Manta Maria/Quotes
Off the Hook quotes
English quotes
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “I love the reflection of the city lights on the twinkling evening waves.” |
Marina “You can be really poetic when you want to, Pearl.” |
NOE, NOA[note 1] |
Pearl “This ship... It's the same one I got for my sixth birthday!” |
Marina “I knew you grew up rich, but geez!” |
Pearl “Let's sail across the seas and make our debut in the new world!” |
Marina “OK, but only if you learn how to at least say "hi" in another language first.” |
Pearl “Let's throw a concert on this ship!” |
Marina “Don't you remember last time?! That ship is still on the ocean floor!” |
Pearl “Ooh! I just got an idea for a new song. Drop the beat, Mar!” |
Marina “Watch out, Inkopolis! Pearl's about to spit!” |
Pearl “I think they should rename Inkopolis to Cephalopolis.” |
Marina “Cephalopolis? I like it. Let's start a campaign!” |
Pearl “I bet every time this ship leaves port, there are some sad goodbyes...” |
Marina “I'm PREEEETTY sure this ship has been decommissioned.” |
Pearl “The ocean is breathtaking, yo... I wonder if there are any little fishies around.” |
Marina “"Fishies"? Aww! Pearl, you're so cute...” |
Pearl “I bet I'd make a good ship captain! HARD TO STARBOARD!” |
Marina “Abandon ship!” |
Pearl “Do you think she's seaworthy?” |
Marina “She? Who are we talking about?” |
Japanese quotes
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「夜の海と 街の夜景のコントラストやべー!」 (The contrast between the ocean and the city lights at night is amazing.) |
イイダ 「ムードたっぷりの中で バトルするなんて も~、サイッコ~ですね!」 (It's cool to battle in the midst of a moody atmosphere!) |
NOJ[note 1] |
ヒメ 「この船… 昔 誕生日にもらったのと同じヤツだ」 (This ship... I got the same thing for my birthday back then.) |
イイダ 「えっ?!」 (Huh?!) |
ヒメ 「目指すは海の向こう 海外デビューだ! な! イイダ!」 (We aim to go beyond the ocean and debut overseas! Yeah! Marina!) |
イイダ 「ヒメセンパイ… 外国語で あいさつくらいはできないと…」 (Pearl-senpai... you should at least know how to say hello in a foreign language...) |
ヒメ 「いつかこの船で海上ライブだ!! な、イイダ!」 (Let's have a live show someday on this ship!! How about it, Marina!) |
イイダ 「盛り上がって 海にダイブは ダメですよ!」 (Don't get too excited and dive into the ocean!) |
ヒメ 「海見てたら いいリリックひらめいた! イイダ、曲つけてー」 (I was looking at the ocean and came up with some great lyrics! Marina, put on a song!) |
イイダ 「喜んで~♪」 (With pleasure~) |
ヒメ 「ひゃっほー! 海だ! 水着だ!」 (Hya-hho! Ocean! Swimsuits!) |
イイダ 「ワタシは イイダ!」 (I'm Marina!) |
ヒメ 「この船が出航するたびに 出会いと別れがあるんだろうな…」 (Every time the boat sets sail, there's meetings and goodbyes...) |
イイダ 「たぶんコレ、引退した船ですよ…」 (This is probably a decommissioned ship...) |
ヒメ 「キレイな海だなー… 近くにおサカナさん、いるかな?」 (The beach is so pretty-... Are there any sakana-san nearby?) |
イイダ 「「さん」付けするセンパイ、かわいい…」 (Senpai, it's cute when you call the fish "san"...) |
ヒメ 「船長さんとか やってみてーなー! オモカジ、トツゲキー!」 (I want to be a ship captain! STARBOARD, FAST-!) |
イイダ 「船、たおれちゃいますよ!」 (The ship's collapsing!) |
ヒメ 「アタシ、ここでバトった後 いつも風船もらって帰ってるんだー」 (I always take home a balloon after a battle here-) |
イイダ 「え… 毎回アンケート書いてるんですか?」 (Um... do you do a questionnaire every time?) |
Dutch quotes
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “Zo mooi 's nachts, hoe de stadslichtjes weerspiegelen in de glitterende golven...” (So beautiful at night, how the city lights are reflected in the glittering waves...) |
Mariana “En dan een stevig robbertje vechten. Beter kan niet!” (And then have a brawl. It cannot get any better!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Notes: Een stevig robbertje vechten is a Dutch saying for "to have a brawl". | ||
Lorelei “Dat schip... Zo een heb ik ooit voor mijn verjaardag gekregen!” (That ship... I have gotten one like that for my birthday once!) |
Mariana “WAT?!” (WHAT?!) |
Lorelei “Laten we het ruime sop kiezen en ons internationale debuut maken, Mariana!” (Let's set sail and make our international debut, Marina!) |
Mariana “Maar daarvoor moet je een andere taal leren... En kunnen zeilen, natuurlijk.” (But for that you have to learn another language... And be able to sail, of course.) |
Notes: Het ruime sop kiezen is a Dutch saying for "to set sail". | ||
Lorelei “We moeten ooit eens een concert geven op dit schip, Mariana!” (We have to give a concert on this ship someday, Marina!) |
Mariana “Zolang je maar onthoudt dat je op de zee niet kunt crowdsurfen!” (As long as you remember that you cannot crowd surf on the sea!) |
Lorelei “Dit uitzicht heeft me geïnspireerd. Geef me een beat, Mariana!” (This view has inspired me. Give me a beat, Marina!) |
Mariana “Pas op, Inkopolis! Hier komt Lorelei!” (Watch out, Inkopolis! Here comes Pearl!) |
Lorelei “Woehoe! De zon, de zee! Heb je je strandspullen mee?” (Woohoo! The sun, the sea! Have you brought your beach gear?) |
Mariana “Vergeet je niet in te smeren!” (Do not forget to put on sunscreen!) |
Lorelei “Wie weet hoeveel tranen er hier worden gelaten, elke keer als dit schip vertrekt.” (Who knows how many tears are shed here, every time this ship leaves.) |
Mariana “Volgens mij vaart dit schip al een tijdje niet meer, hoor.” (I think this ship has not been sailing for a while.) |
Lorelei “De zee is zo mooi... Er zwemmen hier vast allerlei lieve vissiewissies...” (The sea is so beautiful... There are probably all kinds of sweet fishiewishies swimming here...) |
Mariana “Vissiewissies? Lorelei, soms ben je toch zo snoezig!” (Fishiewishies? Pearl, sometimes you are so adorable!) |
Lorelei “Ik wou dat ik kapitein was! HARD STUURBOORD!” (I wish that I was captain! HARD TO STARBOARD!) |
Mariana “Lorelei, je stuurt naar de kade!” (Pearl, you are heading towards the quay!) |
Notes: Marina reacts as if Pearl really is heading towards the quay, although they are both in the studio. | ||
Lorelei “Als ik hier heb gevochten, ga ik altijd weg met een ballon!” (When I have fought here, I always leave with a balloon!) |
Mariana “Hoe krijg je dat voor elkaar? Zeg je elke keer dat je jarig bent?” (How do you manage that? Do you say it is your birthday every time?) |
French quotes
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « Ce contraste entre les lumières de la ville et la mer nocturne... ça en jette ! » (The contrast with city light and night sea... it looks awesome!) |
Coralie « C'est vraiment une ambiance de rêve pour livrer bataille ! » (It's a really dreamy mood to fight on!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perle « J'ai eu exactement le même bateau pour mon anniv quand j'étais toute petiote. » (I had the exact same ship for my birthday when I was little.) |
Coralie « Tu plaisantes ?! » (You're kidding?!) |
Perle « Le temps est venu de traverser l'océan pour faire nos débuts à l'étranger ! » (Time has come to cross the ocean to make our debut overseas!) |
Coralie « Laisse tomber, tu sais même pas dire bonjour autrement qu'en Inkling... » (Forget it, you can't even say hello other than in Inkling language...) |
Perle « Coralie ! Un de ces jours, il faudra qu'on donne un concert sur ce bateau ! » (Marina! Some day, we should make a concert on this ship!) |
Coralie « Tant que tu ne te jettes pas à l'eau sous le coup de l'adrénaline... » (As long as you don't throw yourself in the water due to adrenaline...) |
Perle « La mer vient de m'inspirer de super paroles. Y manque plus que la musique ! » (The sea just inspired me some nice lyrics. Now it just needs some melody!) |
Coralie « Tu peux compter sur moi ! » (Leave it to me!) |
Perle « Youhou, voilà la mer ! C'est le moment de sortir les maillots de bain ! » (Yay, here is the sea! Time to get our swimsuits!) |
Coralie « Eh oui, les maillots de bain... de soleil ! N'oubliez pas la crème, les amis ! » (Yes, swimsuits... of sun! Don't forget sun cream, pals!) |
Notes: This is a pun with maillot de bain ("swimsuit") and bain de soleil ("sunbath"). | ||
Perle « Chaque départ de ce navire doit provoquer des effusions de larmes... » (Every departure of this ship must trigger so many tears...) |
Coralie « Il a l'air de rester à quai toute l'année, mais je voudrais pas casser ton délire. » (It seems to be tied to the dock all year, though I don't wanna break your dream.) |
Perle « L'océan est magnifique... Les poissons ont une de ces chances... » (The ocean is beautiful... fish are so lucky...) |
Coralie « Qu'est-ce qui t'arrive, Perle ?! T'es prise d'une nostalgie ancestrale ? » (What's happening, Pearl?! Some ancestral nostalgia came to you?) |
Perle « J'aimerais trop être capitaine de bateau ! À tribord toute ! » (I'd love to be a boat captain! Hard to starboard!) |
Coralie « Tu ferais pas 100 mètres sans chavirer, Perle ! » (You wouldn't do 100 meters without capsizing, Pearl!) |
Perle « Chaque fois que je vais au port, le type de la buvette me donne un ballon, hé hé. » (Every time I go by the port, the snack bar guy gives me a balloon, eh eh.) |
Coralie « Tu devrais avoir honte de te faire passer pour une enfant, à ton âge ! » (You should be ashamed to pretend to be a child, at your age!) |
German quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Ich liebe die Lichter der Stadt auf den glitzernden Abendwellen...“ (I love the lights of the city on the sparkling evening waves...) |
Marina „Du hast eine Dichterseele, Perla...“ (You have a poet's soul, Pearl...) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla „Dieses Schiff... So eines hab ich mal zum Geburtstag gekriegt!“ (That ship... I got one like that for my birthday once!) |
Marina „WAS?!“ (WHAT?!) |
Perla „Lass uns in See stechen und unsere Karriere in Übersee fortsetzen, Marina!“ (Let's set sail and continue our career overseas, Marina!) |
Marina „Dafür müsste man eine Fremdsprache beherrschen... Und segeln können...“ (For that you'd have to master a foreign language... And know how to sail...) |
Perla „Irgendwann geben wir auf diesem Schiff mal ein Konzert! Was sagst du?“ (Some day we will give a concert on this ship! What do you think?) |
Marina „Ich weiß ja nicht, am Ende läuft das wieder so wie letztes Mal...“ (I don't know, in the end it will go like last time...) |
Perla „Bei dem Blick über das Wasser ist mir ein toller Text eingefallen. Leg was auf!“ (With that view over the water I came up with a great text. Put it on!) |
Marina „Aber mit Vergnügen!“ (With pleasure!) |
Perla „Yeah! Wir sind am Meer! Packt die Strandklamotten aus!“ (Yeah! We're at the sea! Get your beach clothes!) |
Marina „Aber nicht zu nah ran ans Wasser! Geschweige denn rein!“ (But don't go to close to the water! Let alone inside!) |
Perla „Wenn dieses Schiff den Hafen verlässt, gibt es sicher traurige Abschiede...“ (When this ship leaves the harbor, there surely are sad goodbyes...) |
Marina „Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass es außer Dienst gestellt wurde.“ (I'm pretty sure it was taken out of service.) |
Perla „Das Meer ist so schön... Bestimmt sind da auch lauter süße Fischlein...“ (The sea is so beautiful... Surely there are lots of cute fishies...) |
Marina „„Fischlein"? Ooooch, manchmal könnte ich dich knuddeln!“ ("Fishies"? Ooooh, sometimes I could cuddle you!) |
Perla „Ich wäre gern Kapitän! „HART BACKBORD, BEIM KLABAUTER!"“ (I wanna be a captain! "FULL PORT, SHIVER ME TIMBERS!") |
Marina „Ich sehe das Wrack schon vor mir...“ (I can already imagine the wreck...) |
Perla „Immer wenn ich hier bin, hole ich mir vor dem Heimgehen einen Ballon!“ (Whenever I'm here, I get a balloon before going home!) |
Marina „Sagst du den Leuten da etwa jedes Mal, dass du Geburtstag hast?“ (Do you tell the people there that it's your birthday every time?) |
Italian quotes
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Il contrasto tra le luci della città e il mare notturno è incredibile.» (The contrast between the city lights and the night sea is incredible.) |
Nori «La scenografia ideale per una battaglia all'ultimo inchiostro.» (The ideal setting for a battle to the last ink.) |
NOE[note 1] |
Alga «Questa nave... è lo stesso modello che mi hanno regalato per il compleanno.» (This's the same model they gave me for my birthday.) |
Nori «Sapevo che vieni da una famiglia ricca, ma questo è troppo!» (I knew you come from a rich family, but this is too much!) |
Alga «Dai, Nori, salpiamo verso lidi lontani, per il nostro debutto all'estero!» (Come on, Marina, let's set sail for distant shores, for our debut abroad!) |
Nori «Alga, prima devi almeno imparare a salutare in un'altra lingua...» (Pearl, first you must at least learn to say hello in another language...) |
Alga «Un giorno faremo un concerto proprio su questa nave, Nori!» (One day we'll do a concert right on this ship, Marina!) |
Nori «Basta che non perdi il controllo per l'entusiasmo e cadi in mare!» (Just don't lose control with enthusiasm and fall overboard!) |
Alga «Ho creato un bel testo ispirato al mare, Nori. Mettimelo in musica, dai!» (I created a nice text inspired by the sea, Marina. Put to music, come on!) |
Nori «Volentieri!» (Gladly!) |
Alga «Yuhuuu! Mare, sole... è tempo di mettersi in costume!!!» (Yuhuuu! Sea,'s time to put on the costume!!!) |
Nori «Non dimenticare la protezione solare!» (Don't forget the sunscreen!) |
Alga «Chissà quanti tristi addii ogni volta che questa nave lascia il porto...» (Who knows how many sad goodbyes every time this ship leaves port...) |
Nori «Credo che questa nave sia in pensione da un po'...» (I think this ship has been retired for a while...) |
Alga «Che bello il mare, chissà quanti pesciotti che nuotano felici...» (How beautiful the sea, who knows how many little fishes swimming happily ...) |
Nori «Pesciotti? Che tenera che sei...» (Little fishes? How sweet you are...) |
Notes: "Pesciotti" is a diminutive of fishes. | ||
Alga «Come vorrei essere capitana di nave... TUTTO A DRITTA!!!» (How I would like to be a ship captain ... ALL STARBOARD!!!) |
Nori «Faresti rivoltare la nave alla prima virata, Alga!» (You would flip the ship on the first turn, Pearl!) |
Alga «Quando faccio una partita qui, torno sempre a casa con un palloncino.» (When I do a battle here, I always come home with a balloon.) |
Nori «E perché? Ogni volta racconti che è il tuo compleanno?» (Why? Every time you say it's your birthday?) |
Russian quotes
Жемчик's dialogue | Мариша's dialogue | Region |
Жемчик «Шпрот-поворот! Ночное море, огни города! Вот это красотища!» (For sprat's sake! Night sea, city lights! What a beauty!) |
Мариша «Да, бой в такой атмосфере это наверняка что-то неповторимое!» (Yes, fighting in such an atmosphere is definitely something unique!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Жемчик «Я уже говорила, что мне однажды на день рождения подарили корабль?» (Did I mention that I was once given a ship for my birthday?) |
Мариша «И я все еще не могу поверить!» (And I still can't believe it!) |
Жемчик «Мариша, айда за океан в турне!» (Marina, let's go on tour overseas!) |
Мариша «Жемчик, а ты иностранные языки-то хоть знаешь?» (Do you even know any foreign languages, Pearl?) |
Жемчик «Когда-нибудь мы устроим концерт на этом корабле! Точно, Мариша?» (Someday we'll have a concert on this ship! Right, Marina?) |
Мариша «Конечно! Главное за борт не бултыхнись.» (Of course! The main thing is not to flounder overboard.) |
Жемчик «Какая там вода! О, я придумала крутые слова для песни! Дай бит!» (What a water is there! Oh, I came up with cool lyrics for the song! Give me a beat!) |
Мариша «Запросто!» (Piece of cake!) |
Жемчик «Круиз на шикарном паруснике! Мариша, бежим за купальниками!» (Cruise on a luxurious sailboat! Marina, let's go grab swimwear!) |
Мариша «И за кремом от загара!» (And sunscreen cream!) |
Жемчик «Когда этот корабль уходит в плаванье, все, наверное, платочками машут...» (When this ship sets sail, everyone is probably waving their handkerchiefs...) |
Мариша «Мне кажется, он здесь по приколу... в смысле, на приколе. Не плавает.» (I think it's here for fun... I mean, it's laid up. Doesn't swim.) |
Notes: The Russian word "прикол" prikol means "stake" (for example, those that used for mooring ships) and is a slang word for "joke". | ||
Жемчик «Океан такой красивый! А какие там, наверное, разноцветные рыбоньки!» (The ocean is so beautiful! And there are probably such colorful fishies!) |
Мариша ««Рыбоньки»? Жемчик, иногда ты такая милая...» («Fishies»? Pearl, sometimes you're so cute...) |
Жемчик «Эх, стать бы капитаном! ПРАВО РУЛЯ!» (Oh, I wish to become a captain! RIGHT OF THE RUDDER!) |
Мариша «SOS! SOS!» (SOS! SOS!) |
Жемчик «Каждый раз после боя здесь я беру домой воздушный шарик.» (Every time after a fight here, I take a balloon at the way home.) |
Мариша «Подожди, их разве не только детям дают?» (Wait, aren't they just given to children?) |
Spanish quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla «Adoro cómo bailan las luces de la ciudad sobre la mar nocturna.» (I love how the city lights dance on the night's sea.) |
Marina «Eres toda una poeta, Perla.» (You're such a poet, Pearl.) |
NOA[note 1] |
Perla «El contraste entre el mar y las luces nocturnas de la ciudad es precioso.» (The contrast between the sea and the city night lights is beautiful.) |
Marina «No hay un ambiente más bonito para competir a tope.» (There's no environment more pretty to battle to the max.) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla «Me regalaron un barco igualito a ese cuando cumplí seis años.» (I was gifted a boat just like this when I turned six years old.) |
Marina «¿En serio? Qué... ¿suerte?» (Seriously? How... lucky?) |
Perla «En mi último cumpleaños me regalaron un barco igualito a ese.» (On my last birthday, they gifted me a boat just like this.) |
Marina «¿EN SERIO?» (REALLY?) |
Perla «Marina, ¿por qué no alquilamos un barco así para salir de gira por el extranjero?» (Marina, why don't we rent a boat like this to go tour abroad?) |
Marina «Creo que primero deberíamos aprender a saludar al público en otro idioma.» (I think we should first learn how to greet the public in another language.) |
Perla «¿Y si alquiláramos un barco así para salir de gira por el extranjero?» (What if we rent a boat like this to go on tour abroad?) |
Marina «¿Pero tú sabes hablar algún idioma? ¿Cómo piensas saludar al público?» (But do you know how to talk in another language? How do you think you'll greet the public?) |
Perla «¡Tenemos que dar un concierto en un barco!» (We have to throw a concert on a boat!) |
Marina «¿No te acuerdas de la última vez? ¡Ese barco sigue en el fondo del océano!» (You don't remember the last time? That boat is still at the bottom of the ocean!) |
Perla «¡Tenemos que dar un concierto en ese barco como sea!» (We have to throw a concert on this boat no matter what it takes!) |
Marina «¡Qué va! ¿Y si te entusiasmas de más y saltas al agua por la borda?» (No way! What if you get too excited and jump overboard to the water?) |
Perla «Se me ocurrió un verso bien chévere mirando las olas del mar. ¡Pon música!» (I came up with a really fresh verse looking at the sea waves. Cue the music!) |
Marina «¡Cuidado, Cromópolis! ¡Ahí va mi Perlita!» (Watch out, Inkopolis! Here comes my Pearlie!) |
Perla «Se me ha ocurrido una letra rompedora mirando las olas del mar. ¡Pon música!» (I've come up with some killer lyrics looking at the sea waves. Cue the music!) |
Marina «¡Eso está hecho!» (That's how it's done!) |
Perla «Deberían renombrar a Cromópolis como... ¡Cefalopópolis!» (They should rename Inkopolis to... Off the Hook-opolis!) |
Marina «¿Cefalopópolis? ¡Qué buena idea! ¡Vamos a iniciar la campaña!» (Off the Hook-opolis? Great idea! Let's start the campaign!) |
Perla «¡Todos al agua! ¡Id preparando esos bañadores!» (Everybody, dive in! Get your bathing suits ready!) |
Marina «¡Y la crema protectora para el sol!» (And sunblock!) |
Perla «Imagínate las tristes despedidas que dejará atrás este barco cuando zarpa...» (Imagine the sad farewells that this boat leaves behind when it sets sail...) |
Marina «Yo diría que este navío ya lleva bastante tiempo retirado.» (I'd say that this ship has been retired for quite some time.) |
Perla «La de tristes despedidas que dejará atrás este barco cada vez que zarpa...» (The sad farewells that this boat leaves behind every time sets sail...) |
Marina «Yo diría que este navío ya lleva bastante tiempo retirado...» (I'd say that this ship has been retired for quite some time...) |
Perla «¡Qué bonito es el mar! Con sus olas, con sus gaviotas, con sus pececitos...» (The sea is so beautiful! With its waves, its seagulls, its fishies...) |
Marina «¡Je, je, "pececitos"! Qué tierna eres, Perla.» (Hehe, "fishies!" You're so sweet, Pearl.) |
Perla «¡Qué bonito es el mar! Con sus olas, con sus gaviotas, con sus pececillos...» (The sea is so beautiful! With its waves, its seagulls, its fishies...) |
Marina «¿A qué viene esa vena poética ahora?» (Where did this poetic vein come from now?) |
Perla «¡Quiero ser capitana de un barco! "¡A levar anclas! ¡Mesana a estribor!"» (I wanna be a captain of a boat! "Raise the anchors! Hard to starboard!") |
Marina «¡Yo me quedo en el puerto!» (I'd stay at the port!) |
Perla «Yo serviría para capitana de barco. «¡Arriad las velas! ¡A toda máquina!»» (I'd serve as a captain of a boat. "Raise the anchors! Full speed ahead!") |
Marina «La cosa terminaría en naufragio, fijo.» (The thing would end in a shipwreck, surely.) |
Perla «¿Sabes qué sería la onda? Combatir aquí con una gorra de capitán.» (You know what would be rad? Battling here with a captain's hat.) |
Marina «¡Qué perfecto!» (That's so perfect!) |
Perla «¿Sabes qué molaría? Venir a luchar aquí con una gorra de capitán.» (You know what'd be cool? Coming to fight here with a captain's hat.) |
Marina «Y yo que pensaba que nunca tendrías una idea buena...» (And I thought that you'd never have a good idea...) |
Deep Cut quotes
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “I've always wondered about that golden thing on the Manta Maria's bow. What is it?” |
Shiver “Oh, probably some sort of ancient charm. I already tried looting it, and it won't budge.” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Hey, Big Man... Is the Manta Maria named after you?” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (No, it's way older than I am. Maybe I'm named after it!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “You'd better ink the deck from port to starboard if you want to win!” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay! (Don't forget those little lifeboats too! Those count!)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Why doesn't the Manta Maria ever dock in the Splatlands, you guys?” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay. (I don't think it sails anymore, Frye. It just...floats.)” |
Shiver “Bah! If it floats, it can sail. Maybe they'd let us take it for a spin...” |
Big Man “Ay?! (What exactly are you planning?!)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Ooo, I've got to warn everyone. If you're battling on Manta Maria, watch for seagulls!” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay. (Oh, good call. I'd feel so bad if I accidentally splatted one.)” |
Frye “What? No, that's not it. Watch out, 'cause they'll steal food right out of your hand!” |
Shiver “Frye, most people use both hands in battle. You're the only one who snack attacks!” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Arrr! I always feel like a pirate on the Manta Maria at night.” |
Big Man “Ay! (I mean, you kinda ARE a pirate!)” |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「マンタマリア号の先っちょに付いとる、 あの金ピカの像は何なんじゃ?」 (What's that glittery golden thing attached to the bow of the Manta Maria?) |
フウカ 「………金運アップの お守りとちゃう?」 (......Could it be a good money luck charm?) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「もしかして マンタマリア号を造ったヤツは マンタローのファンだったりせんか?」 (Do you think the guy who built the Manta Maria was a fan of Big Man?) |
マンタロー 「エイ?(この船、ボクより年上だからね?)」 (Ay? (Isn't this ship older than me?)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「ナワバリバトルで勝利したいなら、スミズミまで きっちり塗ることや!」 (If you want to win at Turf War, you better ink every nook and cranny!) |
マンタロー 「エイ!(マンタマリア号では 小さいボートの塗り忘れに注意!)」 (Ay! (Don't forget about those little boats on the side of the Manta Maria, too!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「マンタマリア号って バンカラ地方の港にも来るんか?」 (Do you think the Manta Maria will be docking in the Splatlands?) |
マンタロー 「エイ~(もう引退した船だから 来ないんじゃないかなぁ)」 (Ay~ (It won't dock here ever now because it's decommissioned.)) |
フウカ 「いつかは来るかもしれへんで? たとえば、ウチらが この船をいただいたとして…」 (Maybe someday it will come? For example, if we were to take it...) |
マンタロー 「エイ?(何か良からぬこと考えてる?)」 (Ay? (Are you thinking about doing something bad?)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「マンタマリア号で バトルするみんなは カモメに気をつけるんじゃぞ!」 (People battling on Manta Maria should watch out for the seagulls!) |
マンタロー 「エイ!(インク当たっちゃいそうだもんね)」 (Ay! (So they don't get hit with ink!)) |
ウツホ 「いいや、食いもんを取られないようにじゃ! ヤツらは カワイイ顔したハンターなんじゃッ!!」 (No, don't let them take your food! They're hunters with pretty faces!!) |
フウカ 「食べ物片手にバトルするんは ウツホくらいやで」 (Only Frye would battle with food in her hand.) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「マンタマリア号、いざ夜の海へ出航じゃ!」 (The Manta Maria is ready to sail into the night!) |
マンタロー 「エーイエー!(ヨーソロー!)」 (Ayy ayy! (Keep 'er steady-!)) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Wat is dat gouden ding op de boeg van de Klipvisklipper toch?” (What is that golden thing on the bow of the Manta Maria anyway?) |
Haya “O, vast een soort geluksding. Doe geen moeite om het los te wrikken. Heb ik al geprobeerd.” (Oh, surely a kind of fortune thing. Don't trouble yourself to pry it loose. I've already tried.) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Lukt het jullie om Klipvisklipper snel drie keer achterelkaar te zeggen?” (Can you guys manage to say Manta Maria quickly three times in a row?) |
Ray “Ay! Ya! Yaay! Ay. (Klipvisklipper! Vlipklipripper! Lipviskisser! Makkie.)” (Ay! Ya! Yaay! Ay. (Manta Maria! Vanta Raria! Lanta Karia! Nailed it.)) |
Notes: Big Man's third attempt is a reference to the lipvis ("Wrasse") |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Bij de Klipvisklipper moet je je best doen om het dek van bak- tot stuurboord te bedekken.” (On the Manta Maria, you must do your best to cover the deck from port to starboard.) |
Ray “Ay! Ay! (En vergeet de bootjes aan de zij- kant niet! Die zouden je redding kunnen zijn!)” (Ay! Ay! (And don't forget the little boats on the side! Those could be your lifesaver!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Waarom meert de Klipvisklipper eigenlijk nooit aan bij de Splatlands?” (Why exactly does the Manta Maria never dock at the Splatlands?) |
Ray “Ay. Ay... (Ik denk niet dat ze nog vaart. Ze drijft alleen maar...)” (Ay. Ay... (I don't think it sails anymore. It just floats...)) |
Haya “Ja, maar varen is drijven met wat sturen erbij. Zullen we haar kapen en op reis gaan?” (Yes, but sailing is floating with some steering involved. Shall we hijack it and go on a journey?) |
Ray “Ay! Ay! (Nee, dank je! Volgens mij is het ietsjes moeilijker dan je denkt!)” (Ay! Ay! (No, thank you! I believe it's a teensy bit harder than you think!)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Op het dek van de Klipvisklipper moet je altijd uitkijken of er meeuwen in de buurt zijn!” (On the deck of the Manta Maria, you always have to watch out if there are seagulls in the area!) |
Ray “Ay. Ay. (Goed punt. Ik zou het ook niet leuk vinden als ik er per ongeluk een onderspat.)” (Ay. Ay. (Good point. I also wouldn't like it if I accidentally splatted one.)) |
Notes: Onderspat comes from onder- ("under-") and spatten ("to splatter"). It means along the lines of "to cover [someone or something] by splattering". | ||
Muriël “Wat? Nee, dat bedoel ik niet. Ik heb het erover dat ze eten uit je hand stelen!” (What? No, I don't mean that. I'm talking about them stealing food out of your hand!) |
Haya “Muriël, het verbaast je misschien, maar de meesten van ons snoepen niet tijdens de strijd.” (Frye, It may come as a surprise to you, but the most of us don't eat sweets during battle.) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Arrr! Ik voel me 's nachts op de Klipvisklipper altijd net een piraat.” (Arrr! I always feel like a pirate on the Manta Maria at night.) |
Ray “Ay! (Een zendpiraat ben je in elk geval!)” (Ay! (A radio pirate you are in any case!)) |
French (France)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « J'ai jamais pigé ce que c'était, ce truc doré sur la proue de la Manta Maria... » |
Pasquale « Une ancienne relique, je crois. J'ai tenté de la chaparder, mais elle est solidement fixée. » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Dis, Raimi... la Manta Maria, elle a été nommée en l'honneur de ton clan ? » |
Raimi « Ay ? (Je crois pas. Peut-être que mon clan a été nommé en hommage au bateau ?) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Il faut encrer la Manta Maria de la poupe à la proue si on veut l'emporter ! » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Et même les canots de sauvetage ! Faut pas les oublier !) » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Pourquoi la Manta Maria accoste jamais à la Contrée Clabousse ? » |
Raimi « Ay...(Je crois qu'elle navigue plus depuis longtemps. Elle se contente de flotter.) » |
Pasquale « Pff ! Si elle peut flotter, elle peut naviguer. On pourrait s'offrir une petite croisière... » |
Raimi « Ay ?! (Qu'est-ce que t'as en tête, exactement ?!) » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Je vous préviens : lors des matchs sur la Manta Maria, faites gaffe aux mouettes ! » |
Raimi « Ay. (Oh, t'as bien raison. Ça me briserait le cœur d'en liquider une par inadvertance.) » |
Angie « Hein ? Mais non. Il faut faire gaffe parce qu'elles adorent chiper les biscuits ! » |
Pasquale « Tu sais, Angie, je crois que t'es la seule à prendre le goûter en plein match... » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Debout moussaillons ! La nuit sur la Manta Maria, tout le monde est un peu pirate ! » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Dans ton cas, ça te change pas trop ! Tu es une pirate dans l'âme !) » |
French (Canada)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « J'ai jamais compris ce que c'était, ce truc doré sur la proue de la Manta Maria... » |
Pasquale « Une ancienne relique, je crois. J'ai tenté de la voler, mais elle est solidement fixée. » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Dis, Raimi... la Manta Maria, elle a été nommée en l'honneur de ton clan? » |
Raimi « Ay? (Je crois pas. Peut-être que mon clan a été nommé en hommage au bateau?) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Il faut encrer la Manta Maria de la poupe à la proue si on veut l'emporter! » |
Raimi « Ay! (Et même les canots de sauvetage! Faut pas les oublier!) » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Pourquoi la Manta Maria accoste jamais à la Contrée Clabousse? » |
Raimi « Ay. (Je crois qu'elle navigue plus depuis longtemps. Elle se contente de flotter.) » |
Pasquale « Pff! Si elle peut flotter, elle peut naviguer. On pourrait s'offrir une petite croisière... » |
Raimi « Ay?! (Qu'est-ce que t'as en tête, exactement?!) » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Je vous préviens : lors des matchs sur la Manta Maria, faites gaffe aux mouettes! » |
Raimi « Ay. (Oh, t'as bien raison. Ça me briserait le cœur d'en liquider une par inadvertance.) » |
Angie « Hein? Mais non. Il faut faire gaffe parce qu'elles adorent voler les biscuits! » |
Pasquale « Tu sais, Angie, je crois que t'es la seule à manger une collation en plein match... » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Debout moussaillons! La nuit sur la Manta Maria, tout le monde est un peu pirate! » |
Raimi « Ay! (Dans ton cas, ça te change pas trop! Tu es une pirate dans l'âme!) » |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Frage mich ja ständig, was das für ein goldenes Ding am Bug der Manta Maria ist...“ (I always wonder what that golden thing on Manta Maria's bow is...) |
Mako „Sicherlich gegen böse Geister oder so. Klauen lässt es sich nicht, hab's versucht.“ (It's certainly against evil spirits. It can't be stolen, and I've tried.) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „He, Mantaro. Hat der Name „Manta Maria" irgendwas mit dir zu tun?“ (Hey, Big Man. Was "Manta Maria" named after you?) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay! (Das Schiff ist viiiel älter als ich. Vielleicht bin ja ich nach IHM benannt!)“ (Ay. Ay! (The ship is way older than me. Maybe I was named after THE SHIP!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Auf der Manta Maria gewinnt nur, wer Bug, Heck, Back- und Steuerbord zukleckst!“ (On Manta Maria, only those who ink the bow, stern, port, and starboard win!) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Und die Rettungsboote auch! Die zählen zur Arena. Klein, aber fein!)“ (Ay! Ay! (And the lifeboats too! They are part of the stage. Small, but powerful!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Ob die Manta Maria nicht auch mal hier im Distrikt Splatsville anlegt? Was sagt ihr?“ (Wouldn't Manta Maria also dock here in Splatsville? Why does it not?) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay... (Glaube nicht, dass die noch fährt. Wohl eher so ein Fall von... Dümpelbetrieb.)“ (Ay. Ay... (I don't think it sails anymore. It more or so... floats.)) |
Mako „Unfug! Was dümpelt, kann auch fahren. Schleichen wir uns doch mal ans Steuer...“ (Nonsense! What can idle can move. Let's just sneak behind the wheel...) |
Mantaro „A... (M-mir schwant nichts Gutes...)“ (A... (N-Now I'm having bad suspicions...)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Uh! Kleine Warnung! Auf der Manta Maria unbedingt auf die Möwen aufpassen, ja?“ (Oh! Small warning! Watch out for the seagulls on Manta Maria, okay?) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay. (Hui, danke. Wäre ganz schrecklich, wenn ich mal eine erwischen würde.)“ (Ay. Ay. (Woah, thanks. It would be a terrible accident if I hit one.)) |
Muri „Hä? Quatsch! Die klauen einem Knabberzeug direkt aus der Hand, DAS war die Warnung!“ (Huh? Nonsense! They'll steal a snack right out of your hand, THAT was the warning!) |
Mako „Muri, du dürftest weltweit die einzige sein, die sich im Kampf Knabberkram reinzieht...“ (Frye, you're the only one who eats snacks during a fight...) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „HAR HARRR! Nachts auf der Manta Maria, da fühl ich mich wie 'ne Seeräuberin!“ (HAR HARRR! At night on Manta Maria, I feel like a pirate!) |
Mantaro „Ay... (Also, du bist 'ne Räuberin, und oben an Bord bist du auch auf See, von daher...)“ (Ay... (Well, you're a thief, and you're on a ship, and you're at sea, so...)) |
Notes: Deep Cut is a group of thieves, and pirates are thieves who use water to travel. |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Chissà cos'è quell'affare d'oro sulla prua della Manta Maria...» (Who knows what's that golden thing on the bow of the Manta Maria...) |
Pinnuccia «Probabilmente un qualche portafortuna. Ho già provato a rubarlo, ma non si muove.» (Probably some kind of lucky charm. I've already tried to steal it, but it won't move.) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Ehi, Mantaleo... il nome della Manta Maria è ispirato al tuo?» (Hey, Big Man... is the Manta Maria's name inspired by yours?) |
Mantaleo «Man. Man! (No, è molto più vecchia di me. Forse è il contrario!)» (Ay. Ay! (No, it's much older than me. Maybe it's the other way around!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Meglio inchiostrare il ponte da babordo a tribordo se volete vincere!» (It's better to ink the bridge from port to starboard if you want to win.) |
Mantaleo «Man! (E non dimenticate le scialuppe di salvataggio! Contano anche quelle!)» (Ay! (And don't forget the lifeboats! They matter too!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Perché la Manta Maria non attracca mai a Splattonia?» (Why doesn't the Manta Maria ever sail to the Splatlands?) |
Mantaleo «Man. Man... (Non penso che navighi più, Morena. Se ne sta a galla e basta...)» (Ay. Ay... (I don't think it can sail anymore, Frye. It just floats and that's about it.)) |
Pinnuccia «Bah! Se sta a galla, può anche navigare. Magari ce la lasciano usare...» (Buh! If it floats, then it can also sail. Maybe they will also let us use it...) |
Mantaleo «Man?! (Cos'hai in mente, esattamente?!)» (Ay?! (What's in your mind, exactly?!)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Devo avvertirvi: se state combattendo sulla Manta Maria, occhio ai gabbiani!» (I have to warn you: if you're battling on the Manta Maria, beware the seagulls!) |
Mantaleo «Man. Man. (Ah, grazie di averlo detto. Mi spiacerebbe splattarne uno per sbaglio.)» (Ay. Ay. (Ah, thanks for telling me. I would feel sorry splatting one by mistake.)) |
Morena «Cosa? No, non è per quello. È che vi rubano il cibo dalle mani, se non fate attenzione!» (What? No, it's not that. It's that they will steal your food from your hands, if you don't pay attention!) |
Pinnuccia «Morena, sei l'unica che usa una mano per tenere uno spuntino invece che l'arma!» (Frye, you're the only one who uses a hand to hold a snack instead of your weapon!) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Arrrr! Quando mi trovo sulla Manta Maria di notte, mi sento sempre come una pirata!» (Arrrr! When I'm on the Manta Maria at night, I always feel like a pirate!) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Questo perché, in qualche modo, tu SEI una pirata!)» (Ay! (That's because, in some way, you ARE a pirate!)) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Что это за золотая штука на бушприте у «Манта-Марии»?» (What's this golden thing on Manta Maria's bowsprit?) |
Кулла «Наверное, какой-то древний талисман. Я уже пробовала его отодрать, и не пытайся.» (Some ancient talisman probably. I already tried to tear it off, don't even try.) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Как считаешь, Биг Ман... «Манту-Марию» назвали в твою честь?» (What do you think, Big Man... Was Manta Maria called after you?) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик! (Да нет, она намного старше. Может, меня так из-за нее назвали!)» (Ay. Ay! (It wasn't, it's much older. Maybe I was called like that because of it!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «На «Манте-Марии» для победы все равно придется закрасить всю палубу от борта до борта!» (On Manta Maria, you'll have to paint the whole deck from side to side in order to win either way!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! (Не забывайте про шлюпки! Они тоже считаются!)» (Ay! Ay! (Don't forget about the boats! They count too!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Как думаете, почему «Манта-Мария» никогда не швартуется в Плюхтонии?» (How do you guys think, why Manta Maria never moors in Splatsville?) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик. (Не думаю, что она вообще еще ходит, Мурия. Скорее, качается на волнах.)» (Ay. Ay. (I don't think it's still even sailing, Frye. More like sways on the waves.)) |
Кулла «Раз не тонет, значит, ходит! Меня бы за штурвал...» (If it doesn't sink then it sails! If they just put me at the helm...) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Что-то мне не по себе!)» (Ay! (I don't feel so good for some reason!)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Кстати, осторожнее на «Манте-Марии». Там куча чаек!» (By the way, be careful on Manta Maria. There's lots of seagulls!) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик. (Ох, спасибо. Я бы так расстроился, если бы ненароком плюхнул птичку.)» (Ay. Ay. (Oh, thank you. I'd be so upset if I accidentally splatted a birdie.)) |
Мурия «Что?! Я не потому вас предупреждаю! Эти наглые воришки тащат еду из-под носа!» (What?! That's not why I warn you! These impudent little thieves are stealing food right from under your nose!) |
Кулла «Мурия, обычно в бою нужны обе руки для оружия... Не для вкусняшек!» (Frye, in a battle, you usually need both hands for a weapon... Not for treats!) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «ЙО-ХО-ХО! Ночью я королева пиратов, а «Манта-Мария» — моя добыча!» (YO-HO-HO! At night, I'm the pirate queen, and Manta Maria is my booty!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Не уверен насчет королевы, но пират из тебя хоть куда!)» (Ay! (I'm not sure about the queen, but you make a pretty good pirate!)) |
Spanish (Europe)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿Habéis visto esa figura dorada delante de la proa en Corbeta Corvina? ¿Qué será?» |
Megan «Ni idea. Igual es un amuleto o algo así. Pero no se puede quitar. Ya he probado.» |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «El nombre de Corbeta Corvina... ¿se lo pondrían en honor a ese tipo de pez?» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Ah, ¿es «Corvina»? Claro, los barcos de vela no necesitan cortinas...)» |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Para vencer en un barco, entintad por la proa, por la popa, a estribor y a babor.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Y tampoco os olvidéis de los botes salvavidas!)» |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿La Corbeta Corvina no navegará nunca hasta puertos de la región de Tintelia?» |
Rayan «Zasss...(Me parece que con mantenerse a flote ya tiene suficiente...)» |
Megan «Bueno, si flota... al menos se podrán cargar cosas en ella, ¿no?» |
Rayan «Zasss... (No sé qué idea te estará rondando la cabeza... ni si quiero saberlo...)» |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¡Tened mucho ojo con las gaviotas al combatir en Corbeta Corvina!» |
Rayan «Zasss. (Yo siempre procuro no mancharlas de tinta. De blanco están más monas.)» |
Angie «¿Cómo? Ah, pero yo me refería a tener cuidado de que no te roben la merienda.» |
Megan «Angie, tú eres la única que se lleva las bolsas de magdalenas a los combates.» |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «De noche, la cubierta de Corbeta Corvina me hace sentir como una corsaria. ¡Arrr!» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Será por lo mucho que te gusta buscar tesoros ajenos...)» |
Spanish (North America)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “¿Vieron esa figura dorada delante de la proa en Corbeta Corvina? ¿Qué será?” |
Megan “Ni idea. Será un amuleto o algo así. Pero no se puede quitar. Ya lo intenté.” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “El nombre de Corbeta Corvina... ¿se lo pondrían en honor a un pez?” |
Rayan “Zasss... (Ah, ¿es "Corvina"? Claro, los barcos de vela no necesitan cortinas...)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “Para vencer en un barco, entinten por la proa, por la popa, a estribor y a babor.” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Y tampoco se olviden de los botes salvavidas!)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “¿La Corbeta Corvina no navegará nunca hasta puertos de la región de Tintelia?” |
Rayan “Zasss. (Creo que ya no navega a ningún sitio. Es que ya es muy antigua).” |
Megan “Pero si flota, puede navegar ¿no? ¿Creen que nos la prestarían un par de días?” |
Rayan “Zasss... (No sé qué idea se te ocurrió... ni quiero saberlo...)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “¡Cuidado con las gaviotas al combatir en Corbeta Corvina!” |
Rayan “Zasss. (Yo siempre procuro no mancharlas de tinta. De blanco están más lindas).” |
Angie “¿Cómo? Ah, pero yo me refería a tener cuidado de que no te roben la comida.” |
Megan “Angie, tú eres la única que se lleva las papas fritas a los combates.” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “De noche, la cubierta de Corbeta Corvina me hace sentir como una corsaria. ¡Arrr!” |
Rayan “Zasss... (Será porque te gusta buscar tesoros ajenos...)” |
Chinese (Simplified)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “鬼蝠鲼玛利亚号的船头有个 金光闪闪的雕像,那是什么啊?” |
莎莎 “……应该是提升金钱运势的护身符吧?” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “有没有可能, 建造鬼蝠鲼玛利亚号的人是鬼福的粉丝?” |
鬼福 “鲼?(可是这艘船比我更早诞生于世哦?)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “要想在占地对战中获胜, 就得仔细涂满每个角落!” |
鬼福 “鲼!(如果在鬼蝠鲼玛利亚号对战, 别忘记给小船涂墨哦!)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “鬼蝠鲼玛利亚号也会驶来蛮颓地区的港口吗?” |
鬼福 “鲼~(这艘船已经退役了,应该不会来了吧。)” |
莎莎 “说不定将来的某天就会来哦? 比如,我们得到了这艘船……” |
鬼福 “鲼?(你是不是在打什么坏主意?)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “在鬼蝠鲼玛利亚号上对战的各位 得留意海鸥哦!” |
鬼福 “鲼!(毕竟墨汁可能会击中它们嘛。)” |
曼曼 “不,是要小心食物别被海鸥抢走! 它们可是披着可爱外皮的猎人!!” |
莎莎 “应该只有曼曼会单手拿着食物进行对战吧。” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “鬼蝠鲼玛利亚号,向着夜晚的大海启航!” |
鬼福 “鲼——鲼——!(前进——!)” |
Chinese (Traditional)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「那尊裝在鬼蝠魟瑪利亞號船首, 金光閃閃的雕像是什麼啊?」 |
莎莎 「……是某種提升財運的護身符吧?」 |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「打造鬼蝠魟瑪利亞號的人 該不會其實是鬼福的粉絲吧?」 |
鬼福 「魟。(但這艘船的年紀可是比我還老的喔。)」 |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「如果想在占地對戰中獲勝, 就得仔細地塗遍每個角落!」 |
鬼福 「魟!(在鬼蝠魟瑪利亞號上可別忘了塗小船喔!)」 |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「鬼蝠魟瑪利亞號也會航行到蠻頹地區的港口嗎?」 |
鬼福 「魟~(那艘船已經退役了,所以應該不會吧~)」 |
莎莎 「說不定未來有一天會喔。 比如說,要是我們擁有那艘船的話……」 |
鬼福 「魟?(你又在打什麼壞主意了?)」 |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「在鬼蝠魟瑪利亞號上對戰的各位 要小心海鷗喔!」 |
鬼福 「魟!(要不然墨汁可能會潑到牠們呢!)」 |
曼曼 「沒有啦,是要小心食物別被海鷗給搶走了! 牠們可是一群披著可愛外表的獵人啊!!」 |
莎莎 「會在對戰時單手拿著食物的人應該只有你吧。」 |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「鬼蝠魟瑪利亞號,出航到入夜後的大海吧!」 |
鬼福 「魟——魟——!(前——進——!)」 |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “만타 마리아호 앞에 달린 그 황금 조각상은 무엇인고?” |
후우카 “………금전운 향상 부적 아이가?” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “혹시 만타로의 팬이 만타 마리아호를 만든 것이냐?” |
만타로 “만타?(이 배는 나보다 연상인데?)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “영역 배틀에서 승리하고 싶으면 구석구석 꼼꼼히 칠해야 한데이!” |
만타로 “만타!(만타 마리아호에서는 작은 보트도 잊지 말고 칠할 것!)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “만타 마리아호는 카오폴리스 지방의 항구에도 오느냐?” |
만타로 “만타~(이미 은퇴한 배니까 안 올걸~)” |
후우카 “언젠가는 올지도 모르는 일이데이 예를 들어 우리가 이 배를 차지한다 카면…” |
만타로 “만타?(혹시 이상한 생각하는 거 아니지?)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “만타 마리아호에서 배틀할 때는 갈매기를 조심하거라!” |
만타로 “만타?(갈매기가 잉크에 맞지 않게 말이지?)” |
우츠호 “아니, 먹을 걸 뺏기지 않게 조심해야 하느니라! 녀석들은 귀여운 얼굴을 한 헌터니까 말이다!!” |
후우카 “한 손에 먹을 걸 들고 배틀하는 건 우츠호뿐일 기라” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “만타 마리아호, 한밤중의 바다로 출항이니라!” |
만타로 “마안~타~!(출~항~!)” |
“ | We learned that on Friday evening, a new stage will be added to the mix. The Manta Maria is a large sailboat moored at a harbor near Inkopolis, and it will soon be the site of many fierce ink battles. The towering masts and nets in the center of the stage will likely be a key area of conflict.
We've noticed that Inklings often choose to do battle on or near bodies of water, even though their bodies are incompatible with water. It could be that they revel in the danger of it, but more research is needed on this subject. |
” |
“ | Since it's floating out on the water, the only way to board the Manta Maria is to cross its long gangways. If you climb up to the platform built into its huge mast, you can look out over the anchored patrol ships and commercial facilities nearby. | ” |
“ | This retired sailboat exhibition facility is located in the bay, an area popular with young people. The boats have been left to look as they did in their prime, and the area has turned into a tourist destination for families and couples on weekends. A lot of Inklings try to go to the bow to reenact a famous movie scene, so you can sometimes see them being told off. | ” |
— The Art of Splatoon 2