1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165
; ACL2 Version 1.9
; Copyright (C) 1989-1996 Computational Logic, Inc. (CLI). All rights reserved.
; Use of this software constitutes agreement with the terms of the
; license agreement, found in the file LICENSE.
(in-package "USER")
(load-base "latex-init")
; infix-ops (infix operators) should be function symbols of two or more
; arguments for which it is desired that one symbol come out between every
; adjacent pair of arguments. E.g., invoking (make-infix-op plus " ") causes
; the term (plus a b c d) to be printed as (a $ $ b $ $ c $ $ d). Invoking
; (make-infix-op equal "=" "\\not=") causes the term (equal x y) to be printed
; as (x $=$ y) and it also causes the term (not (equal x y)) to be printed as
; (x $\not= y).
; Thus, for example, if one introduces a new function, say join, and wants to
; print terms of the form (join x y) as (x \bigtriangledown y), cf. p. 44 of
; the Latex manual, then one should invoke:
; (make-infix-op join "\\bigtriangledown")
; from Lisp. That is all that need be done to cause infix-file to subsequently
; print `join' terms this way.
; Note that throughout the following examples, we have used two backslashes to
; get one because, in Common Lisp, backslash is a character for quoting other
; characters.
; Examples of make-infix-op.
(make-infix-op eq "=_{eq}" "\\not=_{eq}")
(make-infix-op = "=_{n}" "\\not=_{n}")
(make-infix-op equal "=" "\\not=")
(make-infix-op lessp "<" "\\not<")
(make-infix-op < "<" "\\not<")
(make-infix-op e0-ord-< "\\leq_\\epsilon" "\\not\\leq_\\epsilon")
(make-infix-op leq "\\leq" "\\not\\leq")
(make-infix-op <= "\\leq" "\\not\\leq")
(make-infix-op greaterp ">" "\\not>")
(make-infix-op > ">" "\\not>")
(make-infix-op geq "\\geq" "\\not\\geq")
(make-infix-op >= "\\geq" "\\not\\geq")
(make-infix-op member "\\in" "\\not\\in")
(make-infix-op append " @ ")
(make-infix-op implies "\\rightarrow")
(make-infix-op iff "\\leftrightarrow")
(make-infix-op / "/")
(make-infix-op remainder "{\\rm\\bf{mod}}")
(make-infix-op union "\\cup")
(make-infix-op " ")
(make-infix-op - "-")
(make-infix-op * "*")
(make-infix-op and "\\wedge")
(make-infix-op or "\\vee")
(make-infix-op congruent "\\cong")
(defun zerop-printer (term)
(infix-print-term1 (list 'congruent (cadr term) 0)))
(declare-fn-printer zerop (function zerop-printer))
(make-infix-op intersection-theories "\\cap")
(make-infix-op set-difference-theories "{\\rm\\bf{less}}")
(make-infix-op union-theories "\\cup")
; Use make-unary-prefix-op and make-unary-suffix-op only for function symbols
; of one argument. The string str (or *neg-str*) will be printed before or
; after the argument.
; unary-suffix-ops should be unary function symbols.
; (make-unary-suffix-op foo x str) makes (foo x) print as (x $str$).
; Examples of make-unary-suffix-op.
(make-unary-suffix-op sub1 "-\\;1")
(make-unary-suffix-op numberp "\\in {\\rm\\bf{N}}" "\\not\\in {\\rm\\bf{N}}")
(make-unary-suffix-op zerop "\\simeq {\\tt{0}}" "\\not\\simeq {\\tt{0}}")
;; (make-unary-suffix-op nlistp "\\simeq {\\rm{\\bf{nil}}}" "\\not\\simeq {\\rm{\\bf{nil}}}")
; unary-prefix-ops should be unary function symbols.
; (make-unary-prefix-op foo str) makes (foo x) print as ($str$ x).
; Examples of make-unary-prefix-op.
(make-unary-prefix-op 1 "1\\; ")
(make-unary-prefix-op minus "-")
; unary-abs-ops should be unary function symbols.
; To create syntax like that for absolute value, use (make-unary-absolute-op
; lhs-str rhs-str), where lhs-str and rhs-str are the strings to print on the
; left and right of the argument. (make-unary-abs-op foo str1 str2) makes (foo
; x) print as (str1 x str2). See the example for abs below.
(defun simple-extension ()
; Here are a few examples of normal mathematical notation for functions not in
; the bootstrap. Invoke this function to put these into effect.
(make-unary-abs-op abs "\\mid" "\\mid")
(make-unary-suffix-op fact "{\\rm{!}}")
(make-infix-op subsetp "\\subset" "\\not\\subset")
(make-infix-op intersect "\\cap"))
(defun dmg-syntax ()
; Here are some examples once tentatively proposed by David Goldschlag for his
; work. Invoke this function to put these into effect.
; prefix-multiple-op's should be function symbols that take as many arguments as
; make-prefix-multiple-op is given arguments. (make-prefix-multiple-op foo str1
; str2) makes (foo x y) print as ($str1$ x $str2$ y). That is, the first string
; comes first.
(make-prefix-multiple-op invariant "\\Box" "{\\rm\\bf{in}}")
(make-prefix-multiple-op eventually-stable "\\Diamond\\Box" "{\\rm\\bf{in}}")
; infix-multiple-op's should be function symbols that take one more argument
; than make-infix-multiple-op is given arguments. (make-infix-multiple-op foo
; str1 str2) makes (foo x y z) print as (x $str1$ y $str2$ z). That is, the
; strings are placed between adjacent arguments.
(make-infix-multiple-op leads-to "\\mapsto" "{\\rm\\bf{in}}")
(make-infix-multiple-op unless "{\\rm\\bf{unless}}" "{\\rm\\bf{in}}")
(make-infix-multiple-op ensures "{\\rm\\bf{ensures}}" "{\\rm\\bf{in}}")
(make-infix-multiple-op e-ensures "\,${\\rm\\bf{e-ensures}}$\," "{\\rm\\bf{for}}"
(make-infix-multiple-op n "\\leadsto" "{\\rm\\bf{by}}")
(make-infix-multiple-op initial-condition "{\\rm{\\bf{initially\\;in}}}"))
; Undoing. To cause applications of a function symbol fn to be printed in the
; default way, i.e., fn(x, y), invoke (clean-up 'fn).
(defparameter *do-not-index-calls-of*
(union *do-not-index-calls-of*
'(implies and or not if cond
implies iff union
eq = equal
le < > ge leq <= geq >= lessp e0-ord-<
member append
- * / remainder
union intersection
car cadr cdr cddr caddr cons consp
disable force integerp member-equal null
stringp symbolp true-listp alistp)))