1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the */
/* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software */
/* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */
/* */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY */
/* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A */
/* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this */
/* program; (See "COPYING"). If not, If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
/* */
/* */
/* Copyright Joerg Anders, TU Chemnitz, Fakultaet fuer Informatik, GERMANY */
/* [email protected] */
/* */
/* */
#ifndef STAFF_H
#define STAFF_H
#include "config.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <cairo.h>
class NedMainWindow;
class NedPage;
class NedSystem;
class NedVoice;
class NedChordOrRest;
class NedClipBoard;
class NedCommandList;
class NedLyricsEditor;
struct VoiceInfoContainer;
class NedMeasure;
class NedSlur;
class part;
class NedStaff {
NedStaff(NedSystem *system, double ypos, double width, int nr, bool start);
NedStaff *clone(struct addr_ref_str **addrlist, struct addr_ref_str **slurlist, NedSystem *p_system, int staff_number);
void adjust_pointers(struct addr_ref_str *addrlist, struct addr_ref_str *slurlist);
void draw(cairo_t *cr, double botpos, bool first_page, double indent, bool *freetexts_or_lyrics_present);
void drawTexts(cairo_t *cr, bool first_page, double scale);
NedMainWindow *getMainWindow();
NedPage *getPage();
NedSystem *getSystem() {return m_system;}
int getStaffNumber() {return m_staff_number;}
bool truncateAtStart(NedCommandList *command_list, unsigned long long midi_time);
void setStaffNumber(int nr) {m_staff_number = nr;}
void prepareForImport();
void appendElementsOfMeasureLength(part *part_ptr, unsigned int meas_duration, int meas_num);
void copyDataOfWholeStaff();
void removeLastImported();
bool handleImportedTuplets();
void handleStaffElements();
//bool find_new_cursor_pos(guint keyval, int *x, int *y, double *dist);
bool trySelect (double x, double y, bool only_free_placeables);
NedChordOrRest *findNearestElement(double x, double y, NedStaff *oldstaff, double *mindist, double *ydist);
bool tryInsertOrErease (double x, double y, int num_midi_input_notes, int *midi_input_chord/* given if insert from midikeyboard */, NedChordOrRest **newObj, bool force_rest);
bool tryErease (double x, double y);
bool findLine(double x, double y, double *ypos, int *line, double *bottom);
bool findFirstElementeGreaterThan(double x, NedChordOrRest **element);
bool findLastElementeLessThan(double x, NedChordOrRest **element);
double getBottomPos();
double getMidPos();
double getTopPos() {return m_ypos;}
double getWidth() {return m_width;}
double getRealYPosOfLine(int line);
void setWidth(double w) {m_width = w;}
double getHeight();
void empty();
bool hasOnlyRests();
void cutEmptyVoices();
void handleEmptyMeasures();
void zoomFreeReplaceables(double zoom, double scale);
void recomputeFreeReplaceables();
void computeBeams();
void computeTuplets(bool has_repeat_lines);
void computeTies();
unsigned int getStaffDurationTotal();
void assignMidiTimes();
double computeMidDist(double y);
void collectChordsAndRests(NedClipBoard *board, unsigned long long midi_start, unsigned long long midi_end);
void collectDestinationVoices(NedClipBoard *board);
int assignElementsToMeasures(NedMeasure *measures, int staff_offs, bool use_upbeat, int *special_measure_at_end, bool out = false);
bool tryChangeLength(NedChordOrRest *chord_or_rest);
void searchForBeamGroups(unsigned int midi_start_time);
double getTopYBorder() {return m_top_y_border;}
double getBottomYBorder() {return m_bottom_y_border;}
void convertStaffRel(double x, double y, double *x_trans, double *y_trans);
double placeStaff(double staffpos);
int getNumberOfVoices(int staff_number);
void saveStaff(FILE *fp);
void restoreStaff(FILE *fp);
void resetActiveFlags();
void prepareReplay(bool with_keysig);
void findAccidentals(char offs_array[115], NedMeasure *meas_info, unsigned long long midi_time, bool including);
void setInternalPitches();
void adjustAccidentals();
void changeAccidentals(NedCommandList *command_list, int preferred_offs, GList *selected_group);
void transpose(int pitchdist, GList *selected_group);
void hideRests(NedCommandList *command_list, bool unhide, int voice_nr);
bool shiftNotes(unsigned long long start_time, int linedist);
void removeUnneededAccidentals(GList *selected_group = NULL);
void appendWholeRest(NedCommandList *command_list = NULL);
void getCurrentClefAndKeysig(unsigned long long miditime, int *clef, int *keysig, int *octave_shift);
void appendAppropriateWholes(int start_measure);
void setUpbeatRests(unsigned int upbeat_inverse);
void testTies();
void collectSelectionRectangleElements(double xp, double yp, NedBbox *sel_rect, GList **sel_group,
bool is_first_selected, bool is_last_selected);
void findSelectedStaffs(double yp, NedBbox *sel_rect, int *number_of_first_selected_staff, int *number_of_last_selected_staff);
void pasteElements(NedCommandList *command_list, GList **elements, int from_staff, unsigned long long start_midi_time);
bool hasTupletConflict(unsigned int meas_duration, GList **elements, int from_staff, unsigned int long long midi_time);
bool findFromTo(GList *clipboard);
bool findStartMeasureLimits(GList *clipboard, unsigned long long *start_midi);
bool findEndMeasureLimits(GList *clipboard, unsigned long long *end_midi);
void deleteItemsFromTo(NedCommandList *command_list, bool is_first, bool is_last, unsigned long long start_midi, unsigned long long end_midi);
void removeNotesFromTo(NedCommandList *command_list, GList *items, bool is_first, bool is_last);
void insertBlocks(NedCommandList *command_list, int blockcount, unsigned long long midi_time);
void testForPageBackwardTies(NedCommandList *command_list);
void checkForElementsToSplit(NedCommandList *command_list);
void insertStaffElement(NedChordOrRest *elem, bool redraw = true);
void removeStaffElement(NedChordOrRest *elem);
void deleteStaffElements(bool unexecute, GList *elems, unsigned long long reftime, unsigned long duration);
bool hasStaffElem(unsigned long long miditime);
void insertIntoStaff(GList *elems, unsigned long long duration);
void appendAtStaff(GList *elems);
void setAndUpdateClefTypeAndKeySig(int *clef_and_key_array, bool first);
double getSystemEnd();
double getSystemStart();
GList *getFirstChordOrRest(int voice_nr, int lyrics_line, bool lyrics_required, bool note_required);
GList *getLastChordOrRest(int voice_nr, int lyrics_line, bool lyrics_required, bool note_required);
void determineTempoInverse(NedChordOrRest *element, unsigned long long till, double *tempoinverse, bool *found);
bool detectVoices(unsigned int *voice_mask, unsigned long long *e_time);
void exportLilyPond(FILE *fp, int voice_nr, int *last_line, unsigned int *midi_len,
bool last_system, unsigned long long end_time, bool *in_alternative, NedSlur **lily_slur, unsigned int *lyrics_map, bool with_break,
bool *guitar_chordnames, bool *chordnames, int *breath_script, bool keep_beams);
void exportLilyGuitarChordnames(FILE *fp, int *last_line, unsigned int *midi_len,
bool last_system, unsigned long long end_time, bool *in_alternative, bool with_break);
void exportLilyFreeChordName(FILE *fp, int *last_line, unsigned int *midi_len,
bool last_system, unsigned long long end_time, bool *in_alternative, bool with_break);
void exportLilyLyrics(FILE *fp, bool last_system, int voice_nr, int line_nr, unsigned long long end_time, int *sil_count);
void collectLyrics(NedLyricsEditor *leditor);
void setLyrics(NedCommandList *command_list, NedLyricsEditor *leditor);
GList *getStaffElements(unsigned long long midi_time);
static const char m_sharpPos[7][7];
static const signed char m_flatPos[7][7];
GList *m_staffelems;
NedVoice *m_voices[VOICE_COUNT];
double m_ypos;
double m_width;
double m_top_y_border;
int m_lyrics_lines;
double m_bottom_y_border;
int m_staff_number;
int m_clef_type;
int m_clef_octave_shift;
int m_keysig;
bool m_freetexts_or_lyrics_present;
GList *m_volume_changes;
NedSystem *m_system;
#endif /* STAFF_H */