1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134
# $Id: sample.wmbiffrc,v 1.18 2003/11/09 07:01:15 bluehal Exp $
# See wmbiffrc(5) for more info.
# Global interval -- seconds between check mailboxes
# Global askpass -- choose a password acting program
# that behaves like ssh-askpass. The default is
# askpass = /usr/bin/ssh-askpass.
# askpass is invoked on IMAP entries that have no password
# below.
# the commented version below is likely to work on RedHat
# systems; wmbiff's default is likely to work on Debian
# systems with ssh-askpass installed.
#askpass = /usr/libexec/openssh/x11-ssh-askpass
# If you'd like it to be visually distinct so that
# you aren't confused with your normal passphrase:
#askpass = /usr/bin/ssh-askpass -fg cyan -bg black -xrm '*Dialog.font: -b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1' -xrm '*Dialog.title: WMBiff Password Entry'
# If you're writing a better program for password prompting,
# or that stores passwords cleverly, and don't like that
# wmbiff adds 'password for wmbiff: user@site' to the command
# line, you can use something like this:
#askpass = /bin/echo mypassword ; true
# If you's like to chain the password to another program,
# such as kinit for Kerberos authentication, use (with the
# ruby interpreter installed):
askpass = /usr/bin/ssh-askpass -fg cyan -bg black -xrm '*Dialog.title: WMBiff Password Entry' | /usr/bin/ruby -e 'm = gets; IO.popen("/usr/bin/kinit > /dev/null", "w").puts(m); puts(m)' && true
# Skin. A different source pixmap can be loaded dynamically.
# If not a full path, wmbiff will search /usr/share/wmbiff:/usr/local/share/wmbiff:.
# which is intended to keep the .wmbiffrc simple and portable to
# different systems with wmbiff installed differently.
# default
# higher contrast for lower-color displays
# make your own derivative and submit it
# to us at [email protected].
### First string ###
# Label, that will be displayed
# Path to mailbox for UNIX-style mailboxes,
# or pop3:user:password@mailserver[:port] for POP3 accounts
# port are optional, default - 110
# Command, which will be executed for new mail in any watched mailbox
globalnotify=my_play /home/gb/sounds/new_mail_has_arrived.wav
# Command, which executed on new mail arrival, or special keyword 'beep'
#notify.0=my_play /home/gb/sounds/new_mail_has_arrived.wav
# Don't want any global notification for this mailbox
# Command, which executed on left mouse click on label
action.0=rxvt -name mutt -e mutt
# Rescan interval; default to global interval
# For POP3-accounts bigger values (>60sec) is recommended
# Interval between mail auto-fetching; use 0 for disable (only
# mouse right-clicking still worked)
# use -1 for auto-fetching on new mail arrival
# Command, which used for fetching mail. Leave commented out for full disable
# NOTE: line under this line will not be parsed because the space before equal
label.1 = MBOX
# MBOX format: mbox:fullpathname
#notify.1=my_play /home/gb/sounds/new_mail_has_arrived.wav
action.1=rxvt -name mutt -e mutt -f /home/gb/mail/10_ksi-linux-list
# label.1 = MDIR
# # Maildir format: maildir:fullpathname
# path.1=maildir:/home/gb/Maildir/
# notify.1=my_play /home/gb/sounds/new_mail_has_arrived.wav
# action.1=rxvt -name mutt -e mutt -f /home/gb/Maildir
#or if you use gnomeicu:
#action.2=gnomeicu-client show
# pop3 format: pop3:user:password@server[:port] [auth]
path.3=pop3:user:password@server apop
#notify.3=my_play /home/gb/sounds/new_mail_has_arrived.wav
action.3=rxvt -name mutt -e mutt -f /home/gb/mail/30_nftp-list
interval.3=300 # 5 minutes
# IMAP4 format: imap:user:password@server[/mailbox][:port] [auth]
# mailbox is optional, default - INBOX
# password is optional, default - ask using the askpass config
# port is optional, default - 143
interval.4=300 # 5 minutes
# label.4=IMAPS
# Secure IMAP format: imaps:user:password@server[/mailbox][:port] [auth]
# mailbox is optional, default - INBOX
# password is optional, default - ask using the askpass config
# port is optional, default - 993
# path.4=imaps:user:password@server cram-md5
# interval.4=300 # 5 minutes
# Shell expansion. (can't be nested.)
# path.4=mbox:/home/me/Mail/`ls -t1 /home/me/Mail/list-archive-* | head -1`
# label.4=tick
# Shell method
# path.4=shell:::lpq | grep Queue | awk '{print $2}'
# Ways wmbiff can drive MAC OS X Mail using AppleScript.
# action.0 = osascript -e 'tell application "Mail"' -e 'set selected mailboxes of first message viewer to {mailbox "in-grads" of imap account "[email protected]"}' -e 'activate' -e 'end tell'
# action.1 = osascript -e 'tell application "Mail"' -e 'set selected mailboxes of first message viewer to {inbox}' -e 'activate' -e 'end tell'