
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

Displays a previous / next navigation bar for Splatfests



game Splatoon or Splatoon 2
Note: For all items numbered 1, 2, 3 below, it is enough to set either regionX, prevalphaX or nextalphaX to make the line appear.
Specific region names. Default values are respectively:
North America, Europe and Oceania, Japan for Splatoon
North America and Oceania, Europe, Japan for Splatoon 2
[prev|next][alpha|bravo][1|2|3] Specific team names for the previous and next Splatfest.
These are used to generate the icons (for Splatoon 2). Defaults to team names found in [prev|next]link[1|2|3].
[prev|next]link[1|2|3] Page name for the specific Splatfest.


{{SplatfestPrevNext|game=Splatoon|nextlink1=Roller Coasters vs. Water Slides|prevlink2=Messy vs. Tidy|nextlink2=Zombies vs. Ghosts}}
{{SplatfestPrevNext|game=Splatoon|prevlink1=Early Bird vs. Night Owl|prevlink2=World Tour vs. Space Adventure|prevlink3=Chocorooms vs. Chococones (2016)}}
{{SplatfestPrevNext|game=Splatoon 2|prevlink1=Cake vs. Ice Cream|nextlink1=Flight vs. Invisibility|prevlink2=Cake vs. Ice Cream|nextlink2=Flight vs. Invisibility|prevlink3=Rock vs. Pop (2017)|nextlink3=Fries vs. McNuggets}}
{{SplatfestPrevNext|game=Splatoon 2|prevlink3=Trick vs. Treat (2018)}}


USA NA Splatfests
Roller Coasters vs. Water Slides
Messy vs. Tidy
EU EUOC Splatfests
Zombies vs. Ghosts
Early Bird vs. Night Owl
USA NA Splatfests
World Tour vs. Space Adventure
EU EUOC Splatfests
Chocorooms vs. Chococones
Japan JP Splatfests
Cake vs. Ice Cream
USA NAOC Splatfests
Flight vs. Invisibility
Cake vs. Ice Cream
EU EU Splatfests
Flight vs. Invisibility
Rock vs. Pop
Japan JP Splatfests
Fries vs. McNuggets
Trick vs. Treat
Japan JP Splatfests