Package: pngphoon / 1.3-3.1


Package Version Patches format
pngphoon 1.3-3.1 3.0 (quilt)

Patch series

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Patch File delta Description
Fix incorrect pointer and change to time_t.patch | (download)

tws.c | 13 7 + 6 - 0 !
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

 fix incorrect pointer type and change to time_t
 Altered pointer comparison in dlocaltime function to properly check for NULL.
 Replaced the incorrect check `clock == (long*) 0` with `!clock` to ensure the
 pointer validation is done safely.
 Changed the return value to `NULL` instead of an invalid cast to
 `(struct tws*) 0` to follow proper C conventions and improve clarity.
 Ensures better readability and prevents potential pointer-related type errors.