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// require('module-alias/register')
const setReference = require('../../../lib/reference/set')
const { guid, properties, hash } = require('../utils')
describe('reference set', () => {
it('should rejected if not passed a claim guid', () => {
setReference.bind(null, {}, properties).should.throw('missing guid')
it('should rejected if passed an invalid claim guid', () => {
setReference.bind(null, { guid: 'some-invalid-guid' }, properties)
.should.throw('invalid guid')
it('should rejected if not passed a property', () => {
setReference.bind(null, { guid }, properties).should.throw('missing property')
it('should rejected if not passed a reference value', () => {
setReference.bind(null, { guid, property: 'P2' }, properties)
.should.throw('missing snak value')
it('should rejected if passed an invalid reference', () => {
const params = { guid, property: 'P2', value: 'not-a-valid-reference' }
setReference.bind(null, params, properties).should.throw('invalid entity value')
it('should set the action to wbsetreference', () => {
const params = { guid, property: 'P2', value: 'Q1' }
setReference(params, properties).action.should.equal('wbsetreference')
it('should format the data for a url', () => {
const params = { guid, property: 'P7', value: 'http://foo.bar' }
setReference(params, properties).data.should.deepEqual({
statement: guid,
snaks: '{"P7":[{"property":"P7","snaktype":"value","datavalue":{"type":"string","value":"http://foo.bar"}}]}'
it('should set a reference with a special snaktype', () => {
const params = { guid, property: 'P7', value: { snaktype: 'somevalue' } }
setReference(params, properties).data.should.deepEqual({
statement: guid,
snaks: '{"P7":[{"snaktype":"somevalue","property":"P7"}]}'
it('should accept snaks', () => {
const snaks = {
P2: 'Q1',
P7: [
{ snaktype: 'somevalue' }
const params = { guid, snaks }
setReference(params, properties).data.should.deepEqual({
statement: guid,
snaks: '[{"property":"P2","snaktype":"value","datavalue":{"type":"wikibase-entityid","value":{"entity-type":"item","numeric-id":1}}},{"property":"P7","snaktype":"value","datavalue":{"type":"string","value":"http://foo.bar"}},{"snaktype":"somevalue","property":"P7"}]'
it('should accept a hash', () => {
const params = { guid, property: 'P2', value: 'Q1', hash }
setReference(params, properties).data.reference.should.equal(hash)