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open Unix
(* Atomically write OCaml value to file_descr for both block/nonblock mode *)
let marshal_write =
let rec write_rec fd s ofs len =
let len' =
try write fd s ofs len
with Unix_error ((EAGAIN|EWOULDBLOCK),_,_) when ofs > 0 -> 0 in
match len' with
| 0 -> ignore (select [] [fd] [] (-1.)); write_rec fd s ofs len
| _ when len' < len -> write_rec fd s (ofs len') (len - len')
| _ -> () in
fun v fd ->
let str = Marshal.to_string v [Marshal.Closures] in
write_rec fd (Bytes.of_string str) 0 (String.length str)
(* Atomically read OCaml value from file_descr for both block/nonblock mode *)
let marshal_read fd =
let bsize = Marshal.header_size 128 in
let buf = Bytes.create bsize in
let rec read_rec fd buf ofs len =
let len' =
try Some (read fd buf ofs len) with
| Unix_error (EAGAIN,_,_)
| Unix_error (EWOULDBLOCK,_,_) when ofs > 0 -> None
| e -> raise e in
match len' with
| Some 0 -> raise End_of_file
| Some l when l = len -> ()
| Some l -> read_rec fd buf (ofs l) (len -l)
| None -> ignore (select [fd] [] [] (-1.)); read_rec fd buf ofs len in
read_rec fd buf 0 Marshal.header_size;
let data_size = Marshal.data_size buf 0 in
let total_size = Marshal.header_size data_size in
let buf =
if total_size <= Bytes.length buf then buf else
let ext_buf = Bytes.create total_size in
Bytes.blit buf 0 ext_buf 0 Marshal.header_size;
ext_buf in
read_rec fd buf Marshal.header_size data_size;
Marshal.from_string (Bytes.to_string buf) 0