Sourabh Bhat

I am experienced in the development of software tools and application of computational fluid dynamics in the field of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

I have expertise in the following subjects:

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
  • Compressible Fluid Mechanics
  • Grid Generation for Numerical Analysis
  • Fluid Flow Visualization for CFD Applications
  • Parallel Computing
  • Software Architecture and Project Management
  • CFD and CAD Software

I also have experience in Research and Development in Automotive Industry.


Post Doctoral Researcher

Inria Research Center, Bordeaux, France

Working on mesh adaptation and model order reduction in the industrial pillar at the European Union's Horizon 2020 project called eFlows4HPC.
Collaboration with researchers from Spain (CIMNE and BSC), Italy (SISSA), France (INRIA) etc. and industrial partners from Siemens.

Aug 2022 - Present

Project Scientist

IIT Kanpur

Studied the dynamics of flow of SARS-Cov-2 virus through respiratory droplets in a conference room during meetings.
As recognized by WHO, physical meetings are a potential vector for spread of the respiratory virus. Using fluid dynamics studies we numerically studied meeting scenarios in closed conference rooms. The research is published in Physics of Fluids.

Integrated radiation modules in NICAM - a high resolution weather forecasting software.
The Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) software is written in modern Fortran language, designed to run on high-performance computing clusters, using MPI and OpenACC. NICAM is a global forecasting system with a capability of sub-kilometer resolution.

2021 - 2022

Teaching Assistant (During PhD)

IIT Bombay

Learned the process of effective teaching from the best teachers in the country. Assisted the professor by creating animations, simulations and other teaching aids for interactive teaching. Learnt the art of question paper preparation and grading such that the paper provides a fair chance to students of different caliber.

2014 - 2020

Senior Assistant Professor

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun

Taught many courses related to Aerospace engineering and CFD, to BTech and MTech students. Provided guidance to many groups of students for projects, seminars and MTech thesis. Conducted experimental practicals for student groups using wind tunnels. Worked in organizing of AeSI national conference.

2011 - 2013


Cummins Research and Technology India

Worked on design and analysis of automobile and diesel generator engines using tools like ProE and Ansys Fluent. Worked on many individual and team projects. One of the projects went on for a patent, for which the team received an innovation award from the company.

2010 - 2011

Assistant Manager

Mahindra Navistar Automotives Limited

Worked on design and development of heavy commercial vehicle chassis and tipper body. Worked on transfer of projects from Zahirabad to Pune. Worked on replication of older design drawings and CAD models.

2006 - 2008


Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD)
PhD Thesis: Development of a Novel Accurate VOF Method for Incompressible Two-phase Fluid Flow.

The thesis makes two important contributions to the field of multiphase flow analysis. The first contribution is the Harten-Lax-van Leer contact preserving Riemann solver for two-phase flows. The second contribution is the development of an extremely accurate and efficient interface reconstruction technique which works with a Riemann solver. The two contributions together produce very efficient and accurate solutions to problems involving two-phase flows.

Major courses studied: High Performance Scientific Computing, Turbulence and Combustion Modeling, Gas Dynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Heat Transfer.

2014 - 2020

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Master of Technology (MTech)
MTech Thesis: Development of high resolution shock capturing scheme using ENO and WENO methods.

Major courses studied: Aerodynamics of Aerospace Vehicles, Optimization for Engineering Design, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Gas Dynamics, Hypersonic Flow Theory, Aircraft Design, Communication and Presentation Skills, Information Systems.

2008 - 2010

Goa University (PCCE)

Bachelor of Engineering (BE)

Major courses studied: Finite Element Methods, Automobile Engineering, Manufacturing Technology, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Machine Design, Operations Management, Theory of Machines, Heat and Mass Transfer, Manufacturing Technology, Numerical Techniques and Computer Programming, Applied Thermodynamics, Engineering Drawing.

2002 - 2006


Teaching, Research & Development
  • I have contributed to areas of teaching, research and technology in:
    • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
    • Compressible Fluid Mechanics (Gas Dynamics)
    • Computational methods for Two-Phase Flows
    • Heat and Mass Transfer
    • Thermodynamics
    • Grid Generation for Numerical Analysis
    • Computer Graphics and Flow Visualization
    • Parallel Computing
    • Numerical Methods and Computer Programming
    • Optimization for Engineering Design
  • I love creating tools and animations using Processing, Java, JavaFX, Python etc.
  • I love interacting with people and guiding innovative projects.
  • I love working on problems referring to real life situations and exploring new questions.
Programming Languages and Tools
  • C, C , Python, Fortran, Java
  • HTML, Javascript, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Netbeans, Intellij Idea
  • LaTeX, BibTeX, LyX
  • Ansys Fluent
  • Paraview, Tecplot
  • Maple, Maxima
  • Catia, ProE, Solidworks
  • Blender, Inkscape, Gimp, Kdenlive
Other Skills
  • Stage handling and presentation (Anchoring at various occasions at IITB, handled large number of students during teaching)
  • Managing and organizing events (Part of organizing team for AeSI conference at UPES)
  • Team work (Worked in Yogastha IITB, worked in various team project groups at M&M and Cummins)
  • Design and innovation (Worked on design of automotive products at M&M and Cummins, worked on website design and management of Yogastha's website, developed a web based app for daily fitness)
  • Task automation (Live telecast of IDY with multiple automated cameras switching)
  • Reading and writing skills:
    • Referred to enormous amount of technical papers and wrote many conference and journal papers during PhD
    • In process of writing a book on programing CFD available online


  1. Bhat, S. P. and Mandal, J. C., "An improved HLLC-type solver for incompressible two-phase fluid flows", Computers & Fluids, 244, 105570, (2022).
  2. Bhat S. P., Kumar B. V. R.,, "Modeling and simulation of the potential indoor airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus through respiratory droplets", Physics of Fluids, 34(3), 031909, (2022).
  3. Bhat, Sourabh and Mandal, J.C., "Modified HLLC-VOF solver for incompressible two-phase fluid flows", arXiv:1911.11234 [physics.comp-ph]
  4. Bhat, Sourabh and Mandal, J.C., "Contact preserving Riemann solver for incompressible two-phase flows", Journal of Computational Physics 379 (2019), pp. 173-191,
  5. Bhat S P, Parameswaran S, Mandal J C, "On the order of accuracy analysis of SDWLS method", ICTACEM 2017, December 2017, IIT Kharagpur, India.
  6. Bhat S P, Mandal J C, "Artificial Compressibility Based Method for Two-phase Surface Tension Dominated Flows", Annual CFD Symposium 2017, August 2017, NAL Bangalore, India.
  7. Bhat S P, Mandal J C, "A Novel HLLC-Type Riemann Solver for Two-Phase Incompressible Flows", Proceedings of 6th International & 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, December 2016, Allahabad, India.
  8. Bhat S P, Mandal J C, "A novel reinitialization technique to conserve mass and enhance accuracy in VOF method", Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems, Issue 217349, July 6-8, 2016, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA.
  9. Mandal J C, Parsai A, Parameswaran S, Bhat S P, "A novel volume of fluid method for interface tracking", 5th International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, December 12-14, 2014, Kanpur, India.
  10. Bhat S., Guven U., Yadav R., Sundarraj K., Sebastian L., Velidi G., "Effect of nose cavity on heat transfer rates to the surface of an aeroshell descending through the Martian atmosphere", Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, October 2012, IAC, 2, pp. 1430-1435.
  11. Sundarraj K., Sebastian L., Yadav R., Bhat S., Guven U., Velidi G., "Effect of nose cavity on the heat fluxes to reentry vehicle in titan's atmosphere", Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, October 2012, IAC, 3, pp. 1782-1789.
  12. Bhat S P, Sullerey R K, "An Assessment of Turbulence Models for S-Duct Diffusers With Flow Control", ASME 2013 Gas Turbine India Conference, Bangalore, India :V001T01A005. doi:10.1115/GTINDIA2013-3566.
  13. Sullerey R K, Bhat S P, "Numerical Analysis of Flow in S-Duct Diffusers With and Without Flow Control", ASME 2012 Gas Turbine India Conference, Mumbai, India :79-84. doi:10.1115/GTINDIA2012-9541.


  • When I am not doing research, I involve myself in many outdoor activities such as inline-skating, swimming and hiking.
  • Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation are my go to activities to rejuvenate myself and when I am in need of an inspiration or new ideas.
  • When confined to indoors, I love reading books for personal development and spiritual growth.
  • I spend a lot of my free time in developing open source resources available at my github page. I simply love programming tools and sharing them with others. GitHub is such a wonderful medium for that!
  • Currently, I am working on solving the interesting problems from the book Compressible Fluid Flow by Patrick H. Oosthuizen and William E. Carscallen, which are published here. Currently I am giving out the solutions only to students and teachers after filling a form at the link.
  • I have also started writing blogs. I will be writing about CFD tools, Compressible fluid flows and Numerical methods.

Awards & Certifications

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