Package: tox-uv / 1.17.0-1


Package Version Patches format
tox-uv 1.17.0-1 3.0 (quilt)

Patch series

view the series file
Patch File delta Description
find_uv_bin.patch | (download)

src/tox_uv/ | 2 1 1 - 0 !
src/tox_uv/ | 41 41 0 - 0 !
src/tox_uv/ | 2 1 1 - 0 !
3 files changed, 43 insertions( ), 2 deletions(-)

 embed find_uv_bin from uv
 As we don't have uv in Debian, and judging from its (Rust) build dependency
 list, won't for the foreseeable future, embed the single function that
 comprises the Python code here.
 This allows tox-uv, and thus tox, to function as long as "uv" is in the user's
 path, such as for example when installed using the official uv "curl | sh"
 installer, or using "pipx install uv".
 The code here was picked from uv 0.2.12, is authored by Astral Software Inc.,
 and dual-licensed under the MIT (Expat) and Apache 2.0 licenses.