefer Nouveau weapons?” |
Marina “Or do you prefer Neo weapons?” |
Pearl “So 'Rina, you're Team Nouveau?” |
Marina “No way! Team Neo for me!” |
Pearl “Well, I'm Team Nouveau! All those brushes!” |
Marina “Why not all those Neo blasters?” |
Pearl “Anyway, follow the steps on how to join...” |
Marina “...and pick a side!” |
Pearl “Until next time...” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “Don't get cooked! Stay Off the Hook!” |
Marina “Don't get cooked! Stay Off the Hook!” |
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “-” |
Marina “We have a winner!” |
Pearl “Team Neo!” |
Marina “And the winner is...” |
Pearl “Brushes are better! They can splat in 3 swishes!” |
Marina “I knew our blasters could blast our way to victory! And you said brushes are better.” |
Pearl “You all did great, no matter who won!” |
Marina “Anyway, thanks for playing!” |
Results if Nouveau were to win
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “We have a winner!” |
Marina “-” |
Pearl “And the winner is...” |
Marina “Team Nouveau!” |
Pearl “I knew our brushes could get the job done! And you said blasters are better.” |
Marina “Blasters are great for killing. The blast itself can get you many kills.” |
Pearl “Anyway, thanks for playing!” |
Marina “You all did great, no matter who won!” |
Panel art
Labeled panel art
Winning banner
Banner used if Nouveau had won
Icon used for Team Nouveau in the panel art
Icon used for Team Neo in the panel art
Nouveau Barnsquid
Neo Barnsquid
Nouveau Minifest Tee design (Sorry for the low quality. It's an old TV.)
Neo Minifest Tee design (Sorry for the low quality. It's an old TV.)
Neo (Bravo)
Nouveau (Alpha)
- YOLO2020
- ChessMaster [TALK]
- OctoRed
- hun-ghost
- P.J. GT
Custom Userboxes
I added some custom userboxes for you guys to put on your userpage!
Team Nouveau Barnsquid
fighting for Team Nouveau in YOLO2020's first minifest! |
Team Neo Barnsquid
fighting for Team Neo in YOLO2020's first minifest! |
Thanks Samurottlover and dedf1sh07[talk] for the Barnsquids!