Package: librecast / 0.5.1-4


Package Version Patches format
librecast 0.5.1-4 3.0 (quilt)

Patch series

view the series file
Patch File delta Description
0003 test 0012 replace signal handler with sem_timedwait.patch | (download)

test/0000-0012.c | 28 13 15 - 0 !
1 file changed, 13 insertions( ), 15 deletions(-)

 [patch 3/3] test 0012: replace signal handler with sem_timedwait()

more robust timeout

0004 src Directly symlink so ABI version.patch | (download)

src/ | 2 1 1 - 0 !
1 file changed, 1 insertion( ), 1 deletion(-)

 [patch 4/4] src/ directly symlink .so abi version.

This fixes cross-building on incompatible architectures (e.g. building
arm packages on x86_64), where ldconfig refuses to create the symlink
when it does not recognize the non-native architecture.

We already symlink the unversioned .so, so may as well do the same for
the symlinked .so ABI version.