Octoling Strike

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#8: Spinning Campground
Octo Canyon missions
#B2: The Showdown

Octoling Strike
˜ Riot in the Reef! ˜
Number 9
Area 2
Sheldon's Request
Items 1 Scroll, 1 Sardinium, 4 Armor, 2 Bomb Launcher
Music Octoling Rendezvous
amiibo challenges
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Octoling Strike

Octoling Strike is the ninth mission in Splatoon 2's single-player mode, Octo Canyon and is the first mission to encounter a group of Octolings, the Octarian equivalent of Inklings. It takes place on a modified form of The Reef as it was before version 4.2.0.

Octo Canyon

The kettle for this mission is on a tower in the back left corner of Suction-Cup Lookout. To get to it, pop the Balloon Fish on the back left tower, then find, ink, and swim up a sponge. Use the dash pad, and swim up the ink from popping the balloon fish, and the player will land on top of the tower, where the player will find the kettle.



Octoling Strike stats
Area Enemies Mini Zapfishes Armor Special weapon Sunken Scroll Sardinium Crust Bucket Ticket
Bottom right quadrant (Player spawn) 2x Octolings 2x Mini Zapfishes 2x Armor N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bottom left quadrant 2x Octolings 2x Mini Zapfishes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Central area 1x Octoling, 2x Splash Walls N/A 1x Armor N/A N/A N/A N/A
Top right quadrant 2x Octolings, 1x Splash Wall 2x Mini Zapfishes N/A 1x Bomb Launcher Yes N/A N/A
Top left quadrant (Enemy spawn) 1x Octoling, 1x Elite Octoling 2x Mini Zapfishes 1x Armor 1x Bomb Launcher N/A Yes N/A

The Mini Zapfish are ordered here in terms of accessibility from the spawn and other Mini Zapfishes.

Mini Zapfish 1

Guarded by an Octoling right in front of the player's spawn, below the tree.

Mini Zapfish 2

Turn left at the tree near the player's spawn and defeat the two Octolings in the way. The Mini Zapfish is guarded by the second Octoling, with the bridge and splash walls near it.

Mini Zapfish 3

Turn left at the armor near spawn and break the crates to find an Octoling guarding the Mini Zapfish. Alternatively, take a left turn at Mini Zapfish 2 or take a left turn at the wall behind Mini Zapfish 2 and use the sponge to reach Mini Zapfish 3.

Mini Zapfish 4

From Mini Zapfish 2, go straight and drop off the ledge to reach Mini Zapfish 4. An Octoling will super jump near the player while they approach the Mini Zapfish.

Mini Zapfish 5

From Mini Zapfish 1, drop off the ledge and go straight to reach Mini Zapfish 5. Alternatively, take the elevated path on the right side of the map or drop off the bridge on the right side in the middle of the map.

Mini Zapfish 6

From Mini Zapfish 5, ink and climb up the sponge ahead to find Mini Zapfish 6, an Octoling guarding it, and a crate containing a canned Splat Bomb Rush.

Mini Zapfish 7

From the bridge to the right is an elevated block with a ramp leading up to it to its left. Sitting on top is the Mini Zapfish and an Octoling guarding it.

Mini Zapfish 8

The Mini Zapfish is located right in front of the enemy spawn, on the platform behind and above the tree. An Octoling sits near the tree, and an Elite Octoling waits at the spawn, both will approach you when you get close. Players may take the vertical dash panel next to the ramp of Mini Zapfish 7, along the path on the left side of the map from Mini Zapfish 2, or bust through the crates near Mini Zapfish 6.


Sunken Scroll

Net the freshest gear around! Get the abilities you've always dreamed about! Orders will be fulfilled by that weird kid with the spiky hair. Interested? Send inquiries to Annie.

Location: The alley leading up to the Octoling spawn point, located to the left side of the map (from the starting point's perspective), has a raised platform close to the tree where the Sunken Scroll in a crate is hidden under enemy ink with a Splash Wall in front of it.

Scroll location


Location: The Sardinium can be found in a crate hidden under enemy ink by the Octoling spawn point on the lower area that has a bike leaning up against some windows. Ink the corner to reveal the crate.

Sardinium location


Octoling Strike has 4 pieces of armor to collect.

Armor 1 Location: A piece of armor can be found in front of and to the left of the starting point.

Armor 2 Location: A piece of armor sits by the light pole close to the bridge from the spawn point's side of the map.

Armor 3 Location: Close to the Octoling spawn point by the tree there is an orange crate that contains the armor.

Armor 4 Location: Directly under the bridge at the center of the map a crate containing the armor can be found hidden under enemy ink.

Special Weapon

Bomb Launcher 1 Location: If the player goes to the upper area by the sponge on the enemy spawn point's side of the map, there's a crate containing a canned Bomb Launcher.

Bomb Launcher 2 Location: The alley leading up to the Octoling spawn point, located to the left side of the map (from the starting point's perspective), has a raised area with some railing and a crate containing a canned Bomb Launcher.

Enemies and Mechanics

First Introduced

Previously Introduced


Translation needed
Add quotes in Japanese, French (NOA/NOE), German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish (NOA/NOE). edit


Marie's Quotes

Wait, that's...a Mini Zapfish.
Apparently eight Mini Zapfish combined have the power output of one normal Zapfish.
Seek out those pillars of light, and recover the Mini Zapfish.
Good. We'll have all eight in no time.
There's an enemy hiding in the ink! Look sharp.
There's number two.
That's the third one.
Four down. You're halfway there.
Gotta check every last corner if you're gonna find all eight.
The ones with kelp on their heads are extra tough. Show them no mercy!
Number seven. Just one more!
That ink is deeper than it looks.

Sheldon's Quotes

Bomb Launcher! Activate it with , and launch with bombs with !
And that's six! You're making good pace!

Netherlands Dutch

Marie's Quotes

  • "Kijk uit! Octolings!"
    (Watch out! Octolings!)
  • "Wacht, dat is een... dwergvoltvis"
    (Wait, that is a... Mini Zapfish!)
  • "Blijkbaar zijn acht dwergvoltvissen samen even krachtig als een normale voltvis."
    (Apperantly eight Mini Zapfish together are as powerful as one normal Zapfish.)
  • "Zoek de lichtzuilen en verzamel die dwergvoltvissen."
    (Seek the light columns and collect those Mini Zapfish.)
  • "Er zit een vijand in de inkt! Let op!"
    (There is an enemy in the ink! Pay attention!)
  • "Die inkt is dieper dan hij lijkt."
    (That ink is deeper than it looks.)
  • "Die vijanden met zeewier op hun hoofden zijn extra taai. Toon geen genade!"
    (Those enemies with seaweed on their heads are extra tough. Show no mercy!)
  • "Ga zo door! Dan heb je ze vast alle acht binnen de kortste keren."
    (Keep it up! Then you surely have all eight of them in no time.)
  • "Dat is nummer twee!"
    (That is number two!)
  • "Dat is de derde!"
    (That is the third!)
  • "Je bent al halverwege!"
    (You are halfway already!)
  • "Om ze allemaal te vinden zul je overal moeten zoeken!"
    (To find them all you will have to look everywhere!)
  • "Nummer zeven! Zo gaat-ie goed!"
    (Number seven! Like this it goes well!)
After beating the mission for the first time:
  • "De eindketel is open! Zorg dat je er klaar voor bent!"
    (The Boss Kettle is open! Make sure that you are ready for it!)

Krabbert's Quotes

  • "Vergeet niet dat je die Inktgordijnen kunt vernietigen!"
    (Don't forget that you can destroy those Splash Walls!)
  • "Een Bomkanon! Zet het aan met en gooi bommen met !"
    (A Bomb Launcher! Turn it on with and throw bombs with !)
  • "En dat was de zesde!"
    (And that was the sixth!)



Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese しゅうらい! タコゾネス #
バッタリ! バッテラストリート

Shūrai! Takozonesu #
Battari! Battera Sutorīto
Invasion! Octoling:
Encountering Unexpectedly! The Reef
Netherlands Dutch Inkling en Octolings vis-à-vis Inkling and Octolings vis-à-vis[a]
Canada French (NOA) - Allées salées -
Attaques des octalings
- The Reef -
Attack of the octolings
France French (NOE) - Allées salées -
La rafle des Octalings
- The Reef -
The Octoling roundup
Germany German Oktoling-Hinterhalt im Korallenviertel Octoling ambush in The Reef
Italy Italian Attacco Octoling nel Rione Storione! Octoling attack on The Reef
Russia Russian Воинственные осьмозонки
«Бунт на районе!»

Voinstvennyye os'mozonki
«Bunt na rayone!»
Warlike octolings
"Riot in the district!"
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Escaramuza octoling
˜Asalto al Barrio Congrio˜
Octoling skirmish
˜Attack on The Reef˜
Spain Spanish (NOE) Invasión octoamazona en Barrio Congrio Octoling invasion in The Reef

Translation notes

  1. Pun on French vis-à-vis ("face-to-face") and Dutch vis ("fish")