Package: hopscotch-map / 2.3.0-3


Package Version Patches format
hopscotch-map 2.3.0-3 3.0 (quilt)

Patch series

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Patch File delta Description
0001 When using C 17 std launder the reinterpreted pointe.patch | (download)

include/tsl/hopscotch_hash.h | 11 11 0 - 0 !
1 file changed, 11 insertions( )

 [patch] when using c  17, std::launder the reinterpreted pointer from
 std::aligned_storage to adapt to the change of object model introduced in
 P0137R1. Fix potential undefined behaviour.

C  17 introduced a change in the object model with P0137R1 which now requires the reinterpreted pointer from std::aligned_storage to be laundered. See the following discussion for some details