1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Fredrik Johansson
This file is part of FLINT.
FLINT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef ARITH_H
#define ARITH_H
#define ARITH_INLINE static __inline__
#include <gmp.h>
#include <mpfr.h>
#include "flint.h"
#include "fmpz.h"
#include "fmpz_mat.h"
#include "fmpz_poly.h"
#include "fmpq_poly.h"
#include "fmpq.h"
#include "double_extras.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* MPFR extras ***************************************************************/
FLINT_DLL void mpfr_zeta_inv_euler_product(mpfr_t res, ulong s, int char_4);
/* Various arithmetic functions **********************************************/
#define arith_primorial fmpz_primorial
FLINT_DLL void _arith_harmonic_number(fmpz_t num, fmpz_t den, slong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_harmonic_number(fmpq_t x, slong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_ramanujan_tau(fmpz_t res, const fmpz_t n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_ramanujan_tau_series(fmpz_poly_t res, slong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_divisors(fmpz_poly_t res, const fmpz_t n);
#define arith_divisor_sigma fmpz_divisor_sigma
#define arith_moebius_mu fmpz_moebius_mu
#define arith_euler_phi fmpz_euler_phi
/* Stirling numbers **********************************************************/
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_number_1u(fmpz_t s, slong n, slong k);
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_number_1(fmpz_t s, slong n, slong k);
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_number_2(fmpz_t s, slong n, slong k);
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_number_1u_vec(fmpz * row, slong n, slong klen);
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_number_1_vec(fmpz * row, slong n, slong klen);
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_number_2_vec(fmpz * row, slong n, slong klen);
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_number_1u_vec_next(fmpz * row,
const fmpz * prev, slong n, slong klen);
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_number_1_vec_next(fmpz * row,
const fmpz * prev, slong n, slong klen);
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_number_2_vec_next(fmpz * row,
const fmpz * prev, slong n, slong klen);
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_matrix_1u(fmpz_mat_t mat);
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_matrix_1(fmpz_mat_t mat);
FLINT_DLL void arith_stirling_matrix_2(fmpz_mat_t mat);
/* Bell numbers **************************************************************/
#if FLINT64
extern const mp_limb_t bell_number_tab[];
FLINT_DLL double arith_bell_number_size(ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bell_number(fmpz_t b, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bell_number_bsplit(fmpz_t res, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bell_number_multi_mod(fmpz_t res, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bell_number_vec(fmpz * b, slong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bell_number_vec_recursive(fmpz * b, slong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bell_number_vec_multi_mod(fmpz * b, slong n);
FLINT_DLL mp_limb_t arith_bell_number_nmod(ulong n, nmod_t mod);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bell_number_nmod_vec(mp_ptr b, slong n, nmod_t mod);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bell_number_nmod_vec_recursive(mp_ptr b, slong n, nmod_t mod);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bell_number_nmod_vec_series(mp_ptr b, slong n, nmod_t mod);
/* Euler numbers *************************************************************/
#if FLINT64
static const mp_limb_t euler_number_small[] = {
UWORD(1), UWORD(1), UWORD(5), UWORD(61), UWORD(1385), UWORD(50521), UWORD(2702765),
#if FLINT64
UWORD(19391512145), UWORD(2404879675441), UWORD(370371188237525),
UWORD(69348874393137901), UWORD(15514534163557086905)
FLINT_DLL double arith_euler_number_size(ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_euler_number_vec(fmpz * res, slong n);
FLINT_DLL void _arith_euler_number_zeta(fmpz_t res, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_euler_number(fmpz_t res, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_euler_polynomial(fmpq_poly_t poly, ulong n);
/* Bernoulli numbers *********************************************************/
#if FLINT64
static const slong _bernoulli_numer_small[] = {
WORD(1), WORD(1), WORD(-1), WORD(1), WORD(-1), WORD(5), WORD(-691), WORD(7), WORD(-3617), WORD(43867), WORD(-174611), WORD(854513),
WORD(-236364091), WORD(8553103),
#if FLINT64
WORD(-23749461029), WORD(8615841276005), WORD(-7709321041217), WORD(2577687858367)
FLINT_DLL void _arith_bernoulli_number(fmpz_t num, fmpz_t den, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bernoulli_number(fmpq_t x, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void _arith_bernoulli_number_vec(fmpz * num, fmpz * den, slong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bernoulli_number_vec(fmpq * num, slong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bernoulli_number_denom(fmpz_t den, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL double arith_bernoulli_number_size(ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_bernoulli_polynomial(fmpq_poly_t poly, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void _arith_bernoulli_number_zeta(fmpz_t num, fmpz_t den, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void _arith_bernoulli_number_vec_multi_mod(fmpz * num, fmpz * den, slong n);
FLINT_DLL void _arith_bernoulli_number_vec_recursive(fmpz * num, fmpz * den, slong n);
FLINT_DLL void _arith_bernoulli_number_vec_zeta(fmpz * num, fmpz * den, slong n);
/* Cyclotomic polynomials ****************************************************/
#define _arith_cyclotomic_polynomial _fmpz_poly_cyclotomic
#define arith_cyclotomic_polynomial fmpz_poly_cyclotomic
FLINT_DLL void _arith_cos_minpoly(fmpz * coeffs, slong d, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_cos_minpoly(fmpz_poly_t poly, ulong n);
/* Hypergeometric polynomials ************************************************/
#define _arith_chebyshev_t_polynomial _fmpz_poly_chebyshev_t
#define arith_chebyshev_t_polynomial fmpz_poly_chebyshev_t
#define _arith_chebyshev_u_polynomial _fmpz_poly_chebyshev_u
#define arith_chebyshev_u_polynomial fmpz_poly_chebyshev_u
#define arith_legendre_polynomial fmpq_poly_legendre_p
/* Swinnerton-Dyer polynomials ***********************************************/
#define _arith_swinnerton_dyer_polynomial _fmpz_poly_swinnerton_dyer
#define arith_swinnerton_dyer_polynomial fmpz_poly_swinnerton_dyer
/* Landau function ***********************************************************/
FLINT_DLL void arith_landau_function_vec(fmpz * res, slong len);
/* Dedekind sums *************************************************************/
#define arith_dedekind_sum_naive fmpq_dedekind_sum_naive
#define arith_dedekind_sum fmpq_dedekind_sum
/* Exponential sums **********************************************************/
typedef struct
int n;
int prefactor;
mp_limb_t sqrt_p;
mp_limb_t sqrt_q;
mp_limb_signed_t cos_p[FLINT_BITS];
mp_limb_t cos_q[FLINT_BITS];
} trig_prod_struct;
typedef trig_prod_struct trig_prod_t[1];
void trig_prod_init(trig_prod_t sum)
sum->n = 0;
sum->prefactor = 1;
sum->sqrt_p = 1;
sum->sqrt_q = 1;
FLINT_DLL void arith_hrr_expsum_factored(trig_prod_t prod, mp_limb_t k, mp_limb_t n);
/* Number of partitions ******************************************************/
FLINT_DLL extern const unsigned int partitions_lookup[128];
FLINT_DLL void arith_number_of_partitions_nmod_vec(mp_ptr res, slong len, nmod_t mod);
FLINT_DLL void arith_number_of_partitions_vec(fmpz * res, slong len);
FLINT_DLL void arith_number_of_partitions_mpfr(mpfr_t x, ulong n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_number_of_partitions(fmpz_t x, ulong n);
/* Number of sums of squares representations *********************************/
FLINT_DLL void arith_sum_of_squares(fmpz_t r, ulong k, const fmpz_t n);
FLINT_DLL void arith_sum_of_squares_vec(fmpz * r, ulong k, slong n);
#ifdef __cplusplus