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Description: adjust path to epam binary
Adjust the default path name of the epam binary for Debian.
Author: Philipp Huebner <[email protected]>
Forwarded: not-needed
Index: erlang-p1-pam/src/epam.erl
--- erlang-p1-pam.orig/src/epam.erl
@@ -94,7 94,7 @@ acct_mgmt(Srv, User, Timeout)
gen_server:call(?PROCNAME, {acct_mgmt, Srv, User}, Timeout).
init([]) ->
- FileName = filename:join(get_bin_path(), "epam"),
FileName = "/usr/lib/erlang/p1_pam/bin/epam",
case file:read_file_info(FileName) of
{ok, Info} ->
Mode = Info#file_info.mode band 2049,